BKFC Knucklemania V

Discussion in 'MMA Forum' started by drenlou, Jan 25, 2025.

  1. drenlou

    drenlou VIP Member Full Member

    Jan 22, 2015
    It looks like Stephens broke Alvarez' jaw, and it's over in the 3rd. This sport is brutal it's in actuality a high level street fight between trained fighters who are licensed pros. It's entertaining but man these guys take a lot of damage to the face.
    Ph33rknot likes this.
  2. drenlou

    drenlou VIP Member Full Member

    Jan 22, 2015
    McG wants that BKFC smoke. Lol
  3. Badbot

    Badbot I Am An Actual Pro. Full Member

    Apr 17, 2011
    I just finished watching Joey Dawejko´s pro debut, and it could not have gone worse for him. Dawejko was up against some giant tub of lard, and it looked like easy pickins in the first round. Dawejko could not miss with that left hook, and for a moment I thought that Joey might be a force in this sport, like Austin Trout is.
    But then in the second round Dawejko ran out of steam and the giant tub of lard just grinded him down. The stoppage was so pitiful because Dawejko didn´t really get beaten down, he just had no fight in him and was not fighting back.

    But it is what it is. Dawejko got his chin cracked back in 2021 and has been slowly going downhill since.
  4. Badbot

    Badbot I Am An Actual Pro. Full Member

    Apr 17, 2011
    Thomilson Jr vs Sullivan was one of the cleanest, most brutal KO´s I have seen in a while. Rare to see someone go so limp, it was like the dude got shot in the head. And then his neck snapped on the lower "ropes", which was scary.
    When he woke up, he was completely confused and had no idea what had happened.

    Ben Rothwell taking the Heavyweight belt with one of the most telegraphed right hands was simply hilarious. He could not have made his intentions more clear, and the champ ran face first into it.

    Alvarez vs Stephens was the best technical fight of the night, and worth the watch. But it was kinda sad to see Alvarez just give up, but he was clearly hurt, and all these wars have taken a toll on him. I don´t think he could have turned this around either. It is what it is, time to hand up the handwraps.
    Hopefully I will never have to hear Eddie´s wife screech again. I get rooting for your man, but she takes it way too far.
    McGregor would likely get stopped by Stephens at this point.

    Overall, another card with a ridiculous amount of knockdowns. Some dude ate the canvas five times in five rounds, and he himself scored two knockdowns! It is a very entertaining sport, mainly due to the pacing and violent bareknuckle is, but I don´t see how any of these guys are going to have long careers. :lol: Every fight was basically two guys trying to brute force themselves to victory, little actual boxing took place. Then again, majority in the sport right now are just mindless brawlers, so this sport could evolve a bit if better talent enters, but that remains to be seen.

    Ring girls looked ugly as hell.
    elmaldito and Ph33rknot like this.
  5. elmaldito

    elmaldito Skillz Full Member

    Jun 11, 2009
    get his ass beat
    Badbot likes this.
  6. Badbot

    Badbot I Am An Actual Pro. Full Member

    Apr 17, 2011
    Bareknuckle is all wrong for McGregor. Anyone half decent would simply tear him apart.
    He could make some changes and adapt to the sport, but I doubt it.