Boxing is a Business, We Fans Tend To Lose Sight Of That.

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by CST80, Sep 6, 2014.

  1. CST80

    CST80 Liminal Space Autochthon Staff Member

    Nov 23, 2013
    Your very myopic with what you see, I criticized Cotto, Quillen, Mayweather, Haymon, but of course your pro Cotto bias overwhelmed, and blinded you to any other criticism. I wrote the thread to point out why it makes good business sense for a lot of top fighters to duck someone, that would make many of them cowards for doing so, Why, because they can lose to tough opponents and they don't feel its worth the economic and physical risk.

    Also I would look like a hypocrite if I didn't criticize Cotto, at least I'm being consistent, but if it makes you happy Marquez is just as big of a ***** if not bigger than Cotto for ducking a 5th Pacquiao fight. Cotto would lose badly to GGG, as would my favorite Sergio Martinez, who also ducked him, they both ducked him for good reason.
  2. CST80

    CST80 Liminal Space Autochthon Staff Member

    Nov 23, 2013
    Yes it is, that's why it makes good business sense to avoid putting the likes of Rigo, Ward, Charlos, Lara etc. on TV they are not entertaining in the least. I want entertaining fights, I don't agree with physically and economically based ducking but if I were in the promoting business I'm sure I would have a different opinion, as would you.
  3. Super Hans

    Super Hans The Super One™ banned

    Apr 18, 2013

    I didn't say I didn't enjoy it but I'm not a casual fan. I take time to seek out stuff like the fights in Japan this weekend.

    The casual fan obviously didn't enjoy it and has no inclination to watch Rigo again. Hence, his fight with Agbeko pulling the worse TV ratings of any HBO show last year and Rigo basically being given a lifetime TV ban by HBO.

    That's why fighters aren't queuing up to fight him. The majority of boxing revenue comes from TV- a fight with Rigo and you are banished to a shitty channel or not on at all, when you can make much more money for easier fights. And people will try and argue the reason people are ducking Rigo is because he 'so good'. But if that is the case why does every man and his dog want to fight Mayweather.

    What part of boxing being a business do you fail to grasp?
  4. Techniques

    Techniques Well-Known Member Full Member

    Jan 23, 2011
    Sounds like a bunch of excuses for cherry picking
  5. cool-cat

    cool-cat Well-Known Member Full Member

    May 9, 2008
    It is a business and we are the customer and e expect a certain amount of quality for the product we are buying, the customer is always right?
  6. jim jim

    jim jim Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jun 2, 2014
    if we all have that attitude well never get any good fights
  7. C.J.

    C.J. Boxings Living Legend revered & respected by all Full Member

    Apr 14, 2009
    Fighters are the ones that DESERVE to make the $$$$$$$ Sadly the bulk of the $$$$$ is taken by the leeches that have never thrown or taken a punch in their lives :firedevil
  8. Super Hans

    Super Hans The Super One™ banned

    Apr 18, 2013

    Yes and they would get more customers for Brook vs Khan than Brook v Thurman, more customers for Canelo v Cotto than Cotto v GGG, more customers for Fampton v Quigg than Frampton v Rigo, more customers for Mayweather v Danny Garcia than Mayweather v Lara, more customers for GGG v Chavez jr than GGG v Ward and so on and so forth.
  9. Bustajay

    Bustajay Feel the Steel/Balls Deep Full Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    Well Uncle Bob is trying to change all that and we all know boxing is up there next to "Football" in the UK:good

    Mexico loves boxing too:good
    The bigger issue to me is there are so many casual fans in the USA that do not understand boxing and only know a few names....**** some still only know Floyd, PAC, BHOP and still talk about Iron Mike as if he retired right before the movie Hangover:patsch

    Most of my buddies that show up for PPV at my house parties could not tell you anything about The Cobra, Khan, Stevern or even Wilder:patsch

    Promotors take all the $ risk and the boxer takes the physical :dead risk

    Nice post:good

  10. texboxing00

    texboxing00 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jul 16, 2010
    I don't think fans have lost sight of boxing being a buisness, I think buisness has lost sight of boxing being a sport. Boxing has always been about buisness but it was well balanced, champions got their money and fans got the fights they wanted. Now investors call the shots and protect alot of their fighters. Any one notice how all boxers now say "it's up to my promorter" .
  11. big moose

    big moose Active Member Full Member

    May 16, 2010
    I keep seeing / hearing that from US bloggers / podcasters. Sorry, but it's complete rubbish. Football is the overwhelming juggernaut in the public's sporting affections. A large way after it, you have cricket, rugby union, rugby league, tennis, snooker, darts before boxing.

    Most folk in the UK know virtually nothing about boxing. 99% of the population will never have heard of Manny or Floyd etc. Every so often the tabloid press hype a one-off domestic fight, and people take an interest - and some buy a ticket if it's adjudged to be an "event". Immediately afterwards though, the public interest returns to 'Celebrity Dancing on Ice' or 'X-Factor'; a week later and and the average passerby would not be able to tell you who fought. It's like when NFL teams play in the UK. They fill Wembley but that's the entirety of the UK gridiron fanbase turning up for a one-off - not any evidence of a genuine public interest (as the failures to get a domestic gridiron scene showed - there's no real depth).

    What boxing does have is a very dedicated fan base - that makes up for its small size with a willingness to attend everything of any note. But don't confuse the avidity of confirmed boxing fans with a more general enthusiasm.
  12. Tancred

    Tancred Boxing Junkie Full Member

    May 2, 2014
    They can be a bit negative but they have very good skill levels that you can obviously not see
  13. Tancred

    Tancred Boxing Junkie Full Member

    May 2, 2014

    To many belts make the sport less exciting less belts then these fighters would have to fight better opposition
  14. Tancred

    Tancred Boxing Junkie Full Member

    May 2, 2014
    It's always been a bit of a dirty sport on the outside of the ropes
  15. ashishwarrior

    ashishwarrior VIP Member Full Member

    Apr 19, 2010
    they are reluctant to fight him because they know he will beat their ass

    as for HBO ratings I don't give a sh it