I only had 7 pro bouts, long story there. I was fighting out of Galaxy, Bronco McCart and Tarrick Salmaci were my daily work (back to back). Sparring I threw with who ever wanted to throw fists. My trainer took me to many Detroit gyms. When we'd enter the gyms Johnny would slam the rec center door against the cinder blocks and yell "I gotta little whiteboy here says he's agonna kick all y'all asses, who's first". I had lines wanting to throw with me. After the first night those lines quickly dwindled. I threw with whoever wanted to: Anthoney Jones, James Toney, Dennis Andries, John Scully (even though he says that we never worked because he never wrote it in his little boxing diary). I threw with anybody. We were going to the Detroit gyms for about 6 months. Those are just the ones that I remember, there were many others. I actually designed the Galaxy logo, for Jackie, when I was about 17 years old and she was getting started. I was fighting at The Palace of Auburn Hills when I walked away from it all. Me walking away was the biggest mistake of my life.
It's a long story that I'd rather not get into. Basically it was a beach and her lies. It was in no way Jackie though. I loved that lady, still do. I walked in off the street to the Contender auditions. I saw her, walked up, hugged her and kissed her on the cheek. One great lady. She said that I shouldn't have done that considering that she was on the show.
All listed on page 2 of this thread. [url]https://www.boxingforum24.com/members/tony-bellew.37953/[/url] He is the 2nd most famous Tony on the forum after Tony Hayers
The gentleman from Puerto Rico that murdered his pregnant mistress and threw her in the ocean was on here for a bit. I think he was eventually banned for some unrelated matters. In any event I doubt he's still on
I remember Tarick Salmaci from the first Contender series. He was good. Unfortunate he came up against so many good boxers in that series.