Brook/Hatton & Martinez/Macklin RbR!!! *NO SPOILERS!*

Discussion in 'British Boxing Forum' started by ishy, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. chatty

    chatty Boxing Addict Full Member

    Aug 18, 2009
    i thought it was martinez up by 4 on two scorecards??????
  2. LP_1985

    LP_1985 JMM beat Pac-Man 3 Times Full Member

    Sep 6, 2009
    no had Martinez up 4 points
  3. sportofkings

    sportofkings Boxing Junkie banned

    Jul 21, 2010
    Decent performance by Macklin all things considered. Sergio is just class once he figures his opponents out. I feel Macklin had the right game plan, he would just have been knocked out quicker if he fought a pure pressure fighter style.
  4. roe

    roe Guest

    None of the judges had Macklin up but Julie Lederman had it level going into the 11th, which would've been a 10-7 round had Macklin come out for the 12th.
  5. jimmypince

    jimmypince Active Member Full Member

    Oct 4, 2009
    Newbon said " Two judges had him leading Martinez by 4 points and the other judge had it level"
  6. roe

    roe Guest

    Newbon is an idiot.
  7. hitman_hatton1

    hitman_hatton1 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jul 19, 2004
    what is it joe bugner once said about the frazier fight.

    i knew if i took too many chances i'd get a beating. :yep
  8. Rob887

    Rob887 Boxing Addict Full Member

    May 14, 2011
    Thought Macklin's corner did the right thing.
  9. slip&counter

    slip&counter Gimme some X's and O's Full Member

    Jul 23, 2008
    I thought Macklin had a very good gameplan. He just wasn't good enough to maintain it and his defensive reflexes were not good enough to avoid Martinez power shots as he tired mentally more than anything, because what he was doing requires a lot of thinking and anticipating. He fought a intelligent fight early and hit Martinez perhaps more than anyone has for quite a while. He was doing all the things you need to do against a southpaw in those rounds and giving himself a good chance. He was feinting, not overcommitting, timing right hands to body and sometimes even head and keeping his lead foot on the outside.

    As Martinez stepped up the gears and adjusted he just couldn't keep up in the exchanges as Martinez' speed is just so superior. If he pressed the fight early he would've got stopped sooner and taken much more punishment too. He surprised me. I didn't think he had that in him to be honest, i was expecting him to be taken out early as he bushrushed Martinez. He also surprised Martinez himself as Sergio admitted in the interview with HBO. He was expecting Macklin to come head first at him and he had to adjust once Macklin started playing chess with him.
  10. jimmypince

    jimmypince Active Member Full Member

    Oct 4, 2009
    Tho i belive someone said eariler he was stoned, more like senile i would have thought
  11. Pecsaetan

    Pecsaetan It's egg in soup! Full Member

    Nov 6, 2009
    105-101 Martinez
    105-101 Martinez

    AFTER the 11th.
  12. sportofkings

    sportofkings Boxing Junkie banned

    Jul 21, 2010
    The scorecards were poor enough alright though, I wouldnt have given Macklin any more than 3 rounds.
  13. roe

    roe Guest

    Oh right my bad.

    Fair enough. Can't really disagree here. Maybe I'm just trying to be critical for no reason again :lol:
  14. kosaros

    kosaros Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jul 21, 2008
    Great effort by Macklin, couldn't have asked for more really.

    Top night of boxing on Sky tonight :good
  15. jimmypince

    jimmypince Active Member Full Member

    Oct 4, 2009
    Newbon having a bit of a mare, he cant even pronounce Morales's name now the silly old buzzard.