Brook/Hatton & Martinez/Macklin RbR!!! *NO SPOILERS!*

Discussion in 'British Boxing Forum' started by ishy, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. LP_1985

    LP_1985 JMM beat Pac-Man 3 Times Full Member

    Sep 6, 2009
    Close fight could of gone either way, Proska cut from second due to headbutt, work rate caught the judges eye more than quality of shots from proska
  2. ShaneTheSherrif

    ShaneTheSherrif Active Member Full Member

    May 1, 2009
    I had Brook points/Martinez stoppage double and both were a bit too close for comfort! Hatton looked like he was on his last legs from the early stages but fair play to him for hanging in there. Kell started off very brightly but he seems to struggle to finish people off when he has them hurt. Macklin put up a good showing but Martinez was too good.
  3. widdy

    widdy lancs,where real men live Full Member

    Aug 19, 2008
    enjoyed every punch thrown and landed by brook,im not brooks biggest fan but loved it last night,hatton was way out of his depth,brook never seems to come out of 1st gear though,think he needs more confidence.
    hatton should stick around at british level now and give up and comers someone to hit for a few rounds.
    and a big well done to kerry hope,thought the pole was to **** sure and was glad hope out fought him
  4. Boro chris

    Boro chris Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Mar 14, 2005
    That's more akin to suicide by cop.
  5. Lazarus

    Lazarus Realist Full Member

    Jan 1, 2010
    How did Martinez-Macklin go down? I just checked the scores.

    101-105 | 101-105 | 103-103

    I'm guessing Macklin didn't do too bad, seeing them scorecards?
  6. dftaylor

    dftaylor Writer, fanatic Full Member

    May 7, 2010
    Other than Lederman's score (which was eerily like her father's), they were pretty fair. Macklin did ok although I think, as with Barker and Chisora recently, got too much credit for the little he did do.

    But he used some nice moves and technical attributes to give Martinez trouble. What he lacked was world-class speed and power to even up the gap. As usual, his stamina and lack of focus down the stretch cost him.
  7. TFFP

    TFFP The Eskimo

    Nov 28, 2007
    Proksa seemed to come in and throw bombs for the first 2 rounds, I think he thought like everybody else that it was a mismatch and he'd get him out early. It did look at that point like it'd happen.

    But through rounds 3, 4 and 5 Hope started to get a foothold, accidental clash of heads caused a fairly nasty cut on Proksa. But it wasn't that which really hindered him although it seemed to give Hope more confidence, he seemed to run out of gas. He either has naturally poor stamina or didn't train for this seriously.

    Hope just got more and more confidence and started to outwork him, through the middle rounds he actually pushed Proksa back as the Pole's strength and power sapped. He'd still land the odd quality punch but it was no longer affecting Hope and the Welshman continued to push him back and outwork him. I was surprised Hope got the decision but either way couldn't argue with it, he completely outworked Proksa inbetween the few cleaner shots Proksa landed.

    Proksa would have many concerns coming out of this, VERY poor stamina, didn't deal with adversity well with the cut, his power wasn't too effective against Hope, got hit with the southpaw jab all night, was easily backed up and although he showed cute moves on the ropes at times he also got hit by the long right hand. His footwork was bordering on farcical, it actually was like he was drunk, especially when he tired.
  8. SkillspayBills

    SkillspayBills Mandanda Running E-Pen Full Member

    Oct 3, 2011
    I saw the last round this morning, Martinez was **** taking with that lead left hand. Threw about 5 without using his jab he knew Macklin was ready to go.

    Was the display better then Barkers?. I saw Macklin using a more relaxed american type guard.
  9. chrisfinch

    chrisfinch Boxing Addict Full Member

    Mar 21, 2009
    Lederman Snr had Martinez up comfortably after 11, Julie had it level at 103.
  10. dftaylor

    dftaylor Writer, fanatic Full Member

    May 7, 2010
    I'm pretty sure they had similar views on the first half of the fight. Didn't see Lederman Sr's final card.
  11. miguel2010

    miguel2010 His hands are his weapons Full Member

    Sep 13, 2010
    How long he been with Evian man?

    That will be that then?
  12. pathmanc1986

    pathmanc1986 Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Oct 4, 2008

    interesting, cheers man. i thought proska would be properly in the mix on world level in the next 12 / 18 months, i guess he has a few things to work on yet
  13. Bryn

    Bryn Boxing Junkie banned

    Sep 22, 2011
    Gutted I missed the big unification fight, I take it that Brook won. I was in bed by 10. :-(
  14. WalletInspector

    WalletInspector Obsessed with Boxing banned

    Jan 1, 2010
    Told you! :D
  15. Bryn

    Bryn Boxing Junkie banned

    Sep 22, 2011

    You certainly are wise beyond your years, Wallet.

    I'm going to give the fight a watch now, already seen the Maravilla one - going to have a scout through this thread now to see what everyones thoughts were/are. :good