Bruce Lee

Discussion in 'MMA Forum' started by tomasi80, Apr 25, 2008.

  1. fists of fury

    fists of fury Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Oct 25, 2006
    Bruce would kill SRL. :hey
  2. sugarkills

    sugarkills Active Member Full Member

    Sep 14, 2004
    What makes you think that?
  3. don owens

    don owens Boxing Junkie Full Member

    May 5, 2005
    Lee would have his be knocked out in amateur competition. pro competition would not be pretty.
  4. don owens

    don owens Boxing Junkie Full Member

    May 5, 2005
    typed too fast, sorry. lee would be knocked out in amateur competition. period.
  5. sugarngold

    sugarngold RIDDUM Full Member

    Jun 10, 2007
    Bruce had natural assets such as strength, speed and endurance that would have aided him in any sport provided he dedicated himself to it.

    However Bruce's true strengths lie in his ability to adapt to any situation. If you are fighting a boxer - then take him out of his element to groundfighting or kick his legs out from under him. If you're fighting a jiujitsuan - then force him to fight you standing and keep him out of his element. If you're fighting a Mixed Martial Artist - then introduce him to street techniques such as getting kicked with a boot or choking them with a shirt collar.

    The variations are endless.
  6. Jango67

    Jango67 New Member Full Member

    Dec 26, 2023
    Unfortunately the only recorded fight that
    Bruce Lee had was amature boxing match against Gary Elms which Bruce won after knocking Gary down several times. After the fight Gary was quoted as saying Bruce punched like a mule. Bruce was later quoted as saying, the problem with ring fights is there's too many rules.
    A few years later Bruce was challenged in a sparring boxing match by pro boxer,
    Joey Orbillo , who later admitted trying to stop Bruce's punches was like trying to catch smoke.
    And was not able to land a single hit on Bruce. Both of those incidents can be found doing a little research ie Google. For the people who still doubt
    Bruce's abilities I suggest reading the book :
    Bruce Lee The Untold story. Which chronicles Bruce's early training and street fights with gang members.
  7. Jango67

    Jango67 New Member Full Member

    Dec 26, 2023
    Research is the key , Bruce's only recorded boxing match against Gary Elms which Bruce won after knocking Gary down several times. Years later Bruce would have a sparring match with pro
    Boxer Joey Orbillo Later Joey admitted in his book how he lost that sparring match against
    Bruce Lee, Joey was quoted as saying trying to stop Bruce's punches was like trying to grab smoke .and was not able to land a single punch on Bruce.. There is a book that chronicles Bruce's early training and street fights in Hong Kong with gang members. It's called :
    Bruce Lee the untold story ..
  8. David Street

    David Street New Member Full Member

    Oct 19, 2023
    Bruce Lee even the name has come to mean "the best & hardest worker in marital arts". Even cartoons like Naruto must use such characters like Rock Lee to associate with hard work and skills developed from hard work. Why do you think the UFC main guy in the monopoly lawsuit is Cung Le UFC tried hard pulled all kinds of tricks to keep him, that name value was well used. And why do you think One Championships clings so hard to the Lee family bringing in the younger Lee siblings and selling them hard as prodigies?