Work those abs. Medicine ball stuff too. In general, the studies I read back in the day favored pushing exercises to prepare for boxing rather than pulling (so pushups/bench press/leg press/military press vs. curls and things of those nature). Those were from both U.S. and Cuban/Soviet Olympic programs. Of course with almost all training ‘science,’ wait about 5-10 years and they’ll tell you that exactly the opposite of what was cutting edge then is how you’re ‘really’ supposed to do it. Like with nutrition/prefight meal: It was all carbs when I was training fighters, but I notice Ray Robinson would have steak. Just imagine how good he’d have been if he did things the proper way, lol. I like what Emmanuel Steward said once about prefight meal: Let the fighter eat what he’s comfortable with. If he likes McDonald’s, let him eat McDonald’s. That’s better than introducing something that his body isn’t used to that might not digest as well.
I think 3 days of boxing and 3 days of calisthenics and roadwork are good for people who just want to be fit.
Some people said it would hurt my training but hey, all pro boxer trained calisthenics on the same day as boxing workout like Tyson, Marciano etc.
I think first boxer that did weight training with heavy weighta like 350 pound squat and good bench record is George Chuvalo. But Calisthenics are as good as weights maybe even better except legs workout.
Wonder I would not hurt my back long term cuz I heard that cross fit is not good for long term health.