Canelo vs GGG III - UK PPV?

Discussion in 'British Boxing Forum' started by TBC-ASAP, Jul 28, 2022.


    TBC-ASAP Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Sep 7, 2017
  2. Sonny1

    Sonny1 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Mar 11, 2013
    Completely agree. GGG was absolutely robbed the first time and it’s pretty much ruined his legacy, he’s become a bit of a forgotten middleweight champion. I’m surprised he’s taken this fight tbh, because if he doesn’t stop him, he hasn’t got a chance of winning a decision.
    Holler likes this.
  3. aaaaa

    aaaaa Ash banned Full Member

    Dec 19, 2020
    I’d absolutely love it if GGG could get the win over the ginger drug cheat. Think Hearn would top himself too.
    nurological and Sonny1 like this.
  4. Sonny1

    Sonny1 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Mar 11, 2013
    He’s made himself look a complete idiot. That plus now not having the sky marketing machine is losing him credibility. I used to like listening to his interviews, but now I can’t think of much worse.
  5. Sonny1

    Sonny1 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Mar 11, 2013
    If he wins it would be brilliant, but he’s just too old now.
  6. nurological

    nurological Boxing Junkie Full Member

    May 25, 2012
    Same here, routing for GGG but we all know he will need a KO especially now Canelo has taken another L
    EJC83 and aaaaa like this.
  7. Safin

    Safin Boxing Addict banned Full Member

    Aug 3, 2019
    People moaning about Alvarez and drugs when Golovkin is juiced out of his brains. Couch potatoes fed on mainstream sports media and YT videos. As if it weren't obvious enough, being professional sport, Golovkin gets more muscular and more vascular with each year that passes. Noobs are easily fooled. The man will be looking like Frank Zane by 2030 and people will still be calling Alvarez out on using drugs, like literally every other top level athlete.
  8. Wig

    Wig Boxing Addict Full Member

    May 31, 2010
    Which ranks higher on the juice scale?

    “juiced out of his brains”
    “juiced up to the gills”
    “juiced to the back teeth”

    I’m old school and tend to PLUMP for the old NAUTICAL reference but in the right context like the post above, “juiced out of his brains” can still pack one hell of a punch
    DoubleJab666 likes this.
  9. aaaaa

    aaaaa Ash banned Full Member

    Dec 19, 2020
    How triggered do you get whenever anyone mentions drugs/steroids :lol: either you take them yourself or you just feel you have to defend it because Fury got caught.
    hobby rider and Sonny1 like this.
  10. DoubleJab666

    DoubleJab666 Dot, dot, dot... Full Member

    Nov 9, 2015

    'Juiced out of his brains' suggests only the brain is impacted - and most juice heads are stupid. 'Juiced to the back teeth'... well who wants bigger gnashers?

    I agree, 'juiced up to the gills' is the outright ATG, H2H winner. Gills are literally the essence of life for a fish. If you get juiced that much, by definition, you're entirely juiced...
    Wig likes this.
  11. Sonny1

    Sonny1 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Mar 11, 2013
    So you are accusing literally all athletes in every sport of being on performance enhancing drugs?
  12. EJC83

    EJC83 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jan 20, 2019
    Yeah, didn't you know? Everyone is juiced to the gills 24/7, even the commentators, the camera crew, they're all on the juice, not a single person is exempt.
    DoubleJab666 and aaaaa like this.
  13. Wig

    Wig Boxing Addict Full Member

    May 31, 2010
    Fine analysis sir, I have nothing to add. Perhaps as close to a perfect post as we will find on the subject. “The essence of life” indeed. Exemplary stuff.
    DoubleJab666 likes this.
  14. sniffmybadger

    sniffmybadger Relationships are not my forte Full Member

    Jan 20, 2010
    Juiced out of every orifice
  15. EJC83

    EJC83 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jan 20, 2019
    Watching the Bivol fight I didn't think Bivol did anything that was more dominant than what GGG did in the first fight, which I scored 9-3 in favour of the man from Kazakhstan. I'd like to think that if GGG fights like the first fight or the second half of the second he gets the deserved win. If he stops Alvarez I think I'd lose my mind, it would be the ultimate way to draw a line under everything and retire an ATG, which he already is in my eyes.
    ryanm8655 likes this.