ChrisKim47's Training Log

Discussion in 'Training Logs' started by ChrisKim47, Sep 16, 2009.

  1. ChrisKim47

    ChrisKim47 Active Member Full Member

    May 22, 2009
    Used to wrestle in a top 5 program here in Georgia. Finally decided to get back into shape 5 years into college. So I looked up the boxing gyms here in Atlanta. There were a few ones that were MMA oriented, but I was looking for the real stuff taught by real boxers. With a little research, I ended joining up Art of Boxing and am currently training with Johnny Gant in Atlanta.

    I started training around May, and had to take June and July off because of a sprained rotator cuff.
    My usual workouts last 2-3 hours: (3 min rounds w/ 30 sec break)

    EDIT: 6' 154 lbs (70kg) will fight in the 152 welterweight division

    4 rd Rope
    4 rd Shadowboxing
    4 rd Heavybag
    4 rd Speedbag
    4 rd working the mitts w/ Johnny Gant
    4 rd Heavybag

    circuit train this stuff:
    4x75 incline situps
    4x speedbag or 4x shadowboxing or 4x 30+ shoulder raises w/ light weights(side, front, and waist to chin)

    I usually do pushups in the morning, but I've had my left shoulder start giving me problems again. I'm going to hold off on the running because....
    I absolutely loathe it, and I still smoke cigarettes lol. I plan on resuming running once an event comes up.
    Real cool combo I just started throwing:
    Jab, Right uppercut, Right, Left Hook, Right, Double Jab, Right, Sidestep
  2. ChrisKim47

    ChrisKim47 Active Member Full Member

    May 22, 2009
    Went into the gym again today at around 6 this evening.
    Did the usual 15 mins or so of stretches, I really don't want to mess up my rotator cuff again. Seriously if I messed it up as bad as I did again, I would probably just hang them up for good.
    4x rope
    4x shadow
    4x heavybag
    4x speedbag (keep both hands up, I usually go 8 for each hand, or 2 for each hand. I think hitting the bag once per hand is gay.)
    Watched our 132 go at it with some kids from another gym. Schooled son....
    4x heavybag
    4x 75 incline situps -mixed in with
    4x 25 side
    4x 25 front
    4x 25 waist to chin shoulder raises
    4x shadow

    Left shoulder is still kinda shaky so I have been laying off the hooks on the heavybag. Although I have to say it does feel a lot better. This has been my routine 5-6 days a week for the past 3 months. This last month I decided to throw my last bit of cash, to work the mitts with JG. Overall the experience has been great, and I can't wait to start sparring and competing. My trainer says he doesn't make any short stops in the amateurs and he only goes to big competitions, so sounds like I'm headed in the right direction.
  3. ChrisKim47

    ChrisKim47 Active Member Full Member

    May 22, 2009
    Shoulders have been bothering me still, now its both of them kinda sucks. Been laying off the hooks on the heavybag. Found out there is the state PAL tourney here in ATL. JG says he'll see if I'm ready after I start sparring. Tells me I gotta stop smoking cigarettes, so I plan on cutting down a lot and throwing in some road work. October 10th here I come.

    4x rope
    4x shadow
    3x mitts w 16 oz instead of the 14 oz I usually use
    4x speedbag
    4x 75 situps
    4x 25 side
    4x 25 front
    4x 25 waist to chin shoulder raises
    1 Marlboro light peace.
  4. RDJ

    RDJ Boxing Junkie banned

    Sep 27, 2005
    Looks solid mate. Quitting smoking is something you will not regret, I guarantee you that much. I smoked for 13 years, in hindsight the most pointless and damaging thing I did my entire life.
  5. ChrisKim47

    ChrisKim47 Active Member Full Member

    May 22, 2009
    Took Friday off, cause I stayed up till 11 am, went to class and passed out. Went in today to do a workout. Gym usually closes at 3 on sat., but C will let me get my workout in.
    4x rope
    4x shadow
    4x heavybag
    4x speedbag
    4x 75 incline situps
    4x shadow

    Ya I know RDJ, I almost quit smoking when I was doing 3 miles. I just couldn't inhale doing the cardio, but a lot of the things I do reinforce my habit. I play the online poker made bout 350 yesterday, and I just can't stop when I play. I'll tell you what though, smoking reds instead of lights really killed me today.
  6. ChrisKim47

    ChrisKim47 Active Member Full Member

    May 22, 2009
    Went to the gym today, and my shoulders are being really weird. Same rotator cuff area is giving me a lot of problems.

    4x rope
    4x shadow
    4x speed
    4x heavy
    3x speed (one arm burnout)
    4x 75 incline situps
    4x 30 side
    4x 30 front
    4x 30 waist to chin shoulder raises
    4x shadow

    By the way, Johnny says some hilarious stuff. Gotta quit smoking, gotta start running.
  7. ChrisKim47

    ChrisKim47 Active Member Full Member

    May 22, 2009
    Shoulders still little sore, laying off the hooks still. Been taking 2 advil 2-3 times a day. Sometimes my chest spazzes out its kinda horrifying. Sometimes when I inhale, my chest starts doing this cramping number, so I start taking really short breaths lol weird. But then again this has been happening for a while now, probably because of the cigarette smoke

    4x rope
    4x shadow
    4x heavybag
    4x speedbag
    4x 75 incline situps
    4x 30 side
    4x 30 front
    4x 30 waist to chin shoulder raises
    2x shadowboxing

    total workout time: 2h 45m

    State PAL moved to sometime in November. Icing my shoulders right now.
  8. ChrisKim47

    ChrisKim47 Active Member Full Member

    May 22, 2009
    So my left shoulder is definately messed up. I was working the mitts with JG and during the 2nd round, my left shoulder lost all its strength. I could barely lift it to throw a hook, and the speed on my jabs was getting slower and slower. This is really troubling me, cause I don't know what I need to do. I've been taking 6 advil a day, and icing down 2-3 times a day for 20 mins.

    4x rope
    4x shadow
    2x mitt work
    4x speedbag
    4x 75 incline situps
    4x 30 side
    4x 30 front
    4x 30 waist to chin shoulder raises
    4x 30 arnold presses
    4x shadow

    Hopefully these arnold presses strengthen my rotator cuff a bit. Kinda disheartening to not be able to throw punches with one arm.
  9. ChrisKim47

    ChrisKim47 Active Member Full Member

    May 22, 2009
    Worked around the heavybag today, just so my shoulder heals up.

    4x rope
    4x shadowboxing
    4x speedbag
    4x shadow
    2x speedbag
    4x 75 incline situps
    4x shadow
  10. ChrisKim47

    ChrisKim47 Active Member Full Member

    May 22, 2009
    Took Friday off cause my shoulders needed a break. Went in today and still sore in my rotator cuff. I can tell its my rotator cause when I lift my arm up w/ thumb up its fine, but when I raise the shoulder out to the side its a little aggrivated. Little sore so decided to forgoe the heavy bag again today.

    4x rope
    4x shadow
    4x speed

    4x 75 incline situps
    4x shadow

    5x speed

    Haven't gone to sleep yet today. Glad I didn't pass out in class. Also smoked about 3 packs in 48 hours. Rough weekend.
  11. ChrisKim47

    ChrisKim47 Active Member Full Member

    May 22, 2009
    Shouldn't have hit the heavybag today. I was hitting it lightly, but still hurt while hitting the speedbag.

    4x rope
    4x shadow
    5x heavybag
    4x speedbag
    4x 75 incline situps
    4x shadow
  12. ChrisKim47

    ChrisKim47 Active Member Full Member

    May 22, 2009
    Skipped Wednesday. Basically wasted the whole day. Anyway went in today, and lefty started fading, so I finished up with 3 sets instead of 4.

    4x rope
    4x shadow
    4x speedbag
    4x shadow
    4x speedbag
    4x 75 incline sit ups
    3x shadow

    Been up since midnight, but you do what you gotta do. Knock 'em out.
  13. ChrisKim47

    ChrisKim47 Active Member Full Member

    May 22, 2009
    Skipped Friday, went in today looking to go easy on the left hand. Just shadowboxed leisurely, concentrating on balance and technique. By my 7th round of shadowboxing, the shoulder pooped out. Strangely enough I can hit the speedbag just fine.

    4x rope
    4x shadow
    4x speedbag
    3x shadow
    4x 75 incline situps
    4x speedbag
  14. ChrisKim47

    ChrisKim47 Active Member Full Member

    May 22, 2009
    Got my first sparring session in today. Got my ticket to spar with our 132 lb'er. Got almost 20 lbs on the guy. He's a 4 time state champ, and definately has some skills. I don't think I landed a jab on him, even though I got the reach advantage. Landed some rights, uppercuts and straights. I was winded about a minute into the 2nd round. He's a cool kid, and I told him I wouldn't try to bomb. These past two weeks I've been bad about cigarettes, smoking over a pack most days. Gotta start running thats for sure.

    4x rope
    4x shadow
    2x sparring
    4x 75 incline situps
  15. ChrisKim47

    ChrisKim47 Active Member Full Member

    May 22, 2009
    4x rope
    4x shadow
    4x speedbag
    4x shadow
    4x 75 incline situps
    4x shadow

    4x rope
    4x shadow
    4x speedbag
    4x 75 incline situps
    2x shadow