Cleveland Big Cat Williams 1960 vs Jerry Quarry 1969, who wins?

Discussion in 'Classic Boxing Forum' started by Richard M Murrieta, Feb 16, 2021.

  1. Kamikaze

    Kamikaze Bye for now! banned Full Member

    Oct 12, 2020
    I think this is a very close- Though I do think Jerry edges it only just.
  2. Richard M Murrieta

    Richard M Murrieta Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jul 16, 2019
    Although Cleveland Big Cat Williams was talented in his era, going against the likes of Sonny Liston and Ernie Terrell before he was fatally shot by a Texas State Trooper in Nov 1964, as he was on the verge of fighting Ernie for the vacant WBA title on March 5 1965. And later fighting and being stopped by a peak champion Muhammad Ali in Nov 1966. I think that after a competitive battle between the two Jerry Quarry emerges victorious at the very end, this fight resembles the 1968 bout against Thad Spencer. Jerry by TKO 12. Although Williams was very strong and could hit, Jerry was a better counterpuncher to the body, which could wear the Big Cat down for the win.
  3. PhillyPhan69

    PhillyPhan69 Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Dec 20, 2006
    if he was fatally shot in 64 how did he fight in 66? I don’t think this word fatally means what you think it does.
  4. Richard M Murrieta

    Richard M Murrieta Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jul 16, 2019
    It was pretty bad, the shooting almost ended his life, from what I understand he died on the operating table but was resuscitated. He lost a lot of weight when he returned. Then had to regain his weight to fight Ali in 1966, but he was not the same as before he was wounded, that is what I meant to say.
    Fergy, swagdelfadeel and PhillyPhan69 like this.
  5. BlackCloud

    BlackCloud I detest the daily heavyweight threads Full Member

    Nov 22, 2012
    Don't go there, he will give us the date of the operation and every single date related to everything connected with it.
  6. swagdelfadeel

    swagdelfadeel Obsessed with Boxing

    Jul 30, 2014
    He died 6 times on the operating table, suffered partial permanent paralysis, lost 10 feet of his small intestine, and his right kidney had to be removed. He also "lost enough blood to kill half a dozen men".
    Richard M Murrieta likes this.
  7. Richard M Murrieta

    Richard M Murrieta Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jul 16, 2019
    That was very bad, to his credit coming back as he did to fight Muhammad Ali took a lot of moxie, most men could not come back to the ring after such a devastating wound.
    Fergy and swagdelfadeel like this.
  8. JohnThomas1

    JohnThomas1 Loyal Member

    Apr 27, 2005
    You'd have to favor Quarry. He's underrated and the guy could fight. I think he'd wear big Cleve down somewhere approaching the 30 minute mark.
  9. Fergy

    Fergy Walking Dead Full Member

    Jan 8, 2017
    Another good one Richard.
    I'm leaning towards Quarry in a tough one, and I don't see it being a one sided fight. Quarry tough s it out to stop William in 9.
  10. swagdelfadeel

    swagdelfadeel Obsessed with Boxing

    Jul 30, 2014
    Say what you want about The Big Cat but he didn't know the meaning of the word fear. Fighting a peak Liston twice when nobody wanted to fight him once, especially after being ko'd in the manner he was, took some balls.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2021
  11. Richard M Murrieta

    Richard M Murrieta Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jul 16, 2019
    I agree, he was quite a man and fighter. I have only good things to say about him.
    red cobra and swagdelfadeel like this.
  12. Mike Cannon

    Mike Cannon Boxing Addict Full Member

    Apr 29, 2020
    Mmmm, so Jerry faced with a big HW that can punch ( that's not called Ali or Frazier ) pretty good idea how that would go.
  13. Gazelle Punch

    Gazelle Punch Boxing Addict Full Member

    Aug 15, 2018
    Quarry has beaten bigger and better. Williams always has a punchers chance but he isn’t taking this one.
  14. William Walker

    William Walker Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Apr 9, 2020
    It does. It's really a pretty unbelievable story. Wikipedia can describe the injury better than I can:

    "...hitting Williams in the stomach and lodging in his right hip. Williams had to undergo four operations in the next seven months for colon damage and an injured right kidney. The right kidney had to be removed in June 1965. Doctors could not extract the bullet, which had broken his right hip joint and caused partial paralysis of some of the hip's muscles, he also lost over 10 feet (3.0 m) of his small intestine, and sustained nerve damage which affected his left leg above the knee and caused it to atrophy as a result."

    I once read that the doctors who operated on Williams said that if he hadn't been so heavily muscled that he wouldn't have survived all of the surgeries.

    Anyway, his record shows a return to the ring in '66. Hell, he fought Ali and fought for another 6 years. Unbelievable but true.
    Richard M Murrieta likes this.
  15. PhillyPhan69

    PhillyPhan69 Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Dec 20, 2006
    thanks for all of this info that I have known for 30 odd years lol. But fatally?