Cleverly/Bellew & Hopkins/Dawson RbR - LEGAL stream for UK viewers!!!

Discussion in 'British Boxing Forum' started by ishy, Oct 15, 2011.

  1. Rob887

    Rob887 Boxing Addict Full Member

    May 14, 2011
    'Beat down' is pushing it, but I thought it was very much looking like Dawson very much had his number.

    Then when he went down like that, it just seemed kind of inevitable and one just very much suspected that he was never going to get back up. I got the impression the comentators thought the same as well.
  2. A1chemist

    A1chemist New Member Full Member

    Nov 29, 2010
    They both managed it.....sorry.
  3. Primadonna Kool

    Primadonna Kool Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Dec 5, 2006
    Thats the Frustration, and Hopkins knows people will think like this. Hopkins knows the truth man, he's bitched out before. He's always does this, when people where saying that Roy Jones was a dead man. "And that Hopkins should win easily".....even a shot Roy Jones still had the speed and athletic ability, aswell as technical skill. To make it a very awkward fight for Hopkins..? so what did Hopkins do..? claim to have gone blind during the fight, and not have no balance for the majority of the fight! then claim to have collapases after the fight.

    He's ****ing full of ****.

    And he's robbed Chad Dawson of a potiental big career win.

    Lets make the rematch!!! do you really think Hopkins will take it man..? do you really..? Its a shame, because Chad Dawson is a shy well mannered person. Bernard Hopkins will turn on the acting, turn on the talk and focus on destroying Chad Dawson's reputation.


    And I'm sick of the ****ing ****, I've gotten off people on here. For whenever i pick a fighter to win........

    I picked Chad Dawson!! I picked Chad Dawson!!!

    Dftaylor has been a **** towards me, at the end of the day. I'm a regular poster here, have been for some years. If people want to arrange a meet up, for members.

    That would be fantastic next year...

    I will glady call you a ***** to your face man!! because you have been a *****.
  4. jpab19

    jpab19 Exploding Muffin Dad Full Member

    Jul 8, 2010
    We saw nothing to suggest that DeMarco, who actually WAS getting dominated, would come back in the fashion that he did, but he did didn't he?

    Of course I'm not insinuating that Hopkins would've come back to dramatically stop him, my point is that this is boxing, and you know you can't just assume that. If the first Pascal fight had've ended in similar fashion after 4 rounds I'm sure everyone would believe that Pascal would've maintained his dominance, but everyone would've been incorrect.

    To think that what has happened after a very short period would be sustained is ludicrous, we may as well just have one round fights in that case, because that's how the rest of the bout will go.

    EDIT: For the record I do think Dawson would've gone on to win, I'm not being biased here, just realistic.
  5. craigseventy

    craigseventy Well-Known Member Full Member

    Nov 8, 2008
    everyone knew when bhop hit the floor he wasn't getting back up. I said that to my bro, I don't think he was confident and i think that was his way out. still should have been a nc or the ref should have counted. no way bernard would fight with one arm like he said in the post fight.
  6. A1chemist

    A1chemist New Member Full Member

    Nov 29, 2010
    Is it only me who thinks this may have been contrived?
  7. craigseventy

    craigseventy Well-Known Member Full Member

    Nov 8, 2008
    Don't get me wrong, like I said you've made some good points. I agree, hopkins wouldn't take the rematch, I agree he took the easy way out. The only thing I don't accept is that it was a nailed on conclusion. You are likely right though but this is boxing. I think bernard has been scared of this fight for a while. It was a foul at the end of the day and I believe hopkins used i to get out of the fight. If he goes to hospital and it's a legit injury then fair enough. In my head I believe if that hadn't happened hopkins would have found another way out the fight later on, but we just don't know.
  8. Rob887

    Rob887 Boxing Addict Full Member

    May 14, 2011
    Who knows?

    Stranger things have happened in boxing.
  9. Primadonna Kool

    Primadonna Kool Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Dec 5, 2006
    Mate!!! I knew his was going to happen!! but i didn't want to mention it. Hopkins will never be the type of fighter to go out on his shield like Holyfield or Tyson or even Ali. He for me, has always been a ***** in sheeps clothing, always man!!! As soon as that switch clicks in his mind, that he cannot out box somebody or be as competitive as he would like to be.

    He will!!! and has always started to spoil the fight, or look for ways out.

    He is a fantastic actor, unlike Zab Judah.

    As he has gotten older in age, this part of his personality has grown.

    In his younger days, there where only flashes!!!

    "I knew Hopkins was done, when he fought Roy Jones for the second time. Roy Jones in my opinion could of won that fight, but Hopkins spoiled the whole ****ing fight".............

    Roy Jones Junior forever!!!
  10. craigseventy

    craigseventy Well-Known Member Full Member

    Nov 8, 2008
    I'm gonna have to try to get some sleep, I think my opinion on this thing might have changed by the morning. Right now I think bernards a *****, he took the easy way out. Dawson got screwed over, the fans got screwed over and hopkins got richer. If hopkins continues to fight on, i'll not be staying up to watch him.

    Night all.
  11. awas88

    awas88 The King Full Member

    May 3, 2009

    Dawson is officially a ****!
  12. Primadonna Kool

    Primadonna Kool Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Dec 5, 2006
    Chad Dawson is bad!!! he's back!!!
  13. jpab19

    jpab19 Exploding Muffin Dad Full Member

    Jul 8, 2010
    I don't get the dislike that is often aimed at Dawson. Granted, I've always been a fan of his - although I never rated him as the top pound for pound fighter others did - but I've never seen him do anything completely untoward that warrants this disdain people often have for him.

    Re-watching that incident, it wasn't his fault either, the officiating seemed odd, Dawson didn't do anything inherently wrong.
  14. Vano-Irons

    Vano-Irons Obsessed with Boxing banned

    Jan 18, 2010
    I fell a sleep but have just watched it. I said Dawson would win, but that should have been a NC. it's not even controversial, it's just wrong! You can't throw a guy to the floor with your shoulder and be awarded a knockout. It's ridiculous.

    I won my bet in the end, but I'm fair from happy. I don't like Hopkins at all, but even he didn't deserve that ****. It should be immediately overturned
  15. DrMo

    DrMo Team GB Full Member

    Jan 29, 2011
    Was Dawson inspired by Sam Warburton?