i decided that i may aswel do one whilst its there plus it gives me a chance to keep record of what im doing im also considering having some unlicensed fights after leaving the am's to coach and i did the corner for to lads at a unlicensed show and thought id like to have a go, my amateur record was 5-1 then i dislocated me knee numerous times which kept me out for a year height 5'8 weight 68.2kg (used to fight at 54 could probably make 62.5) 22 december 3minutes of each 5 standing rollouts/ 10 dorsal raise kept repeating for the 3 minutes calisthenics- 10 pressup , 10 dorsal raise , 10 burpee's , 10 tricep pressup (heart hand position) , 10 sit up twist, 10 star jump, 10 clap pressups, 10 v sit up , 10 tuck jumps , 10 hindu pressups, 10 crunches, 10 burpee tuck jumps bar hops (jumping over bar) set a gym record 221 hops in 3 minute 4x bags pads 10 renegades 15kg/ 10 lat pull down 40 kg 5kg forearm roller up and down twice/20 bicep curls 10 kg 20kg clean and press / 30 kg highpull 10m sprints when i put / it means i kept swapping over the 3 mins after each set i then did some core 5 rollout 10side bends each side 25kg 15 crunces holding for 10 secs 20 dorsal raise 30 leg swings x 6 plank 3x 3 minute then holding leg raise for 2 minute then i stretched off
23 december wearing a 10kg vest 4 x 10 pressup running 50m between each set 4 x 10 dorsal raise running 50m between each set 4 x 10 burpee running 50m between each set 4 x 10 close arm pressup running 50m between each set 4 x 10 sit up twist running 50m between each set 4 x 10 star jumps running 50m between each set 4 x 10 pressup claps running 50m between each set 4 x 10 v - sit up running 50m between each set 4 x 10 tuck jumps running 50m between each set 4 x 10 dolphin dips running 50m between each set 4 x 10 crunches running 50m between each set 4 x 10 burpee tuck jumps running 50m between each set after that i took the vest of and did a circuit 30 second each station tricep pull down 15kg leg extensions 35 kg lat pull down 40kg bench 50kg bunny hops mountain climbers 2kg forearm rollers 5kg rollouts swings 20 kg pull up x 2 later on in the day about 6 hours sparred 6 rounds 2:30 min rounds with 30 sec rest
That is some solid conditioning in the beginning there mate, that's impressive. How long you been fighting, competing?
had my first fyt wen i was 15 (only because before then my mum wouldnt allow me 2 ) then i dislocated my knee 4 tyms on the bounce which left me out for a year then wen i came back i got beat then suffered with back problems so i quit for a while, then my old coach asked to help him coach and let me train 4 free so i decided id try and push my body as far as possible which im in the process of
24 december 6 2:30 minute rounds sparring with 30 second rest between each im sparring tomorrow too as im doing the corner for a unlicensed fighter n he hasnt had much sparring and hes fightin sunday i then did 5 pullup 10 medicine ball slams 15 burpees 20 jumpin jacks 13 times in 20 minutes
25 december decided il spar today as my m8s fighting on the 28th and why not do something you enjoy on christmas 8 x 2:30 minute rounds with 30 second rest and everyone have a very good christmas all the best joe
28 december 3 minute of each 4 bag (10 second sprint 10 second rest) 10 lateral pull downs 30kg & 10 cable rows 40kg 10 leg extensions 40kg & 10 squat jumps 10 bench press 40kg & 10 dips 5m & 10 m shuttle sprints 10 swings 20kg & 10 Rollover 20kg turkish stand ups 12kg calisthenics - 10 pressup, 10 dorsal raise, 10 burpee,10 close hand pressup,10 sit up twist, 10 star jumps, 10 hindu pressups, 10 v-sit up, 10 tuck jump,10 pressup claps,10 crunches, 10 burpee tuck jumps 90 second rollouts & 90 second hyper extensions
4 x 3 minute rounds on bag 2 x 3 minute rounds running on treadmill at full elavation (not sure wat speed but it got the heart to 189bpm) 5 dips 10 press up 15 burpee 10 squats repeated circuit for 20 minutes (that ****ing destroyed me) core excercises 100 chinnies 5 standing rollouts 20kg side bends (12 each side) 10 supermans holding leg raise 1 minute x 5 plank for as long as possible
30 december 16 minute on bags (20 second sprint , 10 second rest) 16 minute burpees (20 second sprint , 10 second rest) 6 each arm 20kg snatch x 4 lat pull down 50kg 10reps x 3sets chin up 15reps x 3 sets pull up 10 repsx 3 sets leg extensions 55kg 10repx 3set glute ham raise 15reps x 3set core 30 second each rollouts v-sit up leg raise paddles hyper extensions 20kg side bend (right) 20kg side bend (left) holding crunch leg raise off chin up bar lying leg swings
31 december 3 minutes on each 1 minute rest 10 medicine ball slams & 20 straddle jumps calisthenics (the usual excercises i do during this kind of circuit) turkish stand up 12kg 4 x bags 10kg bicep curls & 15kg tricep pull down (15 each) 10 dips & 10 15kg renegades 10 40kg bench press & 15 pressup 5m & 10m shuttle sprints