18 january 20 minute 10 20kg rollovers 5 16kg 1 arm snatches (per arm) 15 burpees 15 straddle jumps 6x3 bag 6x3 having kids i coach throw punches at me 15 min core
19 january 3 minute each skip calisthenics burpee 5xbag 2x pads 40kg leg ext & 60 kg squat dips & pressup 10 each
20 january 5 pullup 10 power over 15 burpee 10 lateral jumps 5 dips 15 jacks x 12 2x3 bags 8x3 pads 12 60kg squat 12 70kg squat 10 80kg squat 8 90kg squat 4 100kg squat 15 min core
22 january 20 minutes 10 pressup 10 dorsal raise 10 burpee 10 heart pressup 10 sit up twists 10 star jump 10 clap pressup 10 v- sit up 10 tuck jump 10 dolphin dip 10 crunches 10 burpee tuck jump 3 minute burpee pullup 3x3 bag 50kg squat 20 rep 60kg squat 18 rep 70kg squat 16 rep 80 kg squat 10 rep 90kg squat 6 rep core 15 min
23 january 2x3 floor to ceiling 4x3 heavy bag 2x tabata heavy bag intervals 2x3 10 punch 1 pressup 10 punch 2 pressup up to 10 pressups then back down 10 min abs
Awesome log man, I'm a bit nervous to ask how you got the nickname Cobra though!!! We do one like this 30 straight punches, 30 Press Ups, 20 straight punches, 20 press ups, 10 straight punches, 10 push ups Give it a try!!!
24 january 3 minute each Burpee calisthenics burpee pullup (aargh) 4xbag 20kg swing & rollover ten each renegades (15kg) & Curls 15kg 15 each 50kg Squat 10 & 10 Squat jump sprint & bunny hop 10m each n 10m jog recovery (very effective) Rollout
25 january 4x2 spar 5 in skip 4x2 spar different person skip 4x2 spar different person again 30 punch 30 pressup 20 punch 20 pressup 10 punch 10 pressup (thanks aplin it was boss) "The Real Dirty Dozen" 12 pressup 12 dorsal raise 12 burpee 12 tricep press 12 sit up twist 12 star jump 12 clap pressup 12 v-sit up 12 tuck jump 12 dolphin dip 12 crunches 12 burpee tuck jump x 12 30 punch 30 pressup 20 punch 20 pressup 10 punch 10 pressup 10 min core
26 january 3 min each 4xbag pads 20kg squat jump & 30kg leg ext 15 deep press up & 15 40kg bench shuttle sprints skip abs and lower back calisthenics obliques
27 january 10x2 sparring 3x3 bags 30 punch 30 pressup 20 punch 20 pressup 10 punch 10 pressup (thanks aplin it was good) 10min core
28 january legs 90kg squat 4x8 55kg leg ext 4x10 3 minute tuck jumping onto boxes of varying height 20 glute ham raise 10 min core