Could the best version of Floyd Mayweather beat the Marvin Hagler who lost to Sugar Ray Leonard?

Discussion in 'Classic Boxing Forum' started by ThatOne, Jan 28, 2023.

Could the best version of Floyd Mayweather beat the Marvin Hagler who lost to Sugar Ray Leonard?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. Loudon

    Loudon Loyal Member Full Member

    Mar 7, 2012

    Ray was throwing accurate combinations with great technique, with a close fist, which were all deadly accurate.

    All of those shots were great scoring shots.

    Stop being an idiot.

    I’ve never believed you to be a troll, but you’ve got me wondering now.
  2. Loudon

    Loudon Loyal Member Full Member

    Mar 7, 2012
    Here we go again.

    Punches must do damage?


    So then HOW could Floyd have beaten Marvin??

    Marvin would have thought that he’d been bitten by a mosquito.

    Another post where you guys hilariously trip yourselves up and tie yourself up in knots.

    Always a pleasure to read.

    Let’s get the other two stooges in to try and help you out:


    @Mark Dunham

    Guys, Curly is in trouble here.

    Maybe you 2 geniuses can help him out.

    This is PRO boxing.

    ONLY punches which cause DAMAGE can be scored.

    So how would a former SFW who had bad hands which he needed injections in, have caused damage to the iron chinned Marvelous one, up at a weight where Floyd had NEVER fought??


    We can’t wait to read your answers.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2023
  3. NoNeck

    NoNeck Pugilist Specialist Full Member

    Apr 3, 2012

    BTW Hagler wona close decision over Duran to give you an indication.

    Mayweather would weigh 151 for middleweight fights.
    White Bomber likes this.
  4. ThatOne

    ThatOne Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jan 13, 2022
    It was a hotly contested decision as evident by the scoring of ring insiders who broke about fifty fifty. I can provide a link if anyone wants.
  5. Mark Dunham

    Mark Dunham Well-Known Member Full Member

    Mar 19, 2021
    precisely. That's why Floyd stands a good chance, provided Floyd retains his original speed
  6. ThatOne

    ThatOne Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jan 13, 2022
    Scoring is largely subjective. Sure there is criteria but you have humans applying that criteria.
  7. Mark Dunham

    Mark Dunham Well-Known Member Full Member

    Mar 19, 2021
    You think that providing a link to Jim Jacobs, a handball enthusiast, would sway me even when I've got concrete evidence?

    His is just one more opinion. and why would his opinion mean anything when so many OTHER opinions, say just the opposite?

    Opinions are of no use on this because of bias, so why cling to opinions?

    Which is why I rely on freeze frame video. If you really want to know who the actual winner was, then we have to know who won the most rounds based on scoring

    You also insist on using an outdated, inaccurate system known as Compu box, while refusing to acknowledge the fact that freeze frame trumps Compu box because as we all should know, not every punch that is thrown is delivered or else is caught on the gloves or shoulders or arms/elbows. freeze frame differentiates between them and scoring blows and eliminates the error that Compu box doesnt account for

    again, Freeze frame trumps Compu box

    Marvin Hagler did NOT lose to Sugar Ray Leonard and if you are concerned about your integrity as you say you are, you would simply concede instead of dredging up more excuses and stalling tactics
    White Bomber likes this.
  8. White Bomber

    White Bomber Boxing Addict Full Member

    Mar 31, 2021
    Agreed, that's why I said that he can win if he has the same circumstances as SRL.
  9. ThatOne

    ThatOne Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jan 13, 2022
    Leonard won on the scorecards, won on the punch stats and convinced at least half the experts at ringside he won. What part of that don't you understand?
  10. techks

    techks ATG list Killah! Full Member

    Dec 6, 2009
    Oh dear more ppl fighting about the Hagler/Leonard decision:duh. It happened, the fight has been long over for decades and if I'm content with it as a Hagler fan then y'all should b too.

    Now, we need not forget that Mayweather has not been a fighter w an active workrate consistently since Jr WW. He would not b throwing flurries like SRL did so I actually think this would work in Haglers favor too. I see him stopping Mayweather late being possible but most likely a decision for the Marvelous one.
    Greg Price99 likes this.
  11. Mark Dunham

    Mark Dunham Well-Known Member Full Member

    Mar 19, 2021
    He wouldnt have damaged Marvin but the record shows that marvin was once outpointed by Willie Monroe and another time by Bobby Watts

    so he could be outpointed

    By 1987, Marvin had slowed to a crawl, so much so that Floyd could score on him without being scored upon by Marvin

    Marvin's power was also non existent by this point, so all he has to do, is keep it up for a mere 12 rounds

    Floyd isnt a billion dollar athlete for nothing so outpointing a half dead relic shouldnt be much of a problem for him

    In short, whatever Leonard could do, Floyd did better
  12. Mark Dunham

    Mark Dunham Well-Known Member Full Member

    Mar 19, 2021
    that's opinion, not fact and we're interested in facts though it pains you to acknowledge it

    Dont you have any integrity at all?
  13. ThatOne

    ThatOne Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jan 13, 2022
    No need to impugn my integrity, sir,because you can not distinguish between a fact and an opinion. Since I am a kind and empathetic person and poster I will explain to you the difference. Jay-Z is a rapper is a fact. Jay-Z is the greatest rapper alive is an opinion. If there are any other areas in your life you need help in I will be than happy to try to help because as I said I'm a kind and empathetic person. Consider me as your online life coach.
    Bokaj and Greg Price99 like this.
  14. Mark Dunham

    Mark Dunham Well-Known Member Full Member

    Mar 19, 2021
    It was a personal opinion but ThatOne wont come clean

    I conceded that Marvin never actually BEAT Antuofuermo even though the vast majority said he deserved the nod

    I even said that Marvin NEVER beat Vito just as Vito said because the rematch was decided on an accidental butt so that contest too was inconclusive

    If opinions conflict, doesnt it make sense to make use of a tallying method that is objective?

    ThatOne is in effect telling me "I dont care about a system that would give the actual winner. I dont care about the actual winner if it is Marvin Hagler. I sure as hell dont care what is fair. I'm going to stick with opinions otherwise, I would have to delete this thread. What would I do then?"
  15. Mark Dunham

    Mark Dunham Well-Known Member Full Member

    Mar 19, 2021
    Math is also a fact

    4 > 2 is a fact

    the fighter who scores more points should be declared the winner is a fact but when it comes to this particular match, you give facts the finger

    I didnt impugn your integrity. You did it to yourself