Dev Sahni

Discussion in 'British Boxing Forum' started by DramaShow, Apr 15, 2023.

  1. Astro

    Astro Boxing Addict Full Member

    Sep 29, 2021
    He actually seemed very sweet and humble during the time with BoxNation but it has gone to his head and he acts today as if he is a celebrity.
    Heisenberg and Brixton Bomber like this.
  2. Quickeyg

    Quickeyg Really really really don't care. banned Full Member

    Sep 13, 2018
    Whose Froch's boss? He made negative Fury videos not long ago. The bloke is a clown. Him trying to get George Groves to agree on that Howard Foster stoppage was funny, made himself look stupid. Carl, the fact is you had dodgy HELP that night.
    Sonny1 and 08Horacio08 like this.
  3. Azza43

    Azza43 Member Full Member

    Feb 15, 2018
    He got outed for having a separate twitter troll account once, was Chris Lloyd that outed him.

    He's good at what he does gotta be fair to him. Without him, nobody would talk about Queensbury on Twitter timelines, his numbers for interactions/impressions/hits must be mental.

    But yeah, also spends most of his time talking about other promotions, which is understandable given the reduced amount of UK events Queensbury done on BT last year off PPV (11 shows) and will do this year..
    Wizbit1013 and Trafford like this.
  4. Darni187

    Darni187 Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Nov 13, 2008
    He just trolling people lol its all tounge and cheek ..
    Wizbit1013, SeanB1 and nurological like this.
  5. Sonny1

    Sonny1 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Mar 11, 2013
    I agree ref Groves comment, Froch is still very insecure and not the quickest either.
    SeanB1 likes this.
  6. nurological

    nurological Boxing Junkie Full Member

    May 25, 2012
    Yeah he's clearly been told to just get traction. This is how boxing fans interact online!
    Wizbit1013 and Darni187 like this.
  7. pow

    pow Boxing Addict Full Member

    Apr 26, 2014
    Frank loves a bargain and doing things on the cheap and "Dev" is a shining example of this (as is Thomas Triebor), I wouldn't be surprised if these guys make a net loss working Frank's events.
    SeanB1 and Brixton Bomber like this.
  8. DramaShow

    DramaShow 19 banned Full Member

    Dec 22, 2020
    This content is protected

    Dev has now compared Nick Ball with Tank Davies...
    SeanB1 likes this.
  9. SeanB1

    SeanB1 Well-Known Member banned Full Member

    Sep 8, 2022
    Hahahaha that's mental
  10. Ex Army Jim 39

    Ex Army Jim 39 couldnt believe the price of chairs banned Full Member

    Jun 26, 2022
    he says reminds him of hows that comparing you twist folks words all the time
    Sonny1 and ALN93 like this.
  11. ALN93

    ALN93 Well-Known Member banned Full Member

    May 12, 2023
    Clearly tongue in cheek. If he worked for Matchroom and said the same stuff about their fighters you’d love him.

    He’s basically a Queensberry version of Chris Lloyd. It’s how serious you wish to take him.
  12. Sonny1

    Sonny1 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Mar 11, 2013
    The way you lust after Matchroom, this is not nearly as cringe.

    It’s a grim tweet though. Lopez reminds him of Naz….yeah course mate, you’ll be telling us he’s better than Hamed next week.
    Inglis_1 and Wizbit1013 like this.
  13. Sonny1

    Sonny1 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Mar 11, 2013
    Very good point, it’s probably similar to poor Lynn being Alan Partridges PA :)
    pow and SeanB1 like this.
  14. SeanB1

    SeanB1 Well-Known Member banned Full Member

    Sep 8, 2022
    Least she got an hour off to visit her mum's grave! 9k a year to be on call 24 7. Poor lynne
    Wizbit1013 likes this.
  15. Sonny1

    Sonny1 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Mar 11, 2013
    Come on Lynn, I’ll drop you at the cab rank.