getting bad shoulder pains when i hook and jab, somethings wrong. taking 4-5 days off see if it clears up.
so after going down to 195, im back up to where i started 210. so my food slipped a bit, but not that much, and i didnt work out for a week cause of my injury. but i weighed myself friday at 200, then i weighed myself today (sun) at 210. thats +10lbs in less than 2 days, lol.. and i havent eaten much! i think it must be water, i've been ill and have been drinking a hell of alot of water. i hope to god its water anyway...
194.. 16 lb lost in less than a week? this cant be right.. but the scales don't lie... 10lb at least is water. and i've been eating 100% clean so maybe thats made a difference?
It would be primarily water weight if the time span that your losing the weight is so low. For the next few days make sure you drink at least 2L of water and 1 additional cup of water for every half hour of working out you do to make sure your fully hydrated and weigh yourself at the same time in the morning (before breakfast). Your weight will fluctuate up or down about 3lbs each day so just average it out over time and that would be your true weight loss as long as your not dehydrated and keep eating clean.
hey, I just started a shoulder pre-hab program that is working great so far. My shoulders are completely ****ed and since I started I get alot less pain in the shoulders and I can sleep on my side more comfortably. If your interested I'll post it for you. Congrats on the weight loss. Jeff?
thanks dude, i had the same kinda problems. its still bad but its gotten much better. only a small pain in my left shoulder when i hook now. although my left does seem to get more fatigued and i have problems holding it up.. i dont know if thats conditioning or injury.
The pain could be injury or an injury in the future, them getting tired is just conditioning. I know that when I hook with my palm turned down my shoulder doesnt feel right and it feels unnatural, maybe try with your palms facing you. Congrats on the weight loss too btw. Rotar Cuff Dumbbell Raises 15-20 Band Raised Arm External Rotations 15-20 Band Hanging Arm Internal Rotations 15-20 Band Raised Arm External Rotation Variation 15-20 Band Hanging Arm Internal Rotation Variation 15-20 The above exercises are done in circuit fashion 1-2 circuits with 1 minute rest between circuits (start with 1) Descriptions (in order): With the rotar cuff dumbbell raises you take 2 light dumbbells (5-8lbs) turn you palms backward almost as far back as they go and raise your hands up but not so high you shrug your shoulders and your traps come into play. With a weak resistance band you stand on one end and with your arm bent at 90 degrees and raised up so its parallel to the floor you turn your arm until it makes an L with your hand pointing up. Make sure your upper arm comes straight out from the side of your body and make sure it doesnt move up, down, left, right etc and it only rotates. Repeat for other arm and move onto the next exercise. With the same band you attach it to something in front of you at about the height you'll be working at. Your upper arm hangs down in line with the middle of your body and should hardly move at all but some movement is necessary to get the full range of motion. Bend your elbow at 90 degrees, the bands attachment point should be out to the side of the arm your working, rotate your arm until your hand is in front of your belly button. With the band still attached to something you face it and do the same thing as with the band raised arm external extensions. The difference here is that the peak in resistance is now at the end of the rotation, to further strengthen the rotar cuffs. With the band still attached and you facing the attachment point you do the same as before with the arm hanging internal rotations but once again the location of the peak in resistance has moved.
188 looking back on where i started it seems like I haven;t really progressed. its true, my weight hasn't shifted much at all. but my bodyfat and stamina has changed drastically so has my skill. last workout I did: 4 rnds rope no break 3 rnds shadow 3lb handweights 5 rnds shadow no handweights 5 rnds heavybag 5 rnds mitts now I am punching correctly turning my body into my punches. i'm holding my hands up high and i'm boxing like a boxer rather than a newbie. i'm also running 5 times per week.