I thought Dubois saying "by any means necessary" at the end followed by an ice cold stare into Parkers soul was quite menacing. Parker was lost for words, stopped in his track. This content is protected Timestamped.
Parker the most likeable guy in sport let alone boxing. I love the team he and Andy Lee have become. As for Dubois I find him comical.
One thing that has worried me with this camp of Joe's is.. his cousin. Huge opportunity for Joe and he's doing ze pads with his siblings child! Concentrate Joe!
I like the guy. I loved the way he genuinely showed zero fear from AJ and just didn't take his pretend gangster bollocks. 'Don't disrespect me Daniel, on my life' Cringeworthy. Loved when Dan just said to him 'Who do you think you are' Dubois looked like the champ, suited and booted, dangerous, AJ the challenger in a vest trying to be tough. I like Parker and Dan but neither do the trash talk well, and why should they? I think Dubois might be quite a scary individual when the buttons are pushed, a big change around from the Joyce fight. I had Joyce beat him but put a little cash on after the face off. Joyce looked like a different type of animal to me. Dubois has those eyes now....
I don't see it myself personally. Once a quitter always a quitter. I see him quitting again when he mentally folds.
...and you may be right. I think there is a big, big asterisk on both the 'quit jobs'. Kid fought with that incredibly painful injury despite being hit repeatedly by one of the divisions hardest jabbers by repute for round after round. And, whether you think it or not, he'd 'won' the Usyk fight. Imagine that adrenaline dump, and then suddenly having to get back 'up'. I think immaturity played a big part more than anything, but we will see. I loved the Karma of the likes of BJS vocally criticising the kid and essentially calling him a coward whilst saying he'd NEVER quit before he quit v Canelo...brilliant
I don't really get what's so likeable abou him. He's boring in and out of the ring. Thank god he's 33 and not long left.
Good post. Neither fight shine a great light on him and it remains to be seen if it happens again. But there are extenuating circumstances on both occasions and he has passed the gut check since and smacked his way through a good run of opponents.
Adrenaline dump against Usyk? How about Usyk's testies being possibly ruptured? Dan quit because he couldn't figure out Usyk and Usyk was mentally defeating him. Getting stopped with a jab isn't because you spent your Adrenaline.
Agree to disagree man. I know what it's like when you think you have got the job done and then BANG, it's back on again. Hard to get back in the zone, we'll, it was for me. Perhaps other people are different.
And the Joyce fight? Daniel has openly quit twice under two different circumstances. That is why I see it happening again.
Watch the Big Baby Miller fight and you may see that he actually come through 12 rounds of relentless pressure and adversity. Been a different animal ever since but yes previous form taking the knee is always a concern for Dubois backers.
Hey man, that's your opinion and that's cool. I disagree but that just my perspective. Have a lovely day man.