Let's talk about all things BJJ. Who you like? Who's techniques you are not so keen on, who you've trained with and been inspired by? For me I'm very lucky to be learning under my master Chico Mendes (2nd degree BB under Leozinho) and also have the honour of training with BB Rafael Heck. My ATG player is Terere. His ability to compete against much bigger guys amazes me. Incredable! Also i got two more stripes today on my belt Good times! Now it's time to step up... Talk to me players! I expect at least Stoo, Pira and Primate to drop a post or two in here! Lynchburg
**** man I did about 6 months or so 3 years ago when my lift fell through and I decided trying to learn with a hangover after a 40 minute cycle on a Saturday morning wasnt a good idea Seriously considering checking out if there's classes with more sociable hours around though
For some reason I have an image of Cristian Bale as Dickie cycling to train in my head... :think Lynchburg
My take on BJJ is this - the guard is most important. Having a dangerous guard means that you can focus on your standup game without fear of being taken down because you know you can fight your way off your back. When someone is bigger and stronger than you - either go for the choke or an ankle. Going for an arm or leg can leave you vulnerable as a larger fighter can muscle their way through it. Chokes are the great equalizer. Specialize in them. I know more gi chokes than I can remember and I like it that way. I'm not a MMA fighter - but I will choke your ass to sleep in the street with your shirt, pants, underwear - whatever you're wearing.
Do you know the choke "little evil"? Rafael showed me this about 3 months ago and I'm not sure how I rolled without it. Great choke from guard bottom Lynchburg
I don't know that name - but it's possible. I haven't' trained jiujitsu in five years. New techniques and variations come along all the time.
To be honest I'm not sure if that is the real name... That was what I was told it was called by Rafael and he had only been talking English for a very short amount of time... You place one hand as high up the lapel as possible and the other arm reaches over the head and loops under the other arm kind of like you are crossing your arms. Then you pull the lapel tight and apply the pressure with the other arm too :deal Lynchburg
What´s the take on the "Chave de Calcanhar" (Heel hook in english IIRC) guys ? ex-UFC fighter João Roque : [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfjxZadeWLg[/ame] - Old timers jiu-jitsu fighters never liked it....and always associate it as a weapon used by the unskilled fighers.......and that was a myth till recently in fact.....
I loved the heel hook. It was always easy to catch on bigger guys who don't expect you to go for the leg. Unskilled or not - a submission is a submission and that's all that counts.
Do you start with both collar grabs on the same side - then wrap your arm around to apply the choke? If so - then yeah - that was one of my favorites and sneaky as hell because no one ever expects a choke to come from two hands on the same side of the collar.
My instructors are Vagner Rocha and Pablo Popovitch. Very down to earth guys and very technical. At first i felt so lost and frustrating but since getting my blue things have clicked a bit more. My greatest frustration is i am one of the lightest guys there so everyone throws me around like a rag doll. At least my full guard game is top notch from being bottom all the time.
Just one... For example the left hand takes the left lapel and then the right arm reaches over the head and through the left arm :deal I like it for MMA but it's pretty much banned in most BJJ/grappling comps so I never train it... How long did it take for you to get your blue? I've been told by a few people they think I'll move up by the summer but first off I don't feel ready... Secondly I don't think I've been doing Gi for long enough to deserve it and thirdly ill stand no chance in the comps at my current weight! :verysad Lynchburg
It took me a year but i missed training a bit because of school. I trained in the gi most of the time. Matter fact i need to start working on no-gi because i havent done it in months.