Fatality's Little Black Book

Discussion in 'Training Logs' started by Fatality94, Nov 10, 2013.

  1. Fatality94

    Fatality94 Round 1, fight! Full Member

    Nov 9, 2013
    Welcome to my little black book, every workout (when i can manage to get on the site) i shall post what i did here and any tips i may have learnt during the process, so i can look back later on to see how far i've come and re-read anything i may have learnt/go over what worked and what didnt. I feel this may encourage me when im not very motivated and it'll be interesting to see how i improve :D

    First started boxing at age 9(ish), been doing it on and off for 9 years (now 18.)
    First started using weights and focusing on strength training at 15(ish)
    Got back into boxing training about 1 year ago, now attending regularly (Boxing and some Muay Thai to waken up my legs, find it helps with standard boxing to use your legs a bit in an art such as Thai boxing, creates better bottom half awareness i feel)

    Recently I've;
    Been ill, so past 2 weeks havnt been training much although i still managed to fit in 2 quick shoulder workouts and some core work, and a bike ride (in place of usual weekly 4 mile run) so havnt let the bug beat me down lol, eager to get back to training tomorrow
  2. Fatality94

    Fatality94 Round 1, fight! Full Member

    Nov 9, 2013
    So, it's my second post in my training log since i got back in the gym, and it's also my birthday! :)

    Anyway, it's been 2 weeks since i last posted so here's what i've been doing

    Last Week;
    Monday; running + sprints for 15 mins for warm up
    15 mins floor work (pushups, situps, crunches ect.)
    30 mins heavy bag work

    Wednesday; Same as Monday

    This Week;
    Monday; Same as last week near enough

    Wednesday; Yesterday was a little different
    No running or sprints, went straight into half hour of floor work, did some new exercises including squatting with a person on my back, was pretty killer
    Another 30 mins of bag work, this time was more focused on punching speed and endurance than combinations, needless to say my outer shoulder is in some pain today lol
  3. Fatality94

    Fatality94 Round 1, fight! Full Member

    Nov 9, 2013
    Been sticking to my routine, was back in the boxing gym yesterday, didnt do any running got straight into floor work. Started off strong but started to run out of energy towards the end, need to consume more carbs before next workout, i really felt my motivation sap towards the end of this one.

    Half an hour non-stop bodyweight exercises, was mostly leg exercises this time but i did feel my upper-body was getting stronger and more enduring with the few pushups ect we did do
    Half an hour bag work, felt my energy starting to drain towards the end although i did try to keep pushing myself where i could, plus heavy bag work is always a nice stress reliever lol

    Got some weight work on wednesday, then back to boxing next monday :)
  4. Fatality94

    Fatality94 Round 1, fight! Full Member

    Nov 9, 2013
    Did some weights today, mostly to fix posture problems, did some rows and shoulder presses and got a really nice pump from it, was pretty enjoyable

    First Set;
    bent over rows x 10 (each arm)
    rowing machine x 20 x 3 different hand positions
    shoulder press x 20
    low shoulder press x 10
    high shoulder press x 10

    Second set;
    Bent over rows x 10 (with slightly more weight)
    rowing machine x 10 x 3 different hand positions
    shoulder press x 10
    low shoulder press x 10
    high shoulder press x 10

    final set;
    bent over rows x 10
    rowing machine x 10 x 3 different hand positions
    shoulder press x 10
    low shoulder press x 10
    high shoulder press x 10
    shrugs with weight plate x 20
    dips x 10

    As you can see i'm not really trying to bulk up loads, just add a bit of strength and muscle in my weaker areas, besides i had fun so how can i complain? Back in the boxing gym next week!