Floyd Mayweather vs Iran Barkley at 160

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by RJJFan, Sep 18, 2023.

Money vs The Blade

  1. The Blade

  2. Money

  1. Philly161

    Philly161 "Fundamentals are the crutch of the talentless" banned Full Member

    Oct 25, 2020
    Oh haha well it's a pattern then
  2. NoNeck

    NoNeck Pugilist Specialist Full Member

    Apr 3, 2012
    Maidana was 8 months later and 4.5 pounds lighter. Mayweather's form was permanently worse after Canelo. That's boxing.

    He'd be better than against Canelo, since he was already 36 for that fight. There would be no need for him to even weigh in above 154 for Barkley.
    steviebruno likes this.
  3. Dynamicpuncher

    Dynamicpuncher Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jan 14, 2022
    Well that would mean Barkley would have to fight Mayweather at catchweight which is something completely different, did Barkley ever fight below Middleweight in his entire career ?

    Canelo was a Jr Middleweight so the catchweight made more sense. Mayweather never weighed above 152 and Barkley never fought below Middleweight to my knowledge, so Mayweather weighing below 154 doesn't really make logical sense unless as I said it's a catchweight which is not what thread implied being at "160".

    Obviously Mayweather is more skillful than Barkley, but size can also overcome skill when there is such a big size difference. And the fact Barkley would come straight at Mayweather at a weightclass he is comfortable at and Mayweather isn't. With such a big difference in size it's going to be very hard for Mayweather to overcome.

    Barkley was really a Light Heavyweight who boiled down to Middleweight, Mayweather never fought anyone of the height and size of a huge Middleweight like Barkley. And he never even fought at Middleweight and never technically made Jr Middleweight limit.

    Mayweather is obviously greater but we have weightclasses for a reason.
  4. steviebruno

    steviebruno ESB NYC Delegate banned Full Member

    Dec 1, 2012
    Floyd was also very sharp in that first Maidana fight. Maidana's success obscured a lot of the excellent work that Floyd was doing.

    The second Maidana fight was more clear for Floyd, but he showed definite slippage there for the first time, IMO.
    NoNeck likes this.
  5. NoNeck

    NoNeck Pugilist Specialist Full Member

    Apr 3, 2012
    Barkley could weigh in at 160 and Mayweather could weigh in at 151. That's the concept.
  6. Dynamicpuncher

    Dynamicpuncher Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jan 14, 2022
    Well then the fight would never realistically take place and theres no way Mayweather would allow Barkley to fight at 160.

    It would have to be at catchweight with Barkley coming in under 160 which is a different topic entirely.
  7. NoNeck

    NoNeck Pugilist Specialist Full Member

    Apr 3, 2012
    That fight would never realistically take place because Barkley was finished by the time Mayweather was debuting.

    It used to be common for middleweights to fight guys who came in under the limit. It's still legal to do so, which is why when one guy misses weight the fight often proceeds. There's no rule that I know of that says the fight is off if you aren't above 154.
  8. Dynamicpuncher

    Dynamicpuncher Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jan 14, 2022
    Well Mayweather never weighed above 154 and never even made the 154 limit his highest was 152, and as I said theres no chance Mayweather would allow Barkley to fight at 160. He would most certainly make Barkley fight at catchweight that gives him the best chance of winning.

    The thread states "160" Mayweather never weighed above 154 and Mayweather would never allow Barkley to weigh in at 160.

    Hence the fantasy scenario of them two fighting is slim to none.
  9. NoNeck

    NoNeck Pugilist Specialist Full Member

    Apr 3, 2012
    That's your feelings getting in the way.
  10. Dynamicpuncher

    Dynamicpuncher Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jan 14, 2022
    No it's called being realistic.
  11. NoNeck

    NoNeck Pugilist Specialist Full Member

    Apr 3, 2012
    2/3 of Floyd's fights at 154 were without a catchweight and all three of those guys won titles at 160, two with lineage. But whatever your emotions tell you, pal.
  12. J_metal

    J_metal Active Member banned Full Member

    Jun 22, 2023
    First option = end thread
    box33 likes this.
  13. J_metal

    J_metal Active Member banned Full Member

    Jun 22, 2023
    Stop repeating lil p's 0ld slurping lines though 2 be honest it is very characteristic of u
  14. The Real Lance

    The Real Lance Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Oct 29, 2012
    It's not being 'emotional' saying Floyd would not allow Blade to come in at the MW limit of 160, if this hypothetical took place in another time. That's simply based on Floyd prior behavior. And yes, against the OG cash cow in Oscar, they fought at 154. Against a SMALL JrMW in Cotto, it was 154. But when Floyd had control, it was 152. Can you think critically at all? Do you possess that ability??
    Loudon and Jackman65 like this.
  15. Jackman65

    Jackman65 FJB Full Member

    Aug 31, 2019
    Moot point as Floyd would never fight a full MW. He refused Winky without a dehydration clause and he wasn’t a MW. Floyd knew size matters and always insisted on advantages. A straight up middleweight fight with him and any competent MW was never going to happen. Unless the MW opponent is a MMA guy or YouTube “sensation”.
    box33 and RJJFan like this.