If Fury could get that crazy head of his together he has the potential to beat anybody. However, I'm actually expecting a worse Fury than in the 1st fight.
I will be hypocrite to say that rematch is one way traffic. 7 months are plenty of time as well. And i always believe that there ia no similar fight with fight. It's always starting from zero and anything can happen, and way more so at HW. Even if one dominates and KO his opponent, rematch can play completely different. And at world level this is even more true. A lot of the time, small details can make the big difference. AJ - Ruiz 2 is a good example, and even Fury - McDermoth rematch. Strategy/tactics is going to play big part too. As far as what Fury will shows up and if he going to go for Wilder 2 approach i think this depends on who is going to lead his team and preparation this time around. And also can Fury maintain his weigh till December. If he can't he maybe forced to go for Wilder 2 approach. Btw, typing from my phone, that's why some words are with typos. Can't do better than that lol.
Unless usyk slips badly, what can Fury do? His resume is dog sh..t The wilder trilogy fooled many including me, but wilder is an absolute bum I know you don't like Fury, but credit for you to see his true level You will disagree with this point, but I don’t think that was such a great performance from usyk. For his talent, Fury should have being smashed much easier Anyway, I'm not debating that fight again. I have already held my hands up to being wrong, but today I realised how wrong Fury I just a bum with size and awkwardness
Fury bossed Usyk in round 6 only (i'd say dominated is a stretch) - he built some momentum after finding his timing and distance in round 3 - he clearly won 4 and 5 IMO. Hardly dominated! That said, it's so rare to see Usyk bossed in ANY round he gets big props from me for round 6. It just shows the measure of Usyk IMO that he made counter-adjustments in round 7 and turned it back around, busting Fury's nose in 8 (arguably the key instant of the fight) and the pillar to post drubbing in round 9
It’s possible that he could clean up a few things and win the rematch, but it would never be easy. I had it Usyk 115-112 and don’t see a great argument for it being any closer. But it does suggest is that if fury did just a little better in a few more rounds, he could pull out a close decision. after the sixth round, it looked like it was really his fight to lose. He had the momentum and his punches seemed to be doing damage, and he seemed unbothered by what he was getting hit by. I thought he was winning the seventh before a rally at the end where it seemed like he got hurt for the first time and what control of the fight he had slipped I think his biggest mistake was clowning and not following up on the uppercuts that he was landing. He fought so much better coming forward than he did pulling back, which I think was one of the main reasons why he lost. I’m just not sure he’s capable of coming forward all night and pressing a guy like Usyk. I also haven’t watched the fight a second time to really analyze and see what I missed live. I really want to rewatch the middle of the fight to see the adjustments Usyk made that turned the tied. I do remember a lot of it stemming from fury, leaning straight back with his hands down and getting caught
Fury got hit with that overhand left in the 9th when he was trying to get Usyk on the back foot, lol.
I saw a clip this morning of Fury getting kicked out of a bar completely **** faced. Not looking good for the rematch I'm afraid.
Saw it. Looked bad, like real bad. Fury is now way too old to be doing this to his body. Horrible look for him.
Between the two, I trust Usyk to show up more prepared. Think he’s not going to study the hell out of the film of rounds 4-7 where Fury was getting the better of him? don’t get me wrong, this is winnable by Fury, I’m just skeptical of him having the dedication to do what it’ll take. He needs to get back down to 245 or so to have the gas tank needed to sustain what he was doing in rounds 4-7, and I give that a very low chance of happening.
there’s never an age where this doesn’t matter. It’s worse as you get older, but this **** is hell on a 21yr old athlete’s body too.