Gene Tunney vs Rocky Marciano

Discussion in 'Classic Boxing Forum' started by Big Ukrainian, Dec 6, 2017.

  1. McGrain

    McGrain Diamond Dog Staff Member

    Mar 21, 2007
    Yeah, "never mind" is a better attitude.

    The inference that if someone spoke to me like that I would ban them is dishonest. It's not the case, it doesn't happen.

    The way you were behaving was considerably worse.

    You were also repeatedly warned.
  2. McGrain

    McGrain Diamond Dog Staff Member

    Mar 21, 2007
    Here's a more general warning: there are people in this thread who are raking up old issues and babbling about racism. If you're reading this and think "maybe that means me", it does.

    Just log off for a bit rather than posting bile; try just to relax about what's been said and if you can't, log off for a bit. It's better that than being made to log off for a bit isn't it?

    The forum has gone into some sort of weird overdrive this week in terms of complaints, arguing and race-related arguments. None of it is healthy for the forum.
  3. mcvey

    mcvey VIP Member Full Member

    Jun 2, 2006
    No, I'm content to know you were banned for it twice .You're like a virus when you are here. I'll let others put you in your place.I'm more interested in posters thoughts about this match up.
  4. mcvey

    mcvey VIP Member Full Member

    Jun 2, 2006
    Best leave this person alone, I'm giving him a miss now .Something isn't quite right there.
  5. reznick

    reznick In the 7.2% Full Member

    Mar 17, 2010
    I was behaving considerably worse than using racist remarks, death threats, and all caps paragraphs of yelling?
    Good story.

    Let's face it.
    The gate to crowd sourced boxing knowledge is guarded by one man.
    Who protects no one from the toxicity and radioactive hate besides his own self.

    Pretty crappy that every member here is subjected to toxicity and insults.
    I've been back for two days and have already experienced my fair share, unprovoked by nothing besides presenting an argument in a calm and reasonable manner.
  6. mcvey

    mcvey VIP Member Full Member

    Jun 2, 2006
    Let's leave him to stew in his own poison.You wouldn't deign to speak to him in a bar, so why converse on line? This is a decent thread with a plausible argument for a winner from both camps ,much more rewarding to concentrate on that.
    PIRA likes this.
  7. mcvey

    mcvey VIP Member Full Member

    Jun 2, 2006
    It must be factored in that Marciano beat 3 heavyweight champions and has a more proven pedigree at the weight. He also has the power to stop the Marine if he can land enough to slow him down for the big artillery.
    I'd expect a sustained assault onTunney's body it would be easier to reach than his chin.Tunney's lancing jab and that threading right cross could very well open cuts on Rocky's face.This would be no easy fight for either man.
    SuzieQ49 likes this.
  8. HerolGee

    HerolGee Loyal Member banned Full Member

    Sep 22, 2010
    Marciano, stoppage.
  9. Mr.DagoWop

    Mr.DagoWop Boxing Junkie banned Full Member

    Jul 1, 2015
    Like most things people say to you, what I said flew right over your head.
  10. Mr.DagoWop

    Mr.DagoWop Boxing Junkie banned Full Member

    Jul 1, 2015
    I'm not going to tailor my beliefs to appease you. I support what is right and you support whatever America does. It's as simple as that.
  11. Mr.DagoWop

    Mr.DagoWop Boxing Junkie banned Full Member

    Jul 1, 2015
    Conservatives are so annoying...
  12. mcvey

    mcvey VIP Member Full Member

    Jun 2, 2006
    I knew what you said ,but I was speaking figuratively not literally,and now like most ,I want no further contact with you.
    robert ungurean likes this.
  13. robert ungurean

    robert ungurean Богдан Philadelphia Full Member

    Jun 9, 2007
    Just dont write to me anymore. No more contact from you.
    The Senator, SuzieQ49 and mcvey like this.
  14. Mr.DagoWop

    Mr.DagoWop Boxing Junkie banned Full Member

    Jul 1, 2015
    You engaged me. Can't take the heat? Next time if you have a problem with me and want to say something act like a grown man that you're supposed to be and pm me instead of making an ass of yourself in a thread.
  15. Mr.DagoWop

    Mr.DagoWop Boxing Junkie banned Full Member

    Jul 1, 2015
    Thank God. You're annoying as hell.