I'm watching the Foreman vs Ali fight and he has no defense. Still an all time great fighter it's just funny how some people act like every all time great was so fundamentally sound
Also, for a guy who was around 6'3" 220 in his prime, which is smallish by today's standards, his hand speed wasn't all that great IMO. He also telegraphed his punches at times. Occasionally when he threw an uppercut or hook, he'd wind up the same way a bowler would before releasing the bowling ball. All fighters are flawed to some degree, but Foreman's flaws stood out a little more than other ATGs. Dude sure could punch though.
I’m waiting for people to cram in here and defend the complicated nuances of shoving and his “underrated” defence. He really looked underrated being peppered at will by Ali, Young and Lyle.
Wait for people to let you know those wind up punches were actually a special technique. They’ll let you know all about his genius strategies.
Was never all that impressed with Foreman outside of his punching power. The fact that he did as well as he did, and that some back then were even talking about him being invincible at the time, had me questioning the whole 70s Era at times, or at least re-evaluating whether it was the best era for Heavyweight boxing.
And I'm waiting for some dip**** to come in here and dispute his results. Blasted out prime Frazier and Norton in 2 rounds. Dispute that.
Why would people do that, when the observations made about Foreman, by his detractors, are so comprehensively insightful?
The way he used pushing and framing to keep Frazier off balance and set him up was pretty great as well. His defense was solid in his second career.
He was great with the feint in his comeback. He needed to be. If he had Moore with him in a primary role more in his first career he would’ve been possibly great beyond the HW scene.