Currently running Starting Strength. My goals for now are just to get strong. Wish me luck on my journey! Age: 17, 18 in 5 days. Height: 6'2 Weight: 72 kg
17.02.2013 Squat Warmup. 70kg 3x5 Press Warmup. 32,5 kg 3x5 Deadlift Warmup. 85kg 3x5 The Plank 75 sek x 3 Notes - Was in France snowbaording the last 7 days. My knees hurt like **** from all the jumping!
21.02.2013 Squat Warmup. 75kg 3x5 Press Warmup 37,5kg 3x5 Deadlift Warmup 87,5kg 1x5 Plank 85 sek x 3
23.02.2013 squat warmup 77,5kg 3x5 press Warmup 40kg 3x5 Rows 37,5kg plank 90 sek x 3 - ****ing hate planks. It hard as **** in the core, so it must work.
25.02.2013 My left hip flexor hurts like hell, so no squats or deads. Press sitting Warmup 42,5kg 3x5 Barbell Rows 40kg 3x5 Plank 95 sec x 1 50 (or something like it) x1 - quit like a *****, wasn't even that hard, but my head wasn't there and I hate planks.
27.02.2013 Left hip flexor still ****ed. Generel warmup Press sitting Warmup 45 x 5 45 x 3 45 x 4 Rows 42,5kg 3x5 Planks 2 min x 2 - ****ing hate em. Meh I have found a Oly gym near me. Awesome.
01.03.2013 hip flexor still hurts like a biaaatch Deadlift Warmup. 87,5kg 3x5 - easy. Mild pain in hip flexor. Press Warmup 45kg 3x5 - good lord my technique sucks balls. Rows 45kg 3x5 Planks +5kg 1min x 3 - whenever I'll get to 1min x 3 i'll add weight.
03.03.2013 Deadlift warmup. 90kg 1x5 Press: 47,5kg 3x5 – technique felt better today. Still have to better at keeping my core tight. Last rep was a grinder. Rows: 47,5kg 3x5 – meh, easy Planks: +7.5kg 30sek x 3 05.03.2013 Deadlift: warmup. 92,5kg 1x5 - easy. Press: warmup. 50kg x 4, 50kg x3 50kg x3 – last rep on last set had a little push press over it. Rows: 50kg 2x5, 1x7 – no idea why I did 7 instead of 5 on the last set. Planks: 7.5kg 40sek x 3 notes: can’t wait till I can squat again. 07.03.2013 Press: Warmup. 50kg 3x4 – Progress. I have to warm up better, shoulders felt a little creaky. Deadlift: Warmup. 95kg 1x5 Rows: 52,5kg 3x5 – did six reps on the second set, just because. Planks: + 7.5kg 60sek x 3 – time to up the weight. Did two ab-rollouts just to see if I could. I used to not be able to do 1, and those 2 were allright, could defiantly have done more, so that’s progress. Progress is good. 09.03.2013. 5 min general warm up. Deadlift: 97,5kg 1x5 – totally unfocused, ended up pulling with my back way too much. I have to use my glutes more. Press: 50kg 3x2 – Wut? Pretty sure the bar I used before wasn’t a 20 kilo the bar. The bar I’m using now is a pendlay, so that’s nice. Rows: 55kg 3x5 Planks: +10kg 30sek x 3 – did 5 ab rollouts after just because. Facepulls: 18kg 3x10 – 9kg on each hand = 18kg. Will try to Rear delt work each time im in the gym. Notes: Felt like **** today! Can’t wait till summer where I start at the Oly gym.
11.03.2013 Deadlift Warmup 100kg 1x5 Press Warmup 50kg 1x5 50kg 1x4 50kg 1x4 - did it with the lighter bar, so not really 50kg BB Rows 57,5kg 3x5 Plank +10kg 45sek x 3 - did 5 ab rollouts after.
13.03.2013 press Warmup 50kg x 5 50kg x 5 50kg x 4 - progress. Deadlift. Warmup 102.5kg x 5 Rows 60kg 3x5 - getting sloppier. Very short breaks between sets. Plank +10kg 60 sec x 3
17.03.2013 Deadlift Warmup 105kg 1x5 Rows 60kg x 5 60kg x 6 60kg x 7 Press 50kg x 4 50kg x 3 50kg x 2 - well that sucked. Plank +12.5kg 45sec x 3
18.03.2013 Deadlift Warmup 107.5kg 1x5 Press Warmup 45kg 3x5 Rows 62.5kg 3x5 Plank 12.5kg 53sek x 3 Facepulls 26kg x a bunch
20.03.2013 Deadlift Warmup 110kg 1x5 - Form was better. I have to do more glute activation as it's really helping. Bench 70kg 3x5 - will go down to 60 and start from there. Rows 65kg 3x5 Facepulls 26kg x a bunch Plank 12.5kg 60sek x 3 - time to add more weight.