Hamzah Sheeraz vs. Liam Williams & Sam Noakes vs. Lewis Sylvester + Yarde vs. Nikolic RBR.

Discussion in 'British Boxing Forum' started by CST80, Feb 10, 2024.

  1. rezzer

    rezzer Active Member Full Member

    Feb 11, 2009
    Very good point. Last 16 sounds about right. People say it’s easy to win a world title ( big 4 belts, not women’s ) these days but it’s actually very hard. How many world champs ( men’s ) do we have currently ? Is it 3 ? Not long ago we had a dozen or so. As long as a belts not vacant it hardly ever happens. There’s hardly ever Britons in world title fights these days and the ones that are end up getting battered abroad. Sheeraz will probably end up losing against a belt holder in Saudi along with all the other future British prospects. As Teddy Atlas said recently, British fighters aren’t that good.
    Beale likes this.
  2. Astro

    Astro Boxing Addict Full Member

    Sep 29, 2021
    Liam Williams is completely finished as a boxer. It was almost embarrassing and also a bit sad to see.

    It can be difficult as a matchmaker to set up / put together a good fight, but Queensberry needs to set the bar a little higher and find some better opponents. It was not a boxing card that will go down in history :)
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2024
  3. Astro

    Astro Boxing Addict Full Member

    Sep 29, 2021
    Me too. I have to admit that I was horribly wrong about Williams.
    Punchdrunk1 likes this.
  4. Maximum MARIUSZ

    Maximum MARIUSZ Member banned Full Member

    Jan 25, 2023
    Sheeraz is very good and Atlas always hate British boxing

    No **** Williams is finished as he was finished years ago and you needed last night to tell you that. He was never as good as Sheeraz and some people who dont know anything about boxing picked him to beat fresh Sheeraz lol
    Astro likes this.
  5. Sonny1

    Sonny1 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Mar 11, 2013
    We have loads of paper world champions though, do we agree with that? Surely that shows that it is pretty easy to win a world title in present day boxing when you have a division with scattered belts.
    crixus85 likes this.
  6. tdf1974

    tdf1974 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Sep 9, 2013
    Looked suspect to me
  7. uktyson

    uktyson Member Full Member

    Oct 25, 2012
    Yeah true i want to see him in with someone who can bang he always fights pillow fisted guys.
    TBC-ASAP likes this.
  8. Kev2k83

    Kev2k83 Active Member Full Member

    Sep 30, 2023
    Could have happened bud.

    It was ages ago but Im pretty sure that the first seven were easily took by Williams.

    Maybe Williams would have got through on points but he got cut and it was stopped.

    My point was never peaked like that again maybe the fox fight was close.
  9. jimmyonebomb

    jimmyonebomb Active Member Full Member

    Dec 5, 2010
    I've know knowledge of Scotland and their situation, but i know one thing the Tory party in the 2017 and 2019 elections were up to their ball sacks with russian donations
    Beale likes this.
  10. carllo90

    carllo90 New Member Full Member

    Oct 4, 2017
    did you mind about the smith over ryder win corruption?
    Beale likes this.
  11. Bob Flaps

    Bob Flaps Boxing Addict Full Member

    Mar 30, 2019
    As were the trade unions (and thus Labour) many years ago. Money goes around and funds different aims over time. In Scotland it's a more subtle weaving-together of "civic society" - politics, civil service, quangos and charities - to be extensions of the SNP, all washing taxpayers money through to cronies and personal causes - again, like Labour did back in its day here. It's going to take years to unravel.

    Anyway, back to the boxing.
  12. jimmyonebomb

    jimmyonebomb Active Member Full Member

    Dec 5, 2010
    The difference being one is highlighted by the media or even invented to be the truth, whilst one is brushed over or ignored completely. As you say back to the boxing
  13. carlingeight

    carlingeight Active Member Full Member

    May 15, 2016
    We do alright for the size of the country and considering how many sports we compete in..

    What goes against us is the way fighters are hyped up and skip the queue to challenge for world titles. Always seem to end up in this situation where our fighters end up against elite opponents they have no business being in the ring with.
  14. iamthegreatest

    iamthegreatest Well-Known Member Full Member

    May 4, 2020
    It was a shame seeing Williams lose like that. Tough, durable fighter, who has been in some battles. As for Sheeraz, razor-sharp jab and great finish. Onwards and upwards for him. Now is the time to step him up.
  15. Sonny1

    Sonny1 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Mar 11, 2013
    This is a very good post and in recent times the only British boxer who doesn’t fall into that category is Josh Taylor. The same could also be said for Carl Frampton and both had the same training team pre winning world titles. So many examples of British boxers getting battered in world title shots.
    ash234 likes this.