Hardest two-handed HW punchers of all times

Discussion in 'Classic Boxing Forum' started by Unique Way, Feb 4, 2025.

  1. catchwtboxing

    catchwtboxing Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jul 4, 2014
    Marciano, Tyson, Louis, Lewis, Wlad, Foreman
  2. MrPook

    MrPook Boxing Addict Full Member

    Apr 15, 2007
  3. Unique Way

    Unique Way Active Member Full Member

    Sep 6, 2023
    Lewis and Wilder didn't have great left hand (power punches), I was asking about two-handed punchers
    JohnThomas1 likes this.
  4. Unique Way

    Unique Way Active Member Full Member

    Sep 6, 2023
    Lewis wasn't two-handed puncher by any means, his left hook was very week compared to his right hand. Marciano - yes, but I doubt very much his power comes close to a power of somebody like Zhang who has good 7 inches of height and 100 lbs of weight over him
  5. RockyJim

    RockyJim Boxing Addict Full Member

    Mar 26, 2005
    Marciano...Joe Louis...Jack Dempsey...
    BoxingFan2002 likes this.
  6. GlaukosTheHammer

    GlaukosTheHammer Well-Known Member Full Member

    Nov 7, 2017
    Wilder, if I'm going by my own at home physics ... which admittedly is a lot of guessing but at least guessing based on video.

    I'm really not sure how you guys judge this or even if you mean "power" when you say power. I use energy. I've had talks with people who use force and while I can agree it'd give you an idea, I think force is the worst of the three to look at. Force may not hurt anything.

    But if we look at HW boxers on video for things like kinematic chains and apply simple and relatable math like measuring for foot-pounds which we can relate to firearms and automobiles. Then yeah, no real big shocker here, Deontay Wilder really does hit like a cannon and what I just said is not hyperbole. I mean if the guy hits with his absolute best he is killing the man he lands on, and we all know he knows this. His right hand exceeds most firearms and automobiles. You have to get to a seriously big vehicle to find an automobile that puts out more energy than Deontay Wilder's right hand cross down the pipe. Supercars and small cannons are what relate to Wilders 1200 or abouts ft-lbs

    Conversely, the other guy who fires off in just under cannon is Marciano at 925. Rocky doesn't stop hitting you though so "power" might actually edge to him because Marciano's going to repeatedly hit you with heavy shots where as Wilder doesn't seem to know what gives him his power and just waits to luck into a perfect kinematic chain with his right. He also seems to lands and end with just one good one more often. I think the energy there might just be too much for him to land multiple heavies, that and the lack of control of course.

    :lol: and this is why I usually one liner and go away. I'm super interested in how boxing fans think of "power" though.
    bigboxinghippo420 likes this.
  7. Journeyman92

    Journeyman92 Retired for now Full Member

    Sep 22, 2021
    Wilder really had a death ray in either hand, I thought he was a lazy fighter, his skills were eh his game plan was to do as little as possible waiting for his right lol BUT he had the physical material to be GREAT if he’d learnt to really fight I dont think todays guys hang, imagine if he fought anything like Foster? Even if he fell short, Wilder also while skilfully (as far as HW champs go) is pretty abysmal mentally he was a dog in the ring he went out proper and gentlemanly he believed in himself and that goes a long way in a fight.