Hatton warns Castillo to make weight

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by See Me Flow, Jun 21, 2007.

  1. Theo

    Theo Active Member Full Member

    Jan 17, 2005

    I'd like to think i am one of the more "sensible" hatton fans, i like ricky cause he is a very local man to me, he lives a few miles away. Also its really nice to see a brit doing well in the USA.

    now on to the sensibilitys, i know rickys last few performances have been less than good, but i also think that people are forgetting the good things that came out of them.

    with collazo, Ricky bossed the fight for the first few rounds, had a quiet spell then started to com on again in the latter mid rounds. the last round was un doubtably collazo's.

    but against urango i think rick is getting a raw deal. for the first 6 rounds i dont think ive seen ricky box better, he was in and out punching well and not getting hit.

    urango slowed him with some body shots and i think 100% hurt ricky, then for the last 4 roudns he resorted to surviving, there is still no doubt that ricky won every single round, with perhaps round 5 and i think 7 or 8 going to urango.

    anyone who does not think ricky boxed well for the first half ofthe urango fight is no able to judge boxing imo.

    thyat said, the way ricky has been living his life has definatly started to creep up on him, and castillo is a fantastic boxer no matter what anyone says.

    Ricky is never the best boxer on the planet but i do think he is a very good elite fighter who entertains his fans more oftern than not, that said, he needs a good performance to fend of the doubters - and thats not unfair critasism - he wants to sell him self as exciting, then he needs to have a exciting fight cause frankly we haven ot seen one since the KT fight and the Sucra Ray fight.

    the thing is i do not "hate" on any boxer, i might hate there poersonalitys but yuo wont catch me disrespecting them like some of the idiotson this board to, cause every time a boxer steps in the ring weather they be champions or journeymen deserves our repsect.

    fans these days have become seriously fickle idiots who dont know how to appreicate boxing, boxers aint perfect they never will be, they are humans.

  2. rochsolloch

    rochsolloch stephen chinnock Full Member

    Oct 7, 2006
    listen no matter what happens in a fight there will always be morons who say stupid things like this,like he was over the hill or wasnt in shape,the fact is these are 2 top pro boxers who have had 12 weeks training each and theres no excuses after the fight ,you can only compliment the winner and console the loser.