"High level" BJJ?

Discussion in 'MMA Forum' started by horst, Sep 2, 2010.

  1. Dave_j1985

    Dave_j1985 Active Member Full Member

    Apr 14, 2009

    My main issue with theologicaldisc is he obviously has a lack of BJJ knowledge, the simple fact the he refers to everything as "moves" like BJJ were a game of street fighter II and uses a wiki article to argue the level of purple belt is intermediate should make alarm bells ring for anyone. Now he is claiming to be a brown belt, but refuses to elaborate. Brown belt in BJJ is a big deal, and I know if I were to claim this rank anywhere I better be able to back it up either on the mats or with some evidence or details.

    Finally let me ask this of our so called brown belt. You argued that purple is not adavanced, but you can' deny that brown is, so does that mean when your instructor promoted you to brown your skill level went from intermediate to advanced all of a sudden because your belt colour changed?
  2. Dave_j1985

    Dave_j1985 Active Member Full Member

    Apr 14, 2009

    Credibility means alot when you're making such an argument about a very complex sport, right now you have exactly zero credibility.
  3. Pacotez

    Pacotez ... Full Member

    Jun 28, 2010
  4. Theologicaldisc

    Theologicaldisc Member Full Member

    Jul 31, 2010
    Everything I refered to as moves are moves. Ask anyone that knows anything about bjj will agree. Secondly, just because you relate them to a game of sf2 does not mean I am saying them like that. Third, I used a wiki article because what was on the wiki article was from a legit source :patsch. Not everything on wiki is BS. Fourth, the fact that I am a brown belt and refusing to elaborate is nothing but a red herring you are throwing out there to avoid dealing with my actual argument.
    Still confusing "experience" with "high level moves." :rofl
  5. Beebs

    Beebs Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Feb 21, 2007
    I'll just leave these here

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    Just everyday, first day basic stuff.
  6. James23

    James23 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jun 25, 2009
    Actually, from what I've been able to read, and quite frankly, I didn't read all that closely, you haven't made much sense in your argument. What I take issue with is your claim of being a BJJ Brown Belt when it's patently obvious that you're not. Frankly, I'd be shocked if you even set foot in a BJJ school, let alone have a belt. Now, why are we harping on this, you might ask? Well, you're claiming it as a means of validity and that by being a brown belt your claims have some sort of clout behind them, some merit.

    But, if you're bullshitting, and it's fairly obvious that you are, then your "argument" either gets absurdly weak or goes out the window entirely.

    Don't be full of ****. Tell the truth. You're not in grade school, and you're not at home. No one is going to spank you or tell you that you can't have a cookie.
  7. Beebs

    Beebs Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Feb 21, 2007
    Hughes has high level grappling, arguably higher level grappling than Royce, Renzo, and certainly Almeida. His grappling is just based on a different system.

    You need to be a high level fighter, you can do it with high level BJJ or high level hybrid grappling, or some other style of fighting.

    Bottom line though, when you are on the ground the higher level grappler is usually going to win.
  8. James23

    James23 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jun 25, 2009
    Man, that Lytle arm bar is awesome...and Matt Brown is a tough SOB, too.
  9. Dave_j1985

    Dave_j1985 Active Member Full Member

    Apr 14, 2009
    Diaz vs Gomi was EPIC!
  10. G_Hoppa

    G_Hoppa New Member Full Member

    Aug 28, 2010
    Lytle was awesome in that fight... and i don't really like him, but CB dollaway impressed me the other day too :)
  11. moreorless

    moreorless Active Member Full Member

    Sep 19, 2010
    As I pointed out Theologicaldisc's whole arguement is based on an incredabley weak case of semantics. He seems to believe that by classing different techniques as "moves" or not he can somehow judge the skill behind them.

    Sorry but theres no such thing as a "move" in BJJ, you've invented the term and if it means anything at all it should reffer to literally any kind of technique thats taught in BJJ, be it subs, positioning, misdirection etc.

    Backed up by his likely dishoniest claims of training BJJ himself it seems pretty clear he's either a troll, a child or someone with an axe to grind agenst BJJ/MMA. Either way the only result is his looking incredabley foolish.
  12. Theologicaldisc

    Theologicaldisc Member Full Member

    Jul 31, 2010
    :rofl Guess that's why they don't teach omaplatas to white belts.

    :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl There's no such thing as a move in bjj? hilarious:rofl
    It's so funny how people think they can dismiss an entire argument complete with evidence and sound logic based off of ad hominems.:rofl
  13. Theologicaldisc

    Theologicaldisc Member Full Member

    Jul 31, 2010
    High level grappling doesn't always = bjj.

    No one said you acn't do it with high level bjj, what I am saying is high level bjj(MOVES) is practically useless in mma.
    what does this have to do with my argument?
  14. Theologicaldisc

    Theologicaldisc Member Full Member

    Jul 31, 2010
    Hey, thanks for proving my point. You sarcastically saying the stuff you posted is 'just everyday, first day basic stuff,' insinuates that what you posted is advance stuff that does not happen everyday. So the fact that what you posted isn't 'everyday stuff,' once again proves my point. Furthermroe the gogaplata was only sucessful twice in the ENTIRE HISTORY of the pride division. That right there is just the nail in the coffin! :rofl
  15. Beebs

    Beebs Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Feb 21, 2007
    High level grappling is always going to be a nice option to have though, rather than being useless.

    I do agree not all grappling is BJJ, I think we have common ground there. Thing is, you aren't going to get very good at basic stuff without learning a few high level moves, it's just part of putting that much time in.