How come Julian Jackson was never a big draw

Discussion in 'Classic Boxing Forum' started by quintonjacksonfan, Jul 11, 2007.

  1. quintonjacksonfan

    quintonjacksonfan Active Member Full Member

    Jul 21, 2004
    You would think he would have a huge following with that power

    I just remember always seeing him on the undercard of a PPV

    Those were great undercards
  2. Azania

    Azania Active Member Full Member

    Oct 26, 2006
    Yeah...Always wondered bout that myself...The guy was a monster with those hands.You would think,he'd be really popular back then.

    The way he concussed Terry Norris was truly awsome.
  3. Raggamuffin

    Raggamuffin You dipstick Full Member

    Jun 11, 2007
    Mainly because Don King kept him fighting those undercards
    He had bigger fish to follow.
    A darn shame, The Hawk was a lethal puncher. Cunning enough to draw you in and lower the Boom(see Herol Graham). Bit shaky chin though but a pleasure to watch cause you knew something was going to happen
  4. heerko koois

    heerko koois Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Apr 26, 2006
    Because he was neither American or Brittish.....
  5. fists of fury

    fists of fury Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Oct 25, 2006
    I think a lack of exposure hurt him significantly. Better marketing and an active campaign to make him more of a household name would have paid huge dividends.
    I think the guy was fun to watch. His chin was slightly questionable, but that power! Probably the hardest puncher p4p I have ever seen.
  6. unitas

    unitas Boxing Addict Full Member

    May 12, 2007
    maybe it was his lack of good opposition during his middleweight reign.

    i mean would you have paid for a main event between jackson and say Ismael Negron 16-8, dennis milton 16-2, or ron collins 21-1(but against weak opposition)????

    Those were mismatches and everyone knew it!!

    would you have paid to see jackson blow away one of these guys in one round??

    i sure as hell would not.
  7. achillesthegreat

    achillesthegreat FORTUNE FAVOURS THE BRAVE Full Member

    Jul 21, 2004
    In the entertainment industry you need character.

    When Spice Girls and Take That broke up most said Gary Barlow and Mel C would go on to riches cos they could actually sing. They had no character though and it was someone like Robbie Williams who became the superstar.

    Same is for boxing.

    The true superstars are the one who can mix character and actually being good while fighting the best i.e. Leonard, Ali, DLH, Robinson etc