For me personally, he did very well in the rounds before knocking you out... that's his style, moving around the ring and landing a big blow... or waiting for them to close you down and leaving at some angle after throwing a big punch. blow.... I think he has to use his jab more and I feel that he has improved by raising his guard what he has to do is more than anything throw the jab better than if he has improved it... I do see improvement in a couple of fights more and it will be ready
That's right... what I did see was when he ran around the ring and when he hit you, he threw punches, he took them off running and then he stopped and connected... that's definitely his style.
That's not his style, we've never seen him implement the shoulder roll to that extreme, he was rotating his waist way too much to the point where he was turning his back on Duarte. He needs to just keep his hands up and Hold a high tight guard.
Of course... it's not his style to use his shoulder, I think he shouldn't do it... what worked for him was running around the ring while landing some solid blows.
Dude still need improvements. He keeps calling out names like Teo and Shakur. Shakur will box his face of for 12 rounds straight and Teo would give him a Floyd Gatti level beatdown
I see Ryan Garcia, somehow, someway, getting matched against Subriel Matias and getting paintbrushed all over the ring. Called out Rolly aftwerwards lol ffs