How good was rocky marciano?

Discussion in 'Classic Boxing Forum' started by SonnyListon>, May 20, 2024.

How good was Rocky Marciano

  1. Top 1

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  6. Top 20+

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  1. mcvey

    mcvey VIP Member Full Member

    Jun 2, 2006
    I'm an old man,but would like a few more years, punching Marciano,would not be the best way to ensure I got them!

    Now you want to call me a liar?
    Just trawl through my posts there are over 95,000,to choose from so you will need to allow some time!

    You appear to have some anger management issues,I hope you don't let them get the better of you,we really don't want to lose members ,especially such new ones,we haven't had time to form an opinion of you yet,well,at least I haven't.
    Greg Price99 and swagdelfadeel like this.
  2. swagdelfadeel

    swagdelfadeel Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jul 30, 2014
    This isn't a new member, it's serbianloudmouth. This is his FOURTH account, after three have been permabanned.

    I'm surprised he's lasted this long tbh.

    I'd report him for bypassing bans but he's not worth the effort.
    Greg Price99, Reinhardt and mcvey like this.
  3. mcvey

    mcvey VIP Member Full Member

    Jun 2, 2006
    Oh, that explains everything!
    Last edited: May 21, 2024
  4. BoxingFan2002

    BoxingFan2002 Member Full Member

    Feb 11, 2024
    Marciano and Ali, you hate them.
  5. BoxingFan2002

    BoxingFan2002 Member Full Member

    Feb 11, 2024
    Wooow, Einstein I didn't recognize you, you must be the smartest here ha?
  6. BoxingFan2002

    BoxingFan2002 Member Full Member

    Feb 11, 2024
    I caught you in previous posts few times, it's not uncommon for you to lie.

    When you're caught you don't reply like klompton said once in older threads.

    I said it before and I'm gonna say that again, when you use quotes they're somehow valid but when someone is using them against you somehow find a way to discredit them.
  7. BoxingFan2002

    BoxingFan2002 Member Full Member

    Feb 11, 2024
    "Naturally, the first thought that comes to mind would have to be Muhammad Ali. Ali is more my time. But before my time, it would have to be Joe Louis or Rocky Marciano." Marvin Hagler when asked to name the greatest fighter of all time.

    "Just look at Rocky Marciano's record. Nobody beat him. You can't take that from him." George Foreman on why he placed Marciano behind Louis as second greatest heavyweight of all time.

    "Joe Louis is the greatest heavyweight champion of all time. Rocky Marciano is second only to Louis." Joe Frazier
  8. Gazelle Punch

    Gazelle Punch Boxing Addict Full Member

    Aug 15, 2018
    I c the Marciano hate still runs deep here. Some hate for different reasons. Some r outright racist. Some r size queens. Some like to argue over anything. Can’t argue the man’s record. Unbeaten with numerous title defenses against number 1 challengers. He didn’t duck anyone and beat everyone in front of him. Not many HW champs can claim that. The man deserves respect some of the same criticisms he faces today he heard back then. Many thought he was too small and clumsy to compete but Goldman developed a style for him to maximize his strengths and turn his weaknesses into strengths. Boxing is an art and luckilly Rocky didn’t listen to those who said he was to small. He beat em all. Punched like a mule and was prob top two in stamina ever with a top ten defense as well. Those r good combos for success in any era. The haters will continue to hate but they can’t take away the man’s accomplishments
    catchwtboxing and BoxingFan2002 like this.
  9. mcvey

    mcvey VIP Member Full Member

    Jun 2, 2006
    Ali is my number 1 all time heavyweight. I won money when he ko'd Foreman.

    I went to see him box an exhibition.He was a very fine man imo.

    I've already given my opinion of Marciano.
    If i had known I was talking with you I would not have bothered. You won't be here long so why worry?
    I don't hate any boxer, but I'm not fond of either Naseem Hamed, or Adrien Broner.
  10. mcvey

    mcvey VIP Member Full Member

    Jun 2, 2006
    I'm not getting into it with a fool like you. Quotes require verified sources,you have none.
  11. BoxingFan2002

    BoxingFan2002 Member Full Member

    Feb 11, 2024
    I did and you failed because you proved that you're contradictory, one quotes are valid but others are not just because you don't like them.
  12. greynotsoold

    greynotsoold Boxing Addict Full Member

    Aug 17, 2011
    Marciano may have been a short, stocky guy with a crude style that wasn't pretty to watch. But he was also a guy that was so afraid of losing in public that it drove him to get himself into the best condition that he could achieve and to fight his heart out, leave it all in the ring, every time.
    If you are a trainer or a manager, that is exactly what you are looking for. You can teach skill and style and tricks of the trade, especially to a guy with that type of dedication. You cannot teach that level of determination and commitment.
    Charly Goldman was a genius of a trainer and he worked a lot on Marciano; Angelo Dundee was very impressed with the progression in Marciano's style. You wonder what might have been had Marciano started young- 9 or 10- and had quality instruction all along. As it was, he did pretty well for himself.
    Was he the greatest fighter? No. Unbeatable? No one ever has been. Maximized what he had to work with? Probably as much as anyone ever. If I walked into a gym tomorrow and found a 14 year old with the same fear of losing and the willingness to work and fight to avoid losing that Marciano had, it would be better than winning the lottery.
  13. BoxingFan2002

    BoxingFan2002 Member Full Member

    Feb 11, 2024
    "Naturally, the first thought that comes to mind would have to be Muhammad Ali. Ali is more my time. But before my time, it would have to be Joe Louis or Rocky Marciano." Marvin Hagler when asked to name the greatest fighter of all time.

    "Just look at Rocky Marciano's record. Nobody beat him. You can't take that from him." George Foreman on why he placed Marciano behind Louis as second greatest heavyweight of all time.

    "Joe Louis is the greatest heavyweight champion of all time. Rocky Marciano is second only to Louis." Joe Frazier
    Gazelle Punch likes this.
  14. PRW94

    PRW94 Active Member Full Member

    Nov 26, 2020
    Serious question: How are you defining “hate?” Except for one idiot who I blocked, I am not seeing any actual “hate” for Rocky. But this is what I do see: his fans are so devoted to the guy that in their eyes, anything that they consider remotely critical of him equates to “hatred.” There’s no in between to Rocky fans, no shades of gray, it’s either/or. You’re with him or against him.

    Same way with Nolan Ryan in baseball. I belong to some baseball groups too and I swear, I have been in so many discussions about that guy that have gotten out of hand, one got to 1,100 posts in a month.

    His acolytes will fight you, literally fight you, that he was the GOAT when he was not close. But if you don’t concede that, if you don’t literally genuflect before him, you’re a hater. Again the intensity of their fandom is such that there is no in between.
  15. Gazelle Punch

    Gazelle Punch Boxing Addict Full Member

    Aug 15, 2018
    Marciano and his opponents are held to standards no other fighter is held to on this forum and it’s not even close. I don’t think he’s the goat but I do have him top 5 in HWs.
    BoxingFan2002 and PRW94 like this.