This content is protected Relationships, alcohol and junk food have turned me into a fat, lazy ******* with precious little to offer society. :yep And so I've had enough of flirting with obesity. Over the next 3 months or so I plan on enduring a different kind of physical abuse. Eventually I plan to spar with something other than alcoholism, but my short term goal is rapid weight loss. My training routines will primarily involve extended cardio before breakfast, I'll also be updating my daily food diary in here. Any input at all will be appreciated, whether it's helpful advice or you wanna ridicule me for being a fat, weak willed **** (The latter will probably help just as much.). I'll be making my first entry tomorrow following my early workout. Peace out, and thanks for your time. :good EDIT: I'm altering my goal weight to a more civilized 85kgs. So far so good!
You've made a start now my friend, can't fail now. Stick around and we'll make sure you get over the finish line.
Many thanks, gents! Unfortunately society is filled with too many ****ing enablers so I'm coming here for the tough love I need to keep in check. Watch out, mother****ers. I'm determined! :twisted: Woke up a 10am (Hardly early) and started my day with 100mg of caffeine, then off to the gym... Set myself what I will consider to be my absolute bare minimum over the next few weeks (Will increase it as my fitness improves) and concentrated on completing that for now. * 5 x 3 minute rounds of speed rope I'm always honest with the rope. I strive to jump at a rate brisk enough keep me constantly challenged. I also vary my cadence well between jumping, shuffling, side to sides, double unders, you name it. * 5 x 3 minute rounds of the heavy bag ****ing disgusted with myself. My punches have lost the kinetic SNAP they had when I was in shape. It's like I'm trying to crack a whip with a pillow of lard tied to the middle and it's absorbing half the force. I feel like a drunk bear clumsily trying to maul a ****ing tree. :-( * 30 mins on treadmill Started at a pace of 10kph on a 1.5 incline. I've allowed myself 2 breaks of 2:30 during the run. These are taken at half pace for a total of 25 minutes run, 5 mins walk. This is far from what any halfway fit person would consider a challenging run but I know what it is to dig... Unfortunately my shovel just isn't big enough yet. I left maximum 5 mins rest between activities so I've basically packed this workout into just under 90 mins. ****ing hell it was brutal. I'll be concentrating on improving the quality of my heavy bag workout before I start trying to add crazy **** in. Hooked into a smoothie when I got home, 250ml low fat milk, a handful of frozen berries and a scoop of low-carb protein. :blood Never tried that **** before. My house mate recommended it. This content is protected Yeah I know it's mostly gonna be fluids and is likely to fluctuate. This is just how I like to check weight. I'll be Updating my food **** soon. :thumbsup
Thanks, man. The truth is I didn't stack on that 32 kilos (Or 70 lbs for imperial folk) because I hate to exercise... Quite the opposite! My problem has always been that I'm a shitty eater, and while I've had the occasional 'fitness kick' over the years I've never really had positive results because I pile in on either shitty food, tremendous amounts of reasonable food (Sushi, etc) or tremendous amounts of shitty food. This time I'm having a genuine crack at frequent, goal oriented exercise coupled with an aggressive diet. As soon as I can find a good calorie counting website (And if I can be arsed) I'll try and keep a food log here, too...
This content is protected * Speed rope - 5 x 3 minute rounds * Treadmill - 30 mins Pace 10km/h inlcine 1.5, 2 half paced breaks of 2:30. Tore through the run today. Felt good! * Heavybag - 5 x 3 minute rounds Still completely **** although I did concentrate a little more on technique today, which felt good. This saw my volume decrease, however. * Speed bag - 5 minutes cool down Done at a moderate pace. First time I've touched a speed bag in about 2 years and glad to see my sense of rhythm is still there. This content is protected
Yea but when you get fit, your just gonna be a skinny piece of ****. Better to be a fat stud or piamp, na what im sayin' homes
Hows the intensity in those rounds? Looking at that I'd say you were in pretty good shape to be honest.
Not the best. I'll try to work out a rough punch count today, about to get in there now... I feel like my heart & lungs are doin' okay, I used to do this workout with a core routine and a weights session or anaerobic calisthenic circut on top depending on the day. And the run was done at 11.5km/h at an inlcline of 3.0. So I got some work to do, and I just gotta stop eatin' like a stupid dildo...
This content is protected This content is protected * Speed Rope - 5 x 3 minute rounds Finished with double unders to failure. Turned otu to be 20 seconds. * Heavy Bag - 5 x 3 minute rounds Punch count for rd. 1, 133 Punch count for rd. 2, 125 Couldn't be arsed counting rounds 3 thru 5, but I'm sure my output declined at a similiar rate. My thrown to landed percentage was 100% in all rounds, however. * Speed Bag - 5 mins cool down Moderate pace * Treadmill - 30 mins 10km/h, 1.5 incline, 2 half pace breaks of 2:30. Felt good. This content is protected That's kinda annoying. Expect to see a slight loss by next week.
This content is protected This content is protected * Speed rope - 4 x 3 minute rounds Got cut short because the gym was so friggin' busy today... * Treadmill - 30 minutes Pace 10km/h, incline 1.5, 2 half paced breaks of 2:30. Finished it pretty comfortably. After a fortnight I'll knock it up a notch. * Heavy bag - 5 x 3 minute rounds. Grueling. Caught myself getting sloppy several times through the process. Shitty bag session. Also have a pinch in my bicep from throwing the straight left. :twisted: * Speed bag - 5 mins cooldown. Pretty happy with my speed bag work. Mostly done at a moderate pace, but sped it up a few times. Startin to regain my relaxed cadence, transitions are getting better. This content is protected My eating so far today has been reasonable. Frozen berry shake for breakfast with 2% milk and a scoop of protein. Ate a frozen meal for lunch, and hammered a subway sandwich probably a little too early to count as dinner. One of those healthy ones, but I got cheese and fatty sauce. :yep I did have to do a ******* **** of a three hour walk today, so I think that can afford me a few extra calories.
Have to recommend those sprint rounds on the heavy bag. I used to have to do them for boxing. If done properly they are great calorie burner and youll definitely see great increases in stamina.
Sprint rounds. :think Constant, high volume, right? How do you work them around your technique sessions? I used to train with a guy who made us do 30 seconds of volume at the end of every round. :barf While it's benifit cannot be questioned I know I'm not ready for that yet. It will destroy the rest of my workout.