I am a fat piece of ****.

Discussion in 'Training Logs' started by Drunkenboxer, Oct 23, 2009.

  1. Vantage_West

    Vantage_West ヒップホップ·プロデューサー Full Member

    Jul 11, 2006
    i would call you a fat ****a but....your body usually puts on a bit for winter and starts to lean down around christmas. just eat how you feel and continue into the new year with a positive mind. you have lost 20 pounds doing a solid regime and hard work. eating an drinking isnt the killer it's lack of exercise.
  2. dfh85

    dfh85 Active Member Full Member

    Oct 24, 2009
    2 weeks aint all that bad, why dont u go for a run before work or something?
  3. Drunkenboxer

    Drunkenboxer Least Eligible Bachelor Full Member

    May 12, 2006
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    Well, it's been a while. ****'s been going a little bit bananas in life recently, and now the dust has settled, leaving me pretty much where I started. I hadn't been in the gym so far this year, so yesterday was a feeling-out process as much as anything...

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    Pace was good and brisk, but the lungs couldn't keep up with the body. Started a 4th munite but gassed pretty quickly.

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    All things considered, output was pretty good on the heavy bag. Had some nice kinetic snap on my punches, but again, gassed quickly.

    Well, it was a shitty session, but it was a session none the less... I didn't put too much pressure on myself (Which has to change pretty quickly if I want any results...), it was more about guaging where I was at. I'll be looking to do my afforementioned bare minimum next time... Baby steps, futhamucker...
  4. Drunkenboxer

    Drunkenboxer Least Eligible Bachelor Full Member

    May 12, 2006
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    So I ate some chocolate over easter... So what???

    * Speed rope - 5 x 3 minutes
    Decent session, but the pace waned quickly. Barely had enough energy to keep a jog-pace by the end of the 5th, but still my best rope session thus far...

    * Heavy bag - 5 x 3 minutes
    Started well enough but descended into a crappy, low-output maul a thon.

    * Treadmill - 30 minutes
    10km/h, 2 half paced breaks of 2:30 for 25 minutes run, 5 minutes active rest.

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  5. stew

    stew New Member Full Member

    Apr 7, 2010
    Keep on it man! Your log motivated me to get my own going! I need to get my ass into shape as well!
  6. SoX BoX

    SoX BoX Member Full Member

    Dec 16, 2009
    Bull**** man i read all the way through your diary only too find a 3 month gap and you put 8 kilos on sort your **** out man it aint gonna fall off
  7. Drunkenboxer

    Drunkenboxer Least Eligible Bachelor Full Member

    May 12, 2006
    Thanks guys... Need a foot in the ass! Been too lazy! :twisted:
  8. Drunkenboxer

    Drunkenboxer Least Eligible Bachelor Full Member

    May 12, 2006
    Okay. Here's the bad news. I've put all the weight back on! :patsch

    I've deliberately avoided this place until I lost the weight again, and guess what!! I just gained back!

    **** this ****. Time to get real...

    My ****ing weight stands at 109.6kgs.


    Workout and weight tomorrow....
  9. onin_5

    onin_5 New Member Full Member

    May 22, 2009
    wow! back to zero, keep it going man :bbb
  10. Drunkenboxer

    Drunkenboxer Least Eligible Bachelor Full Member

    May 12, 2006


    Just finally joined a boxing gym again yesterday and hammered a pretty good workout! Unfortunately I didn't follow it up today... But it's given me some inspiration! I need to change my attitude if I expect to get anywhere...
  11. noonan

    noonan Guest

    Hows it going now bud?
  12. Drunkenboxer

    Drunkenboxer Least Eligible Bachelor Full Member

    May 12, 2006
    Well man! Just finished a typically fattening Christmas season, and am getting into the gym again. Thoroughly enjoying the boxing gym, now the diet is starting to fall in line. Haven't taken weight yet. A bit scared after the Christmas I had... :oops:
  13. noonan

    noonan Guest

    Im starting at step one, gotta lose the moobs lol , im 5'9 and 86kg,

    Just sorting diet and started at the gym, do you find doing this log helps?
  14. Arranmcl

    Arranmcl Arran Full Member

    Jan 2, 2011
    Try doing exersice before breakfast. that way your burning fat rather than calories.
  15. noonan

    noonan Guest

    :huh Does the Calorie fairy come at night and take them all away then? if so why am i not Ripped?

    Also training before breakfast for me wouldnt be as good as i would feel weaker and therfore not lift as much and burn so many calories.

    and main thing of a diet is a calorie deficit