I asked AI to simulate a fight between Muhammad Ali and Mike Tyson

Discussion in 'Classic Boxing Forum' started by MixedMartialLaw, Jun 3, 2023.

  1. ThatOne

    ThatOne Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jan 13, 2022
    Although a great fighter Tyson was singularly inflexible. When the peekaboo failed him he invariably faded.
  2. Journeyman92

    Journeyman92 A L O H A Full Member

    Sep 22, 2021
    Tyson is one of the worst match ups you could conceive for Muhammad.
  3. Saintpat

    Saintpat Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jun 26, 2009
    I asked AI to give me winning lottery numbers.
    InMemoryofJakeLamotta likes this.
  4. Journeyman92

    Journeyman92 A L O H A Full Member

    Sep 22, 2021
    If you watch the Douglas fight you can see the limitations of how Mike fought, it’s true. I think more glaring holes can be seen in Ali’s entire career- Norton was his own Buster Douglas and I don’t see him being held accountable, instead Norton is now an ATG though I’d argue Buster was better.

    We just got to see the rematches in Ali’s case, Neither guy was entirely adaptable in Ali’s biggest win over Frazier he cheated outright because he couldn’t overcome his flaws within the confines of the rules- he beat Norton in return bouts because he should’ve, Norton wasn’t that good, though some not me dispute he even did beat Norton.
  5. Levook

    Levook Well-Known Member Full Member

    Aug 26, 2020
    This fight is so fascinating, it's been discussed maybe more than other fantasy fight ever. And for good reason!

    When I think of Tyson at his very best, I see a young guy who is not only savage & ferocious, but is also capable of having fun in there and not being so "serious", which imo is one of the main reasons he started to slide at such a young age.

    But anyway, doesn't matter how Tyson fights, Ali is far too good and beats him by clear UD, probably scoring a knock down at some point too. But the young peak Tyson, the one that wasn't yet overly concerned about living up to his "baddest man on the planet" label, the one that smiled and played around a bit and knocked people dead, would be a bit of a handful no doubt.
    ikrasevic likes this.
  6. Sangria

    Sangria You bleed like Mylee Full Member

    Nov 13, 2010
    Funny how most who pick someone like Foreman over Tyson based on styles also claim Ali beats Tyson...based on styles!? I don't buy.

    Each guy has what it takes to beat the other but my money's on Mike in a prime battle between the two best.

    Cus knew what it took to beat Ali and Tyson soaked it up like a sponge. From his inception Tyson fought loads of guys who emulated Ali's style. And Tyson's style (guys like Frazier and a certain extent Norton), guys who took it to Ali had given Ali all he could handle. Even Patterson troubled Ali at times.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2023
  7. Sangria

    Sangria You bleed like Mylee Full Member

    Nov 13, 2010
    Here's a poster I made a while back pitting the colossal giants against each other.
    P.S. If anyone would like t shirts of this lemme know, mmmkay!!??

    Last edited: Jun 4, 2023
    Pugguy likes this.
  8. Pugguy

    Pugguy Ingo, The Thinking Man’s GOAT Full Member

    Aug 22, 2021
    Nice work.
    Sangria likes this.
  9. Pugguy

    Pugguy Ingo, The Thinking Man’s GOAT Full Member

    Aug 22, 2021
    Norton - Ali’s own Buster Douglas?

  10. Sangria

    Sangria You bleed like Mylee Full Member

    Nov 13, 2010
    Thanks Pug!!
    JohnThomas1 and Pugguy like this.
  11. Mastrangelo

    Mastrangelo Active Member Full Member

    Feb 19, 2019
    I was playing with it a bit as well, until I asked AI to simulate fight between Anthony Joshua and some random low-level journeymen I found on boxrec - and it wrote a tale of dramatic fight which "would go down as one of the greatest fights in Heavyweight Boxing History".
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2023
  12. swagdelfadeel

    swagdelfadeel Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jul 30, 2014
    Out of curiosity, who was the journeyman?
  13. Mastrangelo

    Mastrangelo Active Member Full Member

    Feb 19, 2019
    Don Haynesworth I believe, but could be wrong. It's been couple months.
  14. FrankinDallas

    FrankinDallas Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jul 24, 2004
    This is why AI is a menace to humanity.

    Ali would defeat Tyson mentally even before they got in the ring. The most testosterone fueled Tyson would melt under
    Ali's poems, insults and screaming. Ali would TKO Tyson in under 10 rounds. The only issue we can't know at this point is
    what name Ali would come up with for Mike.
  15. White Bomber

    White Bomber Boxing Addict Full Member

    Mar 31, 2021
    UTTERLY UNREALISTIC and based on unfounded assumptions.
    Tyson wins on points in a boring fight, this is the most likely scenario.
    InMemoryofJakeLamotta likes this.