I feel like im under appreciated in my gym

Discussion in 'Boxing Training' started by Unknownboxer420, Nov 20, 2024.

  1. Unknownboxer420

    Unknownboxer420 New Member Full Member

    Nov 20, 2024
    i do all the right things im polite, i stay humble, i practice on the things they tell me to work on, i train hard, im consistant, i have lots of friends in my gym, but my coach does not even remember my name, it makes me feel like im not good enough and i do feel that way all the time
  2. thickneck57

    thickneck57 New Member Full Member

    Nov 10, 2024
    Its very possible that it has nothing to do with you.. just be a very busy or popular gym. I used to train at a gym that had a large social media following and I met a lot of fighters there and the Coach has a large amateur team. There are always so many new people coming in and I recently had a chat with one of the fighters I met when I saw that he switched gyms and we agreed that gym gets away with a lot of things because of its popularity, and kind of neglects most of the fighters that arent really in their inner circle, plus they have loads of talent coming in.

    My suggestion is to look at the gyms or trainers around u, a lot of the time the lesser known people provide the best service because they spend less time marketing and more time giving quality instruction and taking care of their fighters training
    Toney F*** U, haileris, Pat M and 2 others like this.
  3. Rockin1

    Rockin1 Member Full Member

    May 24, 2024
    Sparring is where you will be noticed. How many rounds have you been puttin' in each session?
  4. Toney F*** U

    Toney F*** U Boxing junkie Full Member

    Oct 16, 2019
    This, at the end of the day it’s a combat sport, so it’s expected that coaches only care about guys who have something to offer. Being polite and respectful is great, keep that attitude, but also show that you’re willing to train hard and can hang in sparring. Im at this new gym and no one gave a **** about me until I started regularly sparring the amateurs there.
    Saintpat, Rockin1 and greynotsoold like this.
  5. Saintpat

    Saintpat Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jun 26, 2009
    How long have you been at it in this gym?
  6. Unknownboxer420

    Unknownboxer420 New Member Full Member

    Nov 20, 2024
    2 years now
  7. Unknownboxer420

    Unknownboxer420 New Member Full Member

    Nov 20, 2024
    i do spar alot but ill take the other stuff into account
  8. Saintpat

    Saintpat Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jun 26, 2009
    Tell us more: how many days a week you go, what kind of workout you do, how often you spar, whether you’ve had a fight or not yet, etc.

    I’d also maybe ask one of the others who you feel are getting more attention than you are if they have any idea why that is. Tell them to be honest and tell the truth — of course that’s making yourself vulnerable to maybe hearing something you don’t want to hear, but as they say, the truth will set you free. Or maybe ask the coach.
    greynotsoold likes this.