If Crawford beats Canelo he is the P4P Goat

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by Joeywill, Jan 24, 2025.

  1. Loudon

    Loudon Loyal Member Full Member

    Mar 7, 2012
    The questions are asked frequently.

    Floyd is proclaimed by many to be the GOAT.

    Yet the response to that, is that he never beat any prime ATG’s.

    However, he was tremendously skilled, with a very, very deep resume, which is significantly better than the one held by Terence.
    Rexrapper 1, AdamT and Joeywill like this.
  2. Loudon

    Loudon Loyal Member Full Member

    Mar 7, 2012
    Madrimov isn’t a journeyman.

    Let’s not get silly.
    Joeywill likes this.
  3. Joeywill

    Joeywill Well-Known Member Full Member

    Aug 2, 2021
    If Crawford beat Canelo his resume would surpass Mayweathers for me
  4. Loudon

    Loudon Loyal Member Full Member

    Mar 7, 2012
    Those guys aren’t worthy of your time.

    He’d get a ton of praise of every knowledgeable fan.
    Joeywill likes this.
  5. Loudon

    Loudon Loyal Member Full Member

    Mar 7, 2012
    It would be a monster win for sure.

    But like I keep telling you, Floyd has ten Postol/Khan type of fighters on his resume.
    Joeywill likes this.
  6. JusABoxinFan

    JusABoxinFan Active Member Full Member

    Apr 20, 2022
    Man..... Nothing more truthful said.

    I think some fans get confused as to how NOT important their opinion is in comparison to reality. These discussions are supposed to be recreational for us fans. But there is always those few who feel their opinions are law and if we share an opinion that doesn't run parallel with theirs then we don't know anything about the sport and/or are labeled goofy names like "casuals" or whatever.
    Joeywill likes this.
  7. JusABoxinFan

    JusABoxinFan Active Member Full Member

    Apr 20, 2022
    What you mean, "if that's true"..... Do the research. It's public information. Y'all spend too much time leaning on your opinions without using your WiFi to do actual research so that you opinions can hold water.

    Bringing up that he never won a title in the division Crawford beat him in means next to nothing in regards to the fact that I stated that he was top 5 p4p going into the fight vs Crawford. He was a 2 division champion. He moved into his 3rd division 140lbs in attempt to continue his legacy. His second fight at the weight he faced a 2 division champion in Terence Crawford. He was undefeated and so was Crawford....Crawford came out on top.
  8. Loudon

    Loudon Loyal Member Full Member

    Mar 7, 2012
    He’d also not beaten any real quality fighters, and he had a 9” reach disadvantage.
  9. FrankinDallas

    FrankinDallas Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jul 24, 2004
    I hear the same thing about NFL quarterbacks. He's skilled but did he ever go to or win a Super Bowl or an MVP title.
    Loudon likes this.
  10. JusABoxinFan

    JusABoxinFan Active Member Full Member

    Apr 20, 2022
    So what.....

    He beat a couple of world champions and a couple of opponents who were ranked at the top of his former divisions, which makes those opponents quality. There's those facts that you refuse to look up but push your opinion.

    Crawford having a reach advantage, so that's you weapon for discrediting Crawford....lol. So do we need to discredit Lennox Lewis vs some of his best opponents. He had 6" reach advantage over Holyfield......Hell, a whopping 13" reach over Mike Tyson.....lol.

    Maybe I should discredit your entire argument because the "REACH" you are showcasing in this conversation with these excuses puts not only myself, but anyone speaking with logic at a huge disadvantage....lol.
  11. Loudon

    Loudon Loyal Member Full Member

    Mar 7, 2012
    So what??

    So: It’s one of HIS best wins!

    Yet here you are crying, because I’ve said that his resume is weak.

    Look at how erratic you are.

    How defensive you are.

    Throwing out the sarcasm.

    Terence having a 9” reach advantage, over a smaller opponent, who’d beaten no top quality fighters, was one of his top wins.

    Again, that just highlights how poor his actual resume is.

    We don’t need to discredit Lennox for having a huge advantage reach over Mike.

    Mike often used that small reach to his advantage.

    It obviously depends what style you have.

    You know this.

    Mike went into many fights, where his small stature was advantageous to him.

    The Lewis fight isn’t important, because Mike was shot.

    Everybody knows that.

    But if you get two fighters of a similar style, then it can be hugely advantageous.

    Floyd had a huge reach advantage throughout most of his career.

    So has Terence.

    Go and find me some LW’s, LWW’s and WW’s, with a 74” reach.

    There’s not many of them.

    So it was a massive advantage to Terence, and especially when fighting the tiny Gamboa.
    Dynamicpuncher likes this.
  12. JusABoxinFan

    JusABoxinFan Active Member Full Member

    Apr 20, 2022
    You are trying too hard. Let me know when you choose to lean on facts to continue a discussion. Your opinion is nothing but laughable. Especially when you ignore reality to fit your agenda.
  13. Loudon

    Loudon Loyal Member Full Member

    Mar 7, 2012

    The irony is staggering.
  14. balunggays

    balunggays New Member Full Member

    Oct 13, 2024
    Not really. Only Floyd fanatic proclaim him as the goat.
  15. Joeywill

    Joeywill Well-Known Member Full Member

    Aug 2, 2021
    Im more into quality over quantity.