In all seriousness what makes Mayweather greater/better than Calzaghe p4p

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by tinman, Mar 19, 2019.

  1. Birmingham

    Birmingham Boxing Junkie banned Full Member

    Jan 13, 2017
    Not true
    Lebedev would decapitate prime Roy at some stage, no one avoided Roy, Roy was a cherry picker at 175
  2. pistal47

    pistal47 Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jul 14, 2007
    Thanks @Birmingham i appreciate it.
  3. Scratchlin

    Scratchlin Makhmudov Terrifies your favourite Heavweight banned Full Member

    Mar 18, 2019
    @Loudon you clearly hate Calzaghe with a passion you everything you say on the Calzaghe needs to be taken with a pinch of salt.

    Calzaghe was one of the most technically gifted fighters I've seen. He's overally ability, Ring IQ, speed, volume was unreal. Even when his hands went he was so dominant.

    Mayweather always bored me to sleep but I'd never for a split second say he wasn't a great fighter.If you can't admit Calzaghe was a great fighter then I aint gonna read another word you write, because it's not even up for debate about Calzaghe's ability.

    It's probably based on race or nationality why you hate him- that's usually the hidden agenda, just like your buddies.
  4. LANCE99

    LANCE99 Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Mar 11, 2016
    IF you take the time to read his posts, you'll see there isn't any hate from him.
    gogeta and Loudon like this.
  5. markclow

    markclow Well-Known Member Full Member

    Aug 23, 2005
    I detest Mayweather but he is up there with anyone. Anyone with eyes can see he is ATG material.

    The same cannot be said for Calzaghe.

    Compare quality of opposition for a start.
  6. shanahan14

    shanahan14 Boxing Addict banned Full Member

    Jul 5, 2011
    Kessler, Eubank, Hopkins, Bika were all better than Reid.
  7. latineg

    latineg user of dude wipes Full Member

    Jun 4, 2009
    Herol comes limping back into this thread after a horsewhipping, LoL
    timeout likes this.
  8. slender4

    slender4 Boxing Junkie banned Full Member

    Apr 26, 2006
    Kessler- yeah, Eubank - old, Hopkins - yeah, Bika - Maybe, maybe not.

    Reid was 42-8 (29).

    Bika was 34-7-3 (22).
  9. HerolGee

    HerolGee Loyal Member banned Full Member

    Sep 22, 2010

    late replacement no wins eubank from 2 divisions out?

    u can do better.
  10. Loudon

    Loudon Loyal Member Full Member

    Mar 7, 2012

    Of course he had more than just workrate.

    We don't know if Bernard took PEDS.

    Of course Bernard changed, he was in his early 40's. An earlier fight would have been very intriguing.

    No, he didn't.

    He just fought a few keep busy fights and some low level mandatories like everybody does.

    Now do you really want to delve into Joe's resume?

    Thornberry, Salem, Mkrtchan, Sobot, Pudwell, Ashira etc.

    You're talking about a guy who fought Mario Veit AGAIN, after he'd already beaten him in a round.

    You're talking about a guy who was happy to fight Manfredo Jnr.

    1. Joe wouldn't have had the confidence to have signed a contract to face any pre-HW version of Roy.

    2. He would never have come out on top in a shootout with Roy. He was lucky to have beaten Byron Mitchell in one.
  11. Loudon

    Loudon Loyal Member Full Member

    Mar 7, 2012
    More nonsense.

    The version of Roy who went to Moscow in 2011, was a washed up 42 year old fighter who'd been inactive for over a year due to knee surgery. He was just a shell of the fighter he'd once been.

    We know how that fight turned out. We all saw the ending. But Roy was competitive for 9 of those 10 rounds, and it was a very even fight.

    If you compare the 200 pound version of Roy who fought Ruiz, to the 200 pound version we saw against Lebedev, it would be like comparing an 80's version of Mike Tyson, to the ones who fought Lewis and Williams. They were completely different fighters, with severely diminished skills.

    The version of Roy who beat John Ruiz would have beaten Lebedev with absolute ease. It wouldn't even have been close. A complete shut out.

    Roy wasn't a cherry picker at 175, and many fighters avoided him during his career, most notably:

    Hopkins (2002)
  12. Birmingham

    Birmingham Boxing Junkie banned Full Member

    Jan 13, 2017
    Yeah sorry mate, reading your post you make a bit more sense than me ! :lol::lol:
    We are talking roided Roy though. I'm not 100% on the Dariusz situation anyway, was it a clear duck or just neither would budge ??
    Loudon likes this.
  13. Birmingham

    Birmingham Boxing Junkie banned Full Member

    Jan 13, 2017
    I think if your being honest though, deep down honest !
  14. Loudon

    Loudon Loyal Member Full Member

    Mar 7, 2012

    Based on what?

    His overall ability was great.

    He had fast hands, a great engine, a great chin, and more often than not, he was exciting to watch.

    Overall, he was a very awkward fighter to face.

    His overall abilities took him to the top. But when we're talking about technical skills, we're talking about the following:

    Perfect balance
    Perfect timing
    Slipping and rolling shots
    A great defence
    Great accuracy
    A great variation of punches both to the head and body

    Great technicians were guys like:

    Mike McCallum
    Floyd Mayweather
    James Toney

    Great boxers.

    Joe was not great technically.

    Once again, he concentrated more on volume rather than accuracy, and he used the inside of his glove.

    In many of his fights, he was sloppy and scrappy, where he just let his fast hands go.

    I'm sorry if you don't like that, but that's the truth. I watched the guy's entire career.

    There's tons of examples to give. The one that instantly springs to mind is his stoppage of Peter Manfredo.

    Nobody is saying that Joe wasn't great. He was. But he wasn't as technically sound as Floyd Mayweather.

    Floyd was pretty boring when he had the 'Money' monicker, but when he was 'Pretty Boy Floyd' he was outstanding and very exciting to watch.

    I've said many times that Joe was a great fighter. But he was nowhere near as skilled as Floyd.

    Don't play the race card.

    I'm white, I'm British, and one of my favourite fighters is Billy Joe Saunders.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2019
  15. dangerousity

    dangerousity Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    What’s calzaghes top 5 wins?


    He gets 0 credit for the RJJ win. Bhop was a decent win above Eubank because at least bhop goes on to win a few more. Lacy was overrated and Bika is a decent champ.

    It’s arguable that Bhop is a better win than Kessler because even after Bhop lost to Joe, he still went on to do more than Kessler has done his entire career.

    Floyd meanwhile IMO is:


    In that order. That’s a legendary set of wins right there. And he had about 10+ more of the lacy/bika levels.

    Castillo and corales wins in fact we’re better wins than the Kessler win.
    HerolGee likes this.