Irish Boxing

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by ardy, Dec 19, 2007.

  1. ardy

    ardy UP THE IRISH Full Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    With the continuing success of Irish professional boxing, the promoter Brian Peters has secured a TV deal with RTE which will show more live fights on the Irish terrestrial channel. These broadcasts will include Andy Lee, John Duddy and the return of Bernard Dunne.Paul McCloskey is also on the verge of fighting for the British title.
    Also Peters is in talks with Ray Hatton [father and manager of Ricky], to bring the Hitman over to Dublin to fight in a major promtion in the summer.This would be huge for Irish boxing, to a have a star of Hattons magnatude boxing on Irish soil.
    17brandiff likes this.
  2. ardy

    ardy UP THE IRISH Full Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    Is there any Irish fight fans out there that want to help to contribute to this thread. We can make it a forum within a forum. It obviously has to be about Irish Boxing. We can keep each other informed about what's the latest going on in the wonderful world of Irish professional and amateur boxing. Basically all you have to do is read the papers or other web-sites, and pass on anything you deem relevant.

    Slan Ardy
  3. ardy

    ardy UP THE IRISH Full Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    Hello lads, I will get the show on the road, so to speak.

    Andy Lee next fight could be in Limerick on the 2nd Febuary. This will be another Brian Peters Promotion, and the bout will be shown live on RTE2. A perspective opponent could be, no other than Howard Eastman. Obvious comparisons will be made between the Duddy performance and how Lee deals with the 37 year old former European,Commonwealth and British champion, and world title challenger.

    Slan Ardy
  4. FRKO

    FRKO "A MAN" Full Member

    Nov 24, 2007
    Irish boxing?

    That title made me laugh. Do they use their feet?

    Hehe. Sorry, Irish dudes. I ****in love you, but anyway.

    I'll get me coat.
  5. ardy

    ardy UP THE IRISH Full Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    You will be eating your words, once Lee takes the title from Pavlik.
  6. Caper

    Caper How about a fair shake? banned Full Member

    Apr 4, 2005
    Whats this segregation on the net?
  7. Druid

    Druid Member Full Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    I was well impressed with the couple of fights I have seen Lee fight.
    I will likely be in Ireland in Feb. if it is at the same time I will definitely go to this fight it I can get a ticket. It is great that RTE has simulcast the fights on the net recently, I am beginning to think this internet thing might catch on.
  8. ardy

    ardy UP THE IRISH Full Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    It,s not segregation. Any one can contribute.
  9. iceman

    iceman Tis my Island Full Member

    Jul 4, 2006

    Ardybo - its about time you joined the forum but make sure you leave that ****er slutter behind.:good
  10. ardy

    ardy UP THE IRISH Full Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    Lee has the potential to go all the way. Manny Steward [Lees trainer] has Pavlik in his sights and believes Lee to be a superstar of the future.uote=Druid]I was well impressed with the couple of fights I have seen Lee fight.
    I will likely be in Ireland in Feb. if it is at the same time I will definitely go to this fight it I can get a ticket. It is great that RTE has simulcast the fights on the net recently, I am beginning to think this internet thing might catch on.[/quote]
  11. rendog67

    rendog67 The firestarter Full Member

    Apr 27, 2006
    ardy keep up the good work
  12. ardy

    ardy UP THE IRISH Full Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    Iceman, How are yeah man. Old slutter been very quiet lately. He called me an orangeman.Do you live in America. Will you be able to contribute to this thread in an Irish-American capacity.
  13. rendog67

    rendog67 The firestarter Full Member

    Apr 27, 2006
    im an irish american
  14. ardy

    ardy UP THE IRISH Full Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    Get involved. We have all information to exchange.

  15. pipe wrenched

    pipe wrenched ESB ELITE SQUAD Full Member

    Mar 31, 2007
    I have grown interested in Irish boxing, mainly because RTE is cool enough to broadcast their fights live on the internet. I was really starting to like Bernard Dunne, but there's been no news of him lately. It's fun watching Irelands fights on RTE, being completely truthful I've never seen a dull fight they show. Duddy's fun to watch and they showed Andy Lee last week. Who is the other Middle Weight that is starting to shine (sorry can't remember his name) and I believe he fought on the undercard of the last Duddy fight they showed. He seemed like somebody fun to watch as well. As seen on RTE the Irish fans show up in big numbers to support their fighters and it's always a good show.