Is Deontay the hardest P4P heavyweight puncher ever ?

Discussion in 'Classic Boxing Forum' started by he grant, Oct 20, 2022.

  1. he grant

    he grant Historian/Film Maker Full Member

    Jul 15, 2008
    Let's face it ... a guy that can easily fight at 212 flattens absolute monsters 250 and up with single shots .. single shots ... I've never seen anything like it ... he's a one trick pony but man what a one trick.
  2. Fogger

    Fogger Father, grandfather and big sports fan. Full Member

    Aug 9, 2021
    In my lifetime, (65 years) I believe that Wilder has the best one punch power I've ever seen. I believe there are a reasonable number of men who, on the whole, hit harder P4P than Wilder. Even among active guys I would say that current Inoue and prime Golovkin hit harder. Foreman and Tyson among heavyweight hit harder as did Julian Jackson and quite a few others.
    Saintpat, Mike_b and robert ungurean like this.
  3. Bokaj

    Bokaj Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jan 4, 2008
    His right hand is the most devastating single shot in boxing history. I'm fed up with Fury, but that he has gotten back up after four of those rights is quite amazing.

    MAD_PIGE0N ... banned Full Member

    Sep 3, 2022
    Can't claim he is the most devastating puncher in the history just because he fought like 90% tomato cans. He definitely possesses extreme power in his cross, but Marciano possessed even more in both hands, the damage he inflicted on way better boxers is nowhere near close to what Wilder did. Still, I won't claim Marciano is the hardest puncher, such thing is impossible to define for many reasons, some of them in my comment. Going for the stupid P4P, then Edwin Valero is way bigger puncher weighting form from 57 to 61 kg. with 100% KO ratio - having high KO ratio in the lighter categories is rare, but 100%...
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2022
  5. Man_Machine

    Man_Machine Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jun 9, 2010
  6. MAJR

    MAJR Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jul 16, 2012
    Bob Fitzsimmons might have a case for being the "hardest PVP Heavweight puncher" by the fact that he was actually a Middleweight fighting at a higher class and still knocking people out.
  7. JohnThomas1

    JohnThomas1 VIP Member Full Member

    Apr 27, 2005
    He's in the convo at present. His next two fights could well show us around about where.
  8. he grant

    he grant Historian/Film Maker Full Member

    Jul 15, 2008
    It really is ...
    Pat M likes this.
  9. he grant

    he grant Historian/Film Maker Full Member

    Jul 15, 2008
    There were without question many better fighters but I'm focusing on heavyweight P4P puncher ... Tyson hit Blood Green, Bonecrusher Smith and Tony Tucker dozens of times and they took it ... I don't see that w Wilder ... Foreman thudded guys out and was exceptionally strong but rarely took out anyone with one shot .. Louis with his speed and power pulverized Abe Simon and Buddy Baer but they kept getting up .. I'm basically saying one shot .. Wilder has to be right in there ..
  10. Tockah

    Tockah Ingo's Bingo Full Member

    Mar 12, 2022
    i suppose a lifetime of striking an anvil grants one a certain kind of strength lmao.
    louis54 and Bokaj like this.
  11. Tockah

    Tockah Ingo's Bingo Full Member

    Mar 12, 2022
    Wilder might have one of the single hardest punches ever in the HW division, but he isn't the hardest puncher. Shavers I think has sort of power that any punch he threw hurt, Wilder doesn't. There are different kinds of power, and if I had to pick between getting in the ring with Shavers or Foreman or Wilder, I'd pick Wilder every time and just hope he lands the right hand quick, cause the other two guys will make it hurt. And I'd go as far to argue that Wilder has seldom hurt Fury because the greatest weapon in his arsenal, the right hand, can be neutralized by anyone who is a gifted boxer as Fury (I say to my chagrin). Wilder's jab isn't out here hurting guys, and he wasn't putting (enough) shots in the bank against Fury's body. I don't think Fury's chin has really been tested yet, I would seriously argue that, if Wilder could land more often and had more power in his left hand, then I would say otherwise and for that I rate Wilder in the lower part of the top 5 hardest HW punchers for me. Wilder without the right he isn't really in the fight beyond holding.
    Saintpat, Turnip mk3 and louis54 like this.
  12. Smokin Bert

    Smokin Bert Boxing Addict Full Member

    Sep 8, 2013
  13. techks

    techks ATG list Killah! Full Member

    Dec 6, 2009
    He's devastating for sure n on the list but I value stopping top comp over sleeping cans. Hell I'd rather a clear UD over one shoting low levels inna few rds any day. He should've took out Fury who clearly was his best comp so that will always b a smudge on his record for me. I needa see him stop higher comp first but thats just me.
    Smokin Bert and louis54 like this.
  14. Reinhardt

    Reinhardt Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Oct 4, 2016
    I've said that before, I think for one shot he hits harder than Earnie Shavers.
    Tockah and Turnip mk3 like this.
  15. louis54

    louis54 Well-Known Member Full Member

    Mar 20, 2013
    Problem with Wilder is his not so great left and the competition which is horrible.this guy helenius among many others was horrible. One of the hardest rights ever
    Tockah and Turnip mk3 like this.