Is Mayweather underrated ?

Discussion in 'Classic Boxing Forum' started by OP_TheJawBreaker, Jul 25, 2021.

  1. OP_TheJawBreaker

    OP_TheJawBreaker NOBODY hit like that guy! Full Member

    Jun 23, 2021
    I feel like for die hard fans, Mayweather is pretty underrated. Ifeel like fan's hate over modern boxing and love for old boxing may play a factor in this one. Mayweather defense is really underrated too. I feel bad for him people never tried to rank him at top 10. The reason why mayweather deserves to be top 10 (or 5 in my opinion...) is becuz he had perfect defense. He literally used every single textbook defense and just like Ali, Mayweather is one of the guys who could readjust his style during a fight. I also feel like Whitaker's defense is kinda overrated too considering fans say his defense WAY better than Floyd. When I talk about Floyd's defense people say it's laughable or I'm outta my goddamn my mind.

    Do you know what is boxing defense ? It consist of counterpunching, head movement, shoulder rolling, parrying, footwork & blocking. Mayweather's defense is much more complete than Whitaker, literally look at this:
    Blocking: Mayweather
    Counterpunching: Mayweather
    Head Movement: Whitaker
    Shoulder Rolling: Mayweather
    Footwork: Draw
    Abilty to adjust during a fight: Mayweather
    Handspeed: Mayweather

    Fans might get too dazzled when watching whitaker dodges a flurry of punches. And maybe becuz fans think that defense are just dodging punches even though there's so much more of that. Winky Wright is an example of a good defensive fighter even though he never dodge that much.

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    Heck! there's a video of mayweather being a perfect defensive master 10 minutes. I feel like that highlights show how good mayweather as a defensive master. Can't you see how marquez had so much trouble ? and if dominating marquez is not good enough to show how good mayweather is, I really don't know what will.

    Not to mention that Whitaker is dirtier than Floyd. No hates for whitaker, but you gotta admit that whitaker is a really dirty fighter. you might hate it but this is the truth.

    Try appreciate Floyd's defense man... Just try appreciate it.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2021
  2. roughdiamond

    roughdiamond Ridin' the rails... Full Member

    Jul 25, 2015
    Mayweather isn't underrated. He's actually rated pretty fairly unless you read a Floyd fan / Pac fan / casual interpretation

    They must be the voices in your head as no one underrates of criticises Floyd's defence. Never seen that, ever.

    Instead of starting numerous poor bait threads for a dopamine hit please bump old ones. It clogs up the page quality.
  3. OP_TheJawBreaker

    OP_TheJawBreaker NOBODY hit like that guy! Full Member

    Jun 23, 2021
    Are you sure ? There's literally a TON of people said that floyd defense is not that good.
  4. C.J.

    C.J. Boxings Living Legend revered & respected by all Full Member

    Apr 14, 2009
    ROFLMAO !! You lost me when you said Floyd would never cheat !!!!! Back in your hole Troll
    robert ungurean, ron davis and Oddone like this.
  5. OP_TheJawBreaker

    OP_TheJawBreaker NOBODY hit like that guy! Full Member

    Jun 23, 2021
    Sorry, Might exegarrate at that one, but regardless whitaker was a dirtier fighter.
    ron davis and C.J. like this.
  6. Oddone

    Oddone Bermane Stiverne's life coach. Full Member

    Aug 18, 2019
    Name five and link their posts.
    Kamikaze likes this.
  7. surfinghb

    surfinghb Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Aug 26, 2017
    Are you the new IMOJL ... 10 threads a day ??
  8. NoNeck

    NoNeck Pugilist Specialist Full Member

    Apr 3, 2012
    There are still people not willing to concede that guys like Chavez and Whitaker had inferior careers.

    Time will sort this out.
    White Bomber and Nonito Smoak like this.
  9. Rumsfeld

    Rumsfeld Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 19, 2004
    Underrated by some, overrated by others.

    My 2 cents.
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  10. Kamikaze

    Kamikaze Bye for now! banned Full Member

    Oct 12, 2020
    Best advertising strat- Here's my opinion.... In video format
  11. Rumsfeld

    Rumsfeld Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 19, 2004

    Well, shameless self promotion has kind of been my thing around here for nearly 20 years.

    But in this case, I honestly did attempt to break down almost every angle I could think of in terms of the pros and cons that constitute Floyd's legacy.
  12. Kamikaze

    Kamikaze Bye for now! banned Full Member

    Oct 12, 2020
    Be consistent Rummy even with your self promotion (Love it)- You are sooooo close to hitting the point where you will shoot up in the numbers and surge to a mil its a grind for the first 150k or so but hold out and keep the quality coming!
    Rumsfeld and roughdiamond like this.
  13. THE BLADE 2

    THE BLADE 2 Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jul 14, 2009
  14. Jel

    Jel Obsessive list maker Full Member

    Oct 20, 2017
    The opening line gives you the answer to your own question - people incapable of objectivity when it comes to Floyd Mayweather think he is underrated? What a surprise.
    Samtotheg likes this.
  15. 22JM

    22JM Boxing Addict Full Member

    Sep 10, 2016
    This coming from a Margarito supporter Lmfao
    Glass City Cobra likes this.