Is Mayweather underrated ?

Discussion in 'Classic Boxing Forum' started by OP_TheJawBreaker, Jul 25, 2021.

  1. NoNeck

    NoNeck Pugilist Specialist Full Member

    Apr 3, 2012
    Ali was a serial adulterer and made racist statements.

    Louis was a drug addict who failed to pay his taxes.
  2. Glass City Cobra

    Glass City Cobra H2H Burger King Full Member

    Jan 6, 2017
    Yes I'm aware of the time when Guerrero was actually a decent boxer with skill. Almost seems like that was some sort of parallel universe. Not sure why he decided to just dig his heels in and slug away given his lack of punching power.

    Khan did actually try to take steps to make the fight happen. He fought in Floyd's undercard, which I believe TMT asked him to do. He called him out frequently and he did in fact win a fan poll over Maidana. Yes Maidana had more of a right to the fight after winning the belt from Broner, but the situation just looked odd because Khan beat maidana in the past. From a matchmaking point of view, Khan seemed like a logical choice. Floyd had already fought so many come forward aggressive guys.

    According to Jeff Mayweather, they turned down Khan because he kept running his mouth and attempting to hijack the build up. Apparently Mayweather wanted to be in complete control of the momentum and attention so that seems like a sorry excuse.
    Brixton Bomber and NoNeck like this.
  3. Glass City Cobra

    Glass City Cobra H2H Burger King Full Member

    Jan 6, 2017
    And that just completely nullifies all the good they did?
  4. NoNeck

    NoNeck Pugilist Specialist Full Member

    Apr 3, 2012
    The irony.
  5. NoNeck

    NoNeck Pugilist Specialist Full Member

    Apr 3, 2012
    The real problem may have been that Maidana put up too good of a fight in the first match. Khan could've had the slot that the rematch took.
  6. Glass City Cobra

    Glass City Cobra H2H Burger King Full Member

    Jan 6, 2017
    Back then people had the logic Broner=Dollar store Floyd. There was some genuine intrigue about the matchup, but given that maidana already guys like Khan and even Devon Alexander while going life and death with Floyd KO victim Victor Ortiz, most people thought Maidana might look good for maybe 3 rounds or so and then get thoroughly outboxed.

    You couldn't blame them honestly.

    I agree, I think if this was just another boring lopsided decision featuring Mayweather boxing circles around another flat footed Latino slugger, the world would have quickly moved on and Mayweather might have felt pressured to fight Khan. He was under a contract with showtime and they would not be happy about him facing two Andre Berto level opponents. Thurman and Brook were high risk low reward, but Khan had a glass jaw and a decent British/Pakistani fanbase going for him.
  7. ecto55

    ecto55 דמוקרטיזציה של השממות האיסלאמיות כעת banned Full Member

    May 28, 2009
    Hmm, that's not a fair criticism of him. He was there to be hit, especially when got older and used his legs less. The are cirticisms of him - his selecting, elbow posting use to inhibit infighting, reliance on referees, his use of his height advantage when covering up which he was smart enough to put away when he moved in weight (I was waiting for that to go awry), but he was there to be hit if they could tag him. There was about three or four good tactics to be used against a Mayweather or just a very slippry evasive fighter in general and I never saw them all put together against him at the one time. Its a shame...I like defensive fighters but a really educated offence could have brought out the best in him. Those people are the morons who only have a passing familiarity of Mayweather....I'm surprised you bother to read that ****.
  8. Rumsfeld

    Rumsfeld Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 19, 2004
    I strongly disagree. He didn't retire to avoid anyone. He retired to raise his profile, and the move couldn't have worked out any better as Floyd made a triumphant comeback becoming the richest prizefighter in the long rich history of professional boxing.
  9. ecto55

    ecto55 דמוקרטיזציה של השממות האיסלאמיות כעת banned Full Member

    May 28, 2009
    What? So in your mind, Pacquiou's amazing run stopping bigger men, the A-side meth comments, the steroid test comments and the later lawsuit, the repeated reiteration by Floyd that he was a businessman first before legacy (which is fine), mentioning his 'health' with reference to the Pacquipou fight and his return only after Pacquous had been stopped by another juicer (coupled with Mayweather seeking out and beating Pacqiou's conqueror)...that's all coincidence? I hope you never manage a fighter's career....I hate to think what damage you could with your 'profile raising' master stroke of having the fighter leave the sport for three of his peak years might do?

    You know, I stopped being involved in the sport around 2012 or so and still managed to follow that May-Pac retirement thread through articles and headlines at the time. Blind Freddy could see Mayweather was worried about Pac during that run...that doesn't mean he was scared or afraid or whatever motivates people not to be objective about this, but to say that those acts and retirement all don't flow in with his wait-for-the-right-time, advantage maximization and selectivity then I don't know what to say to you. You know, the smart money is always on judging people by their actions, not their words, and you (to my knowledge) have no greater insight into Floyd's motivations than I do. The difference between us is I look to the man's actions for his motivation.

    So back to the No mind's comments, ****en oath Mayweather was highly selective about who / when he fought and you need to factor that in when you analyse his defensive skills.

    ...and for the record, I think Pac was juicing and I think Mayweather knew that.
    Brixton Bomber likes this.
  10. NoNeck

    NoNeck Pugilist Specialist Full Member

    Apr 3, 2012
    Calm your ass down.

    Mayweather rehabbed injuries and did PR during the layoff. Pacquiao/Arum let the fight die over extended drug testing which is now standard practice. The fight happened when they were 1 and 2 in the sport and Mayweather schooled him. I know how this will be looked back on as time passes.
  11. Rumsfeld

    Rumsfeld Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 19, 2004
    Wait? What?

    You said he retired to "dodge one fighter's peak".

    You were referring to Pac? I assumed you meant his retirement after Floyd beat Hatton. But if you're referring to Pac... what exactly were you trying to say?
    OP_TheJawBreaker likes this.
  12. surfinghb

    surfinghb Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Aug 26, 2017
    The sport of Boxing has gone to ****... and some like to keep the dream alive by making Floyd into Superman and calling him the GOAT. something he is not ,,, because of that reason ....... When you see Floyd, as we so often do here being matched with fighters in which he wouldn't even take the fight ,, should answer the question for you .. He is overrated ... And people want to keep talking about how much money he made ? why ? because thats what they have to fall back on ... I mean who the hell is taking about how much money SRR made or Duran .... they stick to the boxing
  13. ecto55

    ecto55 דמוקרטיזציה של השממות האיסלאמיות כעת banned Full Member

    May 28, 2009
    Why can't I put you on my ignore list?
    Brixton Bomber likes this.
  14. Brixton Bomber

    Brixton Bomber Obsessed with Boxing banned Full Member

    Sep 21, 2013
    Didn't seem like that at the time when Manny started wrecking everyone in his absence.
  15. Brixton Bomber

    Brixton Bomber Obsessed with Boxing banned Full Member

    Sep 21, 2013
    No, he came back because of tax problems.

    Oscar bailed him out with just over $6m in '09.