Jack Dempsey vs Vitali Klitschko

Discussion in 'Classic Boxing Forum' started by SuzieQ49, Jul 12, 2015.

  1. THE BLADE 2

    THE BLADE 2 Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jul 14, 2009
    Vitali late round stoppage.
    BCS8 likes this.
  2. BCS8

    BCS8 VIP Member Full Member

    Aug 21, 2012
    Dempsey is one of the smaller heavyweights that I reckon would have a chance against the big guys due to his speed and explosiveness but Vitali is just a horrible matchup stylistically and physically. He has arguably the best chin in heavyweight history and is a giant awkward SOB to deal with. He's a very busy fighter with solid, accurate punches. Jack is up **** creek without a paddle in this one.
  3. Entaowed

    Entaowed Boxing Addict banned Full Member

    Dec 16, 2012
    If Vitali came in complacent, physically soft & inactive for years like Willard, he could have a decent shot.
    He never would.
    And he is more skilled than Jess-easily.
    It would be optimistic to say Jack even has many good moments.
  4. Samtotheg

    Samtotheg Active Member Full Member

    May 4, 2021
    I think jess willard is more skilled than him

    and dempsey gets klitchko out in a couple of rounds!
    louis54 likes this.
  5. 70sFan865

    70sFan865 Boxing Junkie Full Member

    May 30, 2019
    It doesn't make you look objective then...
  6. White Bomber

    White Bomber Boxing Addict Full Member

    Mar 31, 2021
    Vitali UD or late stoppage
  7. Entaowed

    Entaowed Boxing Addict banned Full Member

    Dec 16, 2012
    How is Willard more skilled than Vitali?
    Also, do you ever say that any modern greats are better than the older guys?

    WIllard in 1919 ha barely fought at all since 1915. He was visibly soft, having lost muscle & gained fat.
    Dempsey seemed exhausted when he was brought back to the ring so early in that fight...

    Dempsey at his peak weighed 187 lbs. He was the size of a modern LHW at best, even years ago a reporter interviewing Tyson about him said he looked like a MW. Tyson was all respect for Dempsey, but do you really think anyone with this little bulk is going to beat a great modern SHW?
    And a guy who relied on power, & standing over men & smashing them as they tried to rise?
    He would never have Vitali off his feet anyway.

    With a high workrate & chin never dented even from huge guys?
    Dempsey would not even be near the size for the bout to be sanctioned.

    He would have his hands full even beating men in the modern era who were his size!
    To expect him to beat a giant who only lost twice due to injuries would be a bridge waaaay too far man.
  8. Samtotheg

    Samtotheg Active Member Full Member

    May 4, 2021
    No , I do not have to favor a modern guy to balance **** out if I think an older school guy is more skilled I am gonna say so. You guys look at modern boxers dominance and think its the same skillset across all eras the guys these newer boxers dominate are awful. Also if you can not fight in the clinch thats the whole game right there , early era guys can spend the whole fight there and some can end you there!
    louis54 likes this.
  9. djanders

    djanders Boxing Addict Full Member

    Feb 21, 2009
    Styles would probably come into play big time here, in spite of the size difference. Dempsey was an All-Time great, IMHO. I think most Boxing Experts agree with that. But, to pick a winner, here's the question: Was Prime Dempsey a Swarmer, or was he a Boxer/Swarmer. If the later, he wins this fight. If the former, he's definitely at a big disadvantage, with the styles and sizes, against an ALMOST All-Time Great. Personally, I think Dempsey was a Boxer/Swarmer. Don't be fooled by the Tunney fights. Jack aged quickly and was reduced to standing around looking for one punch by then. I believe Jack would start out boxing Vitali, but at closer range than most Boxer/Slugger types. I think we're looking at another weird stoppage here, with Jack winning, but possibly coming off the canvas to do it.
    swagdelfadeel likes this.
  10. 70sFan865

    70sFan865 Boxing Junkie Full Member

    May 30, 2019
    Please tell me then what Willard did better than Vitali. Their styles aren't even that unsimilar, but I can't think about anything Willard does better - maybe except throwing powerful uppercuts.
  11. swagdelfadeel

    swagdelfadeel Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jul 30, 2014
    If it is such a mismatch not even worth discussing, why bother bumping it?
    roughdiamond likes this.
  12. Seamus

    Seamus Proud Kulak Full Member

    Feb 11, 2005
    One guy is a specimen who had spent a lifetime competing in combat sports, who trained round the clock, had one of the finest senses of space and distance the ring ever saw and thusly rarely lost a round.

    The other guy was a rodeo rider who didn't like boxing, came to it very late in life, who was known to quit on the stool, known to bypass training, the version of whom Dempsey faced was old and basically retired, who would spar only with a couple friends and usually call it a day .... Even in his physical prime, he lost to the likes of Rodel and Gunboat Smith...

    The comparison is more than a stretch.
    Entaowed and swagdelfadeel like this.
  13. GoldenHulk

    GoldenHulk Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jan 7, 2007
    People are automatically assuming since Dempsey beat a slow dimwitted uncoordinated redneck like Jess Willard, that he can beat a big 21st century, athletic fighter like Vitali. This fight shouldn't even be allowed to happen.
    Claw4075 likes this.