Thanks bud already been training 8 weeks or so lost a good stone and a bit. Will document all on here. Thanks too.
Saturday 3 rounds of sparring with the legendary heavyweight big Rog [ame][/ame] Followed by Tabata punches 8 x 20 - 10 sec rest no rest Tabata Squats/Rolls 8 x 20sec - 10 sec rest Tabata Boxing 8 x 20 secs - 10 sec rest Tabata Press Ups 8 x 20 - 10 sec rest Sparring thoughts More jabs needed, more movement to the right. Bit more variety. Good points- better head movement, feel very fit. Could pick pace up 20 %.
Monday 25th October 50 Turkish Get Up 7/8kgs 60 Saxon Side Bends 150 Sit ups - various Plank 10 x 100m Sprints 5 x 50 m sprints with movement drills Shadow Shadow Head Movement Bag Body shots Bag head movement Bag Body work Bag foot work Bag Slipping Bag short punching head movement Bag straight shots Total Calories for the Day- 1922cals
Tuesday 26th October Weight- 10st 9.2lbs BF%- 15.5% approx Spent day at Team GB in sheffield cornering and advising Kenny Anderson over 6 x 3 minute rounds Vs Carl Froch. Great to watch and learned an extra couple of lessons. Also met and chatted with Richie Woodhall and Rob McCracken. Watched some quality sparring by the GB internationals against each other. Managed three good rounds on the bag and an abdominal circuit at the conclusion but not a heavy day.
Cheers dudes- want to get to 10st 7lbs then I'm going to reasses what is my best strength/ weight ratio. Good day today..... Updated my previous post.
Wednesday 27th October 2010 3 mile run steady pace 15 Two Handed Dumbell Snatches 45kgs 15 Dumbell Push Press 54kgs 50 One arm press ups 50 Med ball throws 50 weighted lunges 40kgs 50 plyometric lunges 45 two handed dumbell swings 32kgs 15 resisted movement drill right 15 resisted movement drill left 10 resisted sprints 5 resisted sprints/ backward jumps 5 resisted forward jumps 3 fast paced rounds working on boxing combo's at high speed Calories- 2,105
Thursday 28th October 3 Mile Steady Run Including ten mini circuits Hills and Small Sprints Total Circuit 100 Burpee's 100 press Ups 100 Squats Two rounds Shadow Warm Up One round Shadow Movement 3 Rounds Bag Fast Combo's- Endurance Rounds 1 Round Bag Slipping and Foot work 1 Round Jab Only 1 Round Pads Speed work 1 Round Body Shots only 1 Round Burpee Bag (55 Burpee's/ 55 Punches) + Power Shots 20 Pull Ups 50 Sit ups Strech Home Dinner Wank Bed Total Calories: 1913cals
Do sometimes bud- depends how heavy it is and what the risk is, did six threes the other night with unbeaten pro Chris Betteridge and whacked the head guard on for that. Me and Rogerson have boxed together for about 15 years so we both know what each other are about- love sparring him though he's a tough old get!!! :good What did you think of it? Any constructive critism?