30/1/11 Tabata punching Tabata squats Tabata punching Tabata burpees 1000m row 3 and a bit mile slow run
Nowt special spence 150g per day protein mostly from protein shakes Pro mr for breakfast, tiny shitty lunch Protein drink post workout x 2 Normal dinner- small desert but could be slightly better hate dieting
31/1/11 20:04 4.17km run followed by step ups 30 seconds Squats 30 seconds 1 x 30 m sprint Step ups 30 seconds Squat thrusts 30 seconds 2 x 30m Sprint Step up 30 seconds Press Ups 30 Seconds 3 x 30m Sprints Step ups 30 seconds Tuck Jumps 30 seconds 4 x 30m Sprints Steps Ups 30 seconds Burpee's 30 seconds 5 x 30m Sprints and back down..... same rountine backwards 8 x 3 mins rounds bar-bag// 45 sec rest Huge upper body circuit Frontal lifts Shoulder press Smith machine pull ups Flys Bicep Curl Deltiod Twists Tricep dips Bicep Curls Tricep Dips Pull Ups Press up on Med Ball Tricep Extensions Press Up on Stab ball Each exercise 30 secs x 2 Ridiculous ab circuit involving slapping heads. Don';t ask.
1/2/11 10 x 100m sprints 10 x 100m jogs 5 x 50m Sprints 5 x 50m jogs 20 Turkish Get Up 24 Saxon Bends 30 V-ups 30 Knee Hugs Followed by skill session in gym
2/2/11 Day time 1000 skips 100 press ups 100 burpees 100 squats Core circuit 8 x 3 row/bag 30 sec recovery between rounds
3/2/11 Strength session 55kgs split jerk 5 x 3 60kgs push press 5 x 3 20 one arm press ups 20 plyo press 40 40kg lunges 40 plyo lunges Skill session boxing tabata punching/ 6x2 plus pads
4/2/11 4.17 cross country run 19:30apx in heavy wind Plus 5 min run 5 min cross train 3 x 3 sparring Chris betterige 1-0 3 x 3 sparring dezzie higginson British masters champion 10 min run to finish