Jermell De'Avante Charlo vs. Brian Carlos Castaño II & Jaron Ennis vs. Custio Clayton RBR.

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by CST80, May 14, 2022.

  1. DynamicMoves

    DynamicMoves Well-Known Member Full Member

    Sep 15, 2010
    Look at his legs. Powerful shot. Stepped forward with the second shot.
    Betyabeatyaup likes this.
  2. Hanz Cholo

    Hanz Cholo Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jul 11, 2012
    It’s one of the glamour divisions along with Heavy weight.

    i suppose it’s harder for most people to respect the Divisions with the “Junior” prefix / monikers?
    acie2g and Jackman65 like this.
  3. mark ant

    mark ant Canelo was never athletic Full Member

    May 4, 2017
    That shot wasn`t that hard, the jab wa hard though, B-hop`s body shot v DLH was harder.
  4. Betyabeatyaup

    Betyabeatyaup Active Member Full Member

    Dec 18, 2021
    I forget what they call it, Russian boxers are big on that step through with the right leg and right hand to turn the left into a southpaw power shot as you move forward. Diagonal punching?
    DynamicMoves and sasto like this.
  5. greenghost

    greenghost Member Full Member

    May 31, 2005
    You can always tell with the way he scores, and the fighters he doesn't like.
  6. CST80

    CST80 Liminal Space Autochthon Staff Member

    Nov 23, 2013
    I'll be damned..... Castano outlanded Charlo in all but the first two rounds.
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    Jackman65, MagicE and Serge like this.
  7. MagicE

    MagicE Well-Known Member Full Member

    Aug 16, 2017
    This is why pro boxing isn't amateur boxing. It's not all about punch stats.

    Clear signs that Castano was getting broken down and feeling Charlo's shots more, that's why he got KO'd from a partially blocked shot.
    Sinew, KO KIDD, NoNeck and 1 other person like this.
  8. f1ght3rz

    f1ght3rz Ronaldoooo is crying in his caaaaaar Full Member

    Jan 31, 2018
    You're saying it's not all about punch stats but talking about feelings one sentence later. Ridiculous statement. Scoring isn't about feelings either.
    CST80, Braindamage and Jackman65 like this.
  9. MagicE

    MagicE Well-Known Member Full Member

    Aug 16, 2017
    I'm not talking about feelings, I'm talking about punch impact and effectiveness

    Castano was catching Charlo but quite a few were at the end of range/Charlo stepping back and taking the sting off the shot

    Opinion doesn't come into, Castano got KO'd from a partially blocked shot, which is a clear sign that Charlo was consistently landing the heavier shots and they were damaging Castano. Regardless of what you think or who you like this is what happened.

    Castano isn't getting KO'd by that shot earlier in the fight.
    ellerbe, KO KIDD and Sinew like this.
  10. Sinew

    Sinew The Assassin Full Member

    Feb 7, 2005
    i am not sure you are understanding his statement , fully.
    ellerbe, KO KIDD and MagicE like this.
  11. Sinew

    Sinew The Assassin Full Member

    Feb 7, 2005
    Watching the angles of the replay. That was not partially blocked at all.
  12. MagicE

    MagicE Well-Known Member Full Member

    Aug 16, 2017
    I only saw it on the first watch but looked like it hit Castano's glove then connected with his face.
  13. IntentionalButt

    IntentionalButt Guy wants to name his çock 'macho' that's ok by me Full Member

    Nov 30, 2006
    Which is plain to anybody with eyes; furthermore, his shots were of higher quality and more damaging in at least half of the completed rounds.

    Shame he fell apart in R10, and credit to Charlo for going for the jugular when he got him in trouble (really was a nice JTFO, to give the devilish lion his due) - but I disagree with people saying he couldn't succeed in a rubber match or that his number is had. Through nine this was Castaño's fight to lose. He did so, but time, button up his defense a little, work on his reason he can't stretch this good performance another three rounds.
    CST80, Boon and Wizbit1013 like this.
  14. shadow111

    shadow111 Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    It was not Castaño's fight to lose after 9 rounds. Charlo was clearly winning after 9. I had it 87-85 Charlo and I thought I was being very generous to Castaño to have it that close giving him rounds 4, 6 and 9 and scoring the 8th even. Each of those rounds were close. The 4th was probably Castaño's best round, the 5th was a back and forth war. The problem for Castaño is that even in the rounds that he was landing clean shots, Jermell was outworking him and peppering him with the jab, jabs to the body and well placed counters when Castaño would land. Jermell's work rate, footwork and pinpoint punching made it very difficult for the judges to give Castaño more than a couple of rounds.
  15. IntentionalButt

    IntentionalButt Guy wants to name his çock 'macho' that's ok by me Full Member

    Nov 30, 2006
    Serious question: do you set out to interpret and score fights wrong on purpose, just to be contrarian, "spice the board up" a little? Is this a gimmick?
    CST80 and Wizbit1013 like this.