Quarry has a chance against Baer. He beats Nova and Ingo, loses to Rocky the same way he lost to Frazier in their first fight. (He tries to out-body punch the Rock and takes a beating.)
Quarry I think beats the brakes off Max Baer, itś 50-50 against Ingo and I think he beats Lou Nova, Marciano beats Jerry up really bad.
1) Jerry KOs Ingo 2) Jerry and Nova are actually very similar all round. Both can box, counter-punch and don't mind a dust-up when the moment arises. I go with Jerry on a very close decision. 3) Upset! A real tough one here. I like Maxie. He could really bang, but was always wide open for any kind of a counter. In Jerry, Maxie is going up against an outstanding counter-puncher with an outtstanding jaw. The bane of all big sluggers. I see Jerry taking the decision. 4) In a great, great fight, Rocky grinds Jerry down to a cut up mess in about 7 or 8 rounds. But not without sampling some substantial counters from Quarry.
Agreed. Jerry beats the 3 but a fight with Ricky goes the same way as the first Quarry-Frazier fight.
1) Baer is vulnerable to getting countered by Quarry, so a Quarry victory on points or cuts is the probable scenario but Max will be landing some big shots during the fight. Not an easy one for Quarry but he might get it. 2) Nova and Quarry have similar styles. Nova takes this with his superior jab and boxing skills but it's a toss up. 3) Gets ground down by Marciano 4) Probably beats the more limited Ingo. Goes 2-2 against this group.
I don’t give him much of a chance against Marciano. That style was terrible for Quarry. The others I give him about 50/50 odds.
Gerry: - beats Ingo comfortably. - beats Nova after some scraps. - goes life and death with Baer. No idea who wins this one. - gets slapped bloody by a prime Rocky, who delivers a beating for the ages.
Quarry beats the hell out of Baer, Johanson, and Nova. But he eventually gets ground down by Marciano after starting well, and perhaps leading on the score cards. His stubbornness and unwilling to fight cautiously after a fast start would allow Marciano to find his range. Punches from Marciano on Quarry's arms, shoulders, sides, and hips , would eventually lead to the Suzy-Q landing cleanly on his chin. Suddenly the fight would be over for a Marciano Ko victory.