Joe Parker ruthlessly calls out Dillian Whyte

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by miniq, Apr 1, 2024.

  1. Mitch87

    Mitch87 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jul 29, 2018
    Povetkin was coming off his career best win against the at the time top 5 ranked Whyte.

    Chisora was never world level but I would regard a high euro level only losing to world level guys.

    Wilder might not be mentioned but considering he was wrongly viewed by many on here as a top 2 fighter prior to losing to Parker (which I predict Ed against the majority), it's clear to see Whyte's record is superior. Yet it Whyte that was never a good win?
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2024
    Aydamn likes this.
  2. MarkusFlorez99

    MarkusFlorez99 Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jan 13, 2021
    So ancient Povetkin is a good win for Whyte because..... he beat Whyte ? That's nonesense. Not only do you fail to mention Povetkin was way past it and retired right after due to age, he also had covid.

    If you admit Chisora ain't world level it's not impressive. Not only does he have no wins he had double digit losses even before Usyk.

    You care about rank so much ? Whyte is not even ranked in the top 10 anymore under any governing body and his chin is shot to bits. What do you have to say about that ?
  3. Mitch87

    Mitch87 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jul 29, 2018
    Povetkin had only lost once since losing to Wlad in 2013.

    Chisora not world level but is on par with Wilders best win in Ortiz or at the very least better than anyone else apart from Ortiz on his record.

    There are ratings that get disputed eg Wilder still being in top 10 and Anderson being in the top 10 etc.
  4. MidniteProwler

    MidniteProwler Fab 4. Mayor of Aussie Boxing Full Member

    Sep 19, 2012
    Agree with this and avenging a loss in the process. I reckon he KO’s Whyte this time.
    CST80 likes this.
  5. Komaster

    Komaster Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Sep 20, 2010
    it's also clearly homophobic with the lipstick thing
    CST80 likes this.
  6. Brighton bomber

    Brighton bomber VIP Member Full Member

    Apr 4, 2005
    That's what I am wondering too. Joshua's been awfully quiet of late. In March he said he wanted Hrgovic and then Wilder, Zhang and Parker. But 3 of them seem to be fighting other opponents if reports are to believed and that leaves Parker.

    I'm guessing he's waiting to see if Hrgovic/Dubois and Wilder/Zhang actually get signed and hoping to fight one of them if available. Danger is if he waits too long and Parker/Whyte gets signed he'll be left without a decent opponent and we'll see him in with another overmatched opponent.
  7. MarkusFlorez99

    MarkusFlorez99 Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jan 13, 2021
    Povetkin was slow, old as hell and sick and Whyte still lost the first time. He was even hurt by David Price some years before. That win is irrelevant, Povetkin was done. There's no way you're arguing this

    Chisora doesn't have better wins than Ortiz. He's only fought better fighters, aka the reason for his high amount of losses
  8. hobby rider

    hobby rider Well-Known Member Full Member

    Aug 4, 2020
    Pulev is as good as Jennings, if not better.
  9. MarkusFlorez99

    MarkusFlorez99 Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jan 13, 2021
    Pulev was well past his prime, moreso than Chisora. Proof is a younger Pulev already beat a prime version of Chisora, and did it easily.

    Prime Pulev > Chisora
    lepinthehood likes this.
  10. kevin-novice

    kevin-novice Active Member banned Full Member

    Mar 19, 2016
    Can't remember the first fight but was it good?
  11. Cally

    Cally Sand...sand... nothing but sand! Full Member

    Sep 12, 2015
    Lipstick is homophobic? lol
  12. Mitch87

    Mitch87 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jul 29, 2018
    I thought Pulev was robbed in the rematch, although much closer than the first.

    Beating Takam (by far Chisora best win) is as good if not better than Ortiz beat win in Jennings.
  13. Serge

    Serge Ginger Dracula Staff Member

    Jul 21, 2009
    Who else is there for AJ to fight?

    Usyk and Belly are fighting each other twice

    Even after they've finished their business with each other AJ doesn't deserve another shot at Usyk not now, not ever

    Hrgovoc is fighting Dubois
    Big Bang is fighting The Dosser
    Sanchez is fighting Kabayel

    He needs to fight someone ranked in the top 10 because he's only done so once in his last four outings and they were ranked #10

    That just leaves J-Park, Big Joe Joyce, and Anderson who shouldn't be ranked in the top 10

    Big Joe Joyce is 1-2 in his last 3, looked like crap at domestic level last time out, and his slow-fast speed is shot to bits

    Whyte isn't ranked in the top 10 and has been very inactive, has looked like crap, got one punch KO'd by Belly and the shot to pieces geriatric ghost of Povetkin's great-grandfather in his only fights at the top level in the last 5 years

    J-Park is hands down the best, most deserving, and highest ranked available fighter out there and it makes the most sense too. The notion that AJ shouldn't have to rematch him because he's already beaten him is comical when we're talking about him and ReMatchroon of all people

    If AJ were to rematch him and beat him again in what alternate reality, dimension, or universe would AJ ever have to fight him a third time? Exactly. Screw you E-Hearn you Essex boy snake
  14. jmb1356

    jmb1356 Well-Known Member Full Member

    Sep 30, 2019
    How's Parker's uppercut?
  15. Redbeard7

    Redbeard7 Well-Known Member Full Member

    Oct 9, 2022
    "Povetkin was coming off his career best win against the at the time top 5 ranked Whyte."

    Povetkin fell off a cliff between the first and second Whyte fights and he had diminished significantly from the Hunter fight, he caught Whyte with a peach but was getting beaten up prior to that. If you disagree, explain why Dave Allen performed so much better against Whyte than Povetkin 2. The Russian was stumbling around the ring before he'd even taken a punch.

    "Chisora was never world level but I would regard a high euro level only losing to world level guys."

    "World level" is an arbitrary concept that you use to fluff Joshua's record. If Whyte and Parker are "world level" then why not Chisora, who most thought beat them the first times they fought? When he had home/A-side advantage for a change he beat "world level" Pulev. He won as many rounds against P4P ranked fighters Vitali and Usyk as Byrd, Lewis and Joshua 2, more than Joshua 1, and went the distance.

    "it's clear to see Whyte's record is superior"

    Wilder getting to 42-0-1 with the Fury draw, two wins over Ortiz and 10 defences was more impressive than anything Whyte has done.