Jokers Training Log

Discussion in 'Training Logs' started by thejokerswild, Oct 15, 2009.

  1. 3 x 3 Shadow Box

    2 x 1.5 K run to the park. note- First run light jog, Second run to maximum exertion.

    Circuit Training -

    • 5 Minute Skip x 4
    • 20 pushups x 4
    • 20 Assisted Dips x 4
    • 20 "Box Jumps" of over a metre x 4 (these wrecked me the worst)
    • 20 Bodyweight Jumping Squats x 4

    4 x 100 M Sprints

    4 x 5 Pull Ups


    Note - Worked on breathing technique, mental stamina and enthusiasm during training. Realizing my body can go harder than my mind, the psychology is holding back better results. A lack of mental stamina has affected my breathing technique resulting in a significant loss of stamina. Be sure to keep aware of this.
  2. Went to park for sprint session and during first sprint injured my quad. I'm having a massage therapist look at it tomorrow. It's nothing serious but resulted in a lack of training.

    2 x 1.5k job to park

    10 x Pull ups


    Next day - went to park for 2 hours with soccer ball practising left foot technique and test how the muscle is. I couldn't kick with right leg so not good im assuming. *ps hope massage therapist doesnt read this :yep*
  3. Been lazy the past few days because of leg. I went to the park twice with the ball using only left leg and did a few random sets of situps and pushups though.

    Today I did a 3 miler real well, I rekon about 22 minutes although I didnt time it. I felt great and had a lot more to give. I put it to the sprint training that helped aswell as mental tricks.
  4. Drunkenboxer

    Drunkenboxer Least Eligible Bachelor Full Member

    May 12, 2006
    Nice circut! How's your form with the rope? Would you describe it as a jog rope, run, sprint rope?
  5. It starts slow to get the rhythm going but then I keep it at a strong pace to ensure that it stays challanging to my conditioning while also including sprints.

    I'll also put on a song aswell and set goals for myself like "sprint to the end of the verse". Just like on a run where I'll be "sprint to that tree" or "sprint to the top of this hill and I'll give you a nice breather at the end"

    As for use in the Circuits, it's important to challange yourself but also leave room for the rest of the work that needs to be done.
  6. 1 X 3 Mile.

    It was a fkn hot day with little water and thus sadly ended the run slower than expected due to a nasty stitch. Performance before that was at a high though. Despite cramp and locking myself out of my home, was quite pleased with the results.

    3 x 100 situps
  7. Personal Feat Accomplished - 5th November 2009.

    So a lot of personal stock was invested in breaking 20 minutes on the 3 mile. Ofcourse by no means an impressive feat... to a well tuned athelete but I finally did it.

    1 X 3 Mile in 19.24

    Absolutely stoked and surprised on the leap in performance tonight. Almost feel as though a better time could of topped of that :think. In any case, it's wise not to be satisfied and quickly come up with a new goal. I promised myself full time boxing once i broke the 20 unfortunately It's not looking ideal to start that yet. I'll have to have to initiate some kind of plan for that.
  8. Note to self - keep log updated!!

    Basically every day since last post I've been doing 3 mile runs. Every day with mild ab work except today. 1 of those days I included 2 x 3 mile. Not far off of each other in terms of rest period. I'm obsessed with this distanced for some reason.

    To all those getting worried or dismayed, I've sused out a new track around the corner with many **** off hills, stairs and obsticles to keep me busy. If you saw what I've got in planned you'd be worried!

    One thing has come up though. 2 days ago while playing soccer I had a runner blow out. This is such an untimely thing to have happened though, owing to current (lacking) funds situation!!

    I have another old pair packed away in storage and am not happy to use them! Anyway, plenty of miles and rounds clocked on my old reeboks so in a way I'm happy they can be finally laid to rest. :(

    R.I.P R1 and R2
  9. 10 x 25m in the ocean baths. Good little session

    Will absolutely need to practise form on these, my stroke is horrendous compared to these other swimmers. Although they swim in there 12 monthes of the year so might not be too hard on myself.

    ps. i never realised the babes that train via swimming. Enjoyed the whole session
  10. 2 x 1.5 Mile

    6 x 25 M freestyle swimming in ocean baths

    2 x 1.5 K run to brothers place

    I need to hit some weights bad, Im leaning out too much!! Everyones saying I've lost a lot of weight. Feel great though.
  11. Internet has been missing for a couple days. Although this has been quite motivational for exercise.

    Missing days included a few 3 mile runs, I ran(fragmented run)to a suburb about 10 k's away on a hot day.

    Some days I did abs and a small shoulder workout.

    NOTE- DO SOME ****ING CHEST AND SHOULDERS running is making me too lean.
  12. sam1222

    sam1222 **** You. Full Member

    Mar 1, 2009
    Take a week off running, just do 3 or 4 weight circuits and hill sprints for cardio. on the weights days finish with some sets of weighted chin ups, dips and press ups (doesnt really matter what weight you add to the exercises cos your just finishing off a weights session) try 8 sets of 3 explosive reps.

    I was starting to get a bit too lean myself a few weeks back with all the cardio so ive cut back a little on running and started lifting heavy-ish again. (max: squats 75kg, bench 95kg, deadlift 130kg) i'm lifting 4-5 days a week , and we're doing a lot of weighted chins, dips and press ups. (its insane what my brother is hitting with the chin ups, we do reps to failre from 5kg til we hit our max and he's getting 3 reps at 45kg. he's 18 and only weighs around 9st!!) and its working wonders.

    I know you've said before the gym you use is expensive and you've no gear at home to train but just thought i'd suggest this anyway :good
  13. Still hitting my run hard, I've been doing some laps and am seeing good improvements in technique. Could be my imagination but breathing in the runs have seemed easier from swimming.

    Just did this
    [FONT=&quot]3 x 50 sit ups...[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]3 x 50 reverse crunch...[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]3 x 50 oblique crunch...[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]3 x 15 supermans ...[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]4 x 25 good mornings..[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]2 x 40 push ups...[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]1 x 30 push ups.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]3 x 40 assisted dips ...[/FONT]

    Loving the running at the moment, have really worked to a standard and now have a lot of freedom during the exercise.

    The strength seem to be a burdon now...

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  14. About to go on a 3 mile run then a surf.

    I'll do some sprints in the arvo, if I do I'll update this space for sure as it's not certain just yet.

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