Does anybody else feels like Joe´s commentary is not what it´s used to be ? I love him, but he used to be much more insighful back then... or is it me ?
I guess I was more tolerant back then... I still prefers very much the english broadcasting, the brazilian one is terrible with all the screaming and overreaction, and sheer bias sometimes...
I don't know if it's that, because I don't think he'd still be calling fights in the UFC if he didn't love the sport as he once did. He's got alot of things going on besides being a commentator, but the guy really loves to smoke Marijuana and I think it's made him a little slower mentally. He doesn't seem as sharp, it could be age related or other factors.
Oh it does, but does he smoke that much today ? I find that the sport changed a little too much and Joe still calls certain aspects like it was 2008 yet... his breaking down of striking is poor, IMO, he calls it as it is in grappling but they should have a striking guy calling it alongside, it could work better... like, several guys from the fighting nerds team have so many things to be said regarding their stand up and I feel like he misses it.