*** Kirks Championships *** | 2021 Boxing Prediction League

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by kirk, Dec 31, 2020.

  1. nellybc

    nellybc Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Nov 2, 2010
    I haven't seen it or read it so I just dont trust RTD. They seem to change their mind like the wind. Didn't want to jump in and get it wrong.
    Robney likes this.
  2. David B

    David B Nazi Russia lies. This is the only truth. Full Member

    Feb 25, 2006

    How can i leave the league .
    Coming here and picking fights has been an absolute pleasure for the last 12-13 years .
    No matter how busy i am , picking fights is not time - consuming.
    Watching the fights of the sport i love can be a bit tricky sometimes..
    There are 3 people outside me and my wife who know about this.
    And you guys of course too .
    sasto, Robney, pincai and 1 other person like this.
  3. MrHello

    MrHello Active Member Full Member

    Jun 12, 2016
    Booker UD, Juarez KO, Apochi KO, Harrison SD.
    pincai and CST80 like this.
  4. CST80

    CST80 Liminal Space Autochthon Staff Member

    Nov 23, 2013
    Hot damn!!!!:ARMS1:
    pincai, David B and MrHello like this.
  5. Drinquor

    Drinquor Texas Representative Full Member

    Apr 16, 2011
    I need you to make the picks on the four fights @CST80 added for them to count in the league. You are the last one left!
    johnny_o likes this.
  6. JMotrain

    JMotrain Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    Andrade UD
    Paul KO
    Prograis KO
  7. Wizbit1013

    Wizbit1013 Drama go, and don't come back Full Member

    Mar 17, 2018
  8. David B

    David B Nazi Russia lies. This is the only truth. Full Member

    Feb 25, 2006

    thanks Chris
    by the way
    my wife is Ukrainian and also a big boxing geek
    last week she was wondering when you will make a thread about the next Eastern European top prospect
    we are both big fans of your work and read it together , then watch the vids
    sasto, pincai and CST80 like this.
  9. lepinthehood

    lepinthehood When I'm drinking you leave me well alone banned Full Member

    Aug 27, 2011
    Booker KO, jaurez KO, apochi KO, Harrison ko
  10. CST80

    CST80 Liminal Space Autochthon Staff Member

    Nov 23, 2013
    johnny_o, lepinthehood and pincai like this.
  11. David B

    David B Nazi Russia lies. This is the only truth. Full Member

    Feb 25, 2006

    thanks Nelly and thank you for the wbk
    have discovered it this year and it is awesome
    have a new favourite waste of time besides the league for the next 15 years
  12. f1ght3rz

    f1ght3rz Ronaldoooo is crying in his caaaaaar Full Member

    Jan 31, 2018
    Booker fight is off btw.
    pincai and CST80 like this.
  13. CST80

    CST80 Liminal Space Autochthon Staff Member

    Nov 23, 2013
    That's awesome, it's always extra badass to find someone who shares your passions. That's a rarity. Tell her I appreciate it, and I've made two recently that you guys may have missed, because unfortunately they didn't last long on the main page. There's several others I've had my eye on, but have been lazy lately. but... I'll try to pick up my output.
    Kamshybek Kunkabayev: A Cold Wind Blows From Kyzylorda- The Cruiserweight Killdozer Of Kazakhstan.
    Ali Izmailov: The Malevolent Malgobeksky District Mangler-The Cruiserweight Icepick Of Ingushetia.
    johnny_o and David B like this.
  14. David B

    David B Nazi Russia lies. This is the only truth. Full Member

    Feb 25, 2006

    indeed we missed it
    we watch it tomorrow afternoon from the IPAD on our terrace under the parasol
    much appreciated !
    CST80 likes this.
  15. lbarrow

    lbarrow Well-Known Member Full Member

    Dec 17, 2004
    Cunningham tko 5
    Askren tko 7
    Prograis tko 6
    Andrade ud